November 15th, 2020 by JoAnne Bassett

I am having a one week Black Friday Sale that starts today November 15 and ends November 22 at 5 pm EST. It will be a 50% off sale and then on November 23 the original prices will be 30% off until all of my perfume inventory is sold.
I am done. This is your chance to get it while you can. My life is going in another direction.
These are extraordinary gifts of a lifetime. I am exiting the perfume business and releasing my stock. First come first sold! I will not hold any inventory for you.
The Mastery 2020 Collections are almost gone. The Sovereign Collections have a limited supply also.
My $6.00 individual samples are not on sale but the sample sets are. Please purchase those.
My Custom Perfumes and Custom Potions are not on sale. This will be your final chance to have one made. I have only 5 royal blue hand blown bottles left and no other colors. If you want a hand blown glass with the 1/2 ounce parfum from the More Life Collection or Limited Edition Collection you can receive one until they are gone.

Royal Blue bottle
My Luscious Roses perfume is my most expensive perfume and is not on sale. Here is your chance to stock up on them. I do not have any red hand blown bottles in stock.
It is a lot of work changing all of the individual prices of all of the collections. I changed most of them. For the ones not changed please go here to order the sizes of the perfumes and tell me which perfume to go with the payment. Email me at
I have created a Close Out Sale page under the Perfume Collections that has a way to order items I did not change the prices on.
I also have a perfume kit and some empty perfume bottles, essential oils, etc. on sale on my Etsy store. It is 30% off there and some on 50% closeout.. not 50% over all as Etsy takes a fee.
If you have any questions please email me I do not answer my phone or answer facebook pm.
This is your chance to stock up on the JoAnne Bassett natural perfumes you love…they are encoded with intentions and alchemy. Your chance of a lifetime…
Please share this blog post with your friends.
Thank you for being my clients.. have a great holiday season.
Alchemically yours,
Posted in Alchemy perfume, Animalic natural perfumes, Bespoke, Botanical Perfume, Christmas perfume gift set, Custom Bespoke Parfum, custom perfume, eau de perfume, empowerment natural perfumes, empowerment sample set, essential oils, etsy shop, French Collection, Gift Box, Holiday perfume gift set, JoAnne Bassett, Leather Collection, Light Perfumes, Limited Edition Parfum, luxury natural perfume, Magic Potion, Mastery 2020 collection, More Life Collection, natural perfume, natural perfumes, New Earth Collection, perfume, perfume kits, Perfume Potions, perfume samples, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy, Royal Alchemy Collection, Royal Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense, Sale, Sample Sprayers, Sovereign Collection Perfumes, Travel Sprayers, vegan and organic perfum
April 29th, 2020 by JoAnne Bassett

Mother’s Day in the States is Sunday, May 10. To honor all of the Mothers, Grandmothers, Mother in Laws, and Mothers of plants and fur babies…etc. I am offering a 20% off sale from today until May 10 at midnight EST.
There are some beautifully energetic and fragrant gifts that will sure to please included in this special sale.
There are only a handful of peacock boxes left. All Perfume Collections with a 1 oz bottle and a free travel sprayer filled with your choice of eau de parfum will arrive in this box until they are gone. While supply lasts! Go to The Gift Box to make your choice and to order.

So you can be all you can be this year of Mastery…I offer you the Mastery 2020 Collection on sale.
These boxes are almost gone also. If you like this style order yours today. While supply lasts!
Tell the universe you’re ready to receive love, abundance and absolute purpose in the new decade. Be activated now!
Infused with some of the purest ingredients you’ll ever find, these are unlike “any” perfume you’ll find.
They’re more like “magical potions” than they are perfumes.
Anoint yourself daily and receive the love you’re missing…the abundance you’re calling in…
and the feeling of fulfillment that comes from a deep sense of purpose. There are 3 options to choose from.

The 5 ml perfume in organic jojoba oil (very potent!)

Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose perfume in oil

Imagine walking into a mist of healing scent!
1 oz eau de perfume spray with a bonus 5 ml travel spray that’s filled to the brim with your choice of magical potion eau perfume.
Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose eau de perfume

1 oz eau de perfume spray with a bonus 5 ml travel spray that’s filled to the brim with your choice of magical potion eau perfume, and the 5 ml perfume in organic jojoba oil (very potent!)
Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose Collections
Be the Master of Your Life! Order these perfumes today! We are at the end of April… how long do you want to wait to have the life you have dreamed of?
We are now quarantined…this is the perfect time to look at your life, make changes where needed… This is the perfect time for you to receive it all.

Sample Sets are perfect gifts for your service providers, neighbors or yourself. These are for both men and women. They are now on sale also.
Scroll down to the very bottom to see the long list of sample sets on sale!
If you have any difficulty with the shopping cart not working on my website please send me a message. Thank you.
Shipping is always FREE with every purchase in the USA. It is a flat fee of $15.00 everywhere else.
Many blessings.
Alchemically yours,
Posted in Alchemy perfume, Botanical Perfume, eau de parfum, eau de perfume, empowerment natural perfumes, Fragrant Luxury Elixirs, French Collection, Gift Box, JoAnne Bassett, Limited Edition Parfum, luxury natural perfume, Mastery 2020 collection, More Life Collection, natural perfume, natural perfumes, perfume, perfumes, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy, Royal Alchemy Collection, Royal Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense perfume, Sale, Summon Your Life Partner, Travel Sprayers, vegan and organic perfum
November 24th, 2019 by JoAnne Bassett

Are you ready?
Do you want to know the details of my Wow Wednesday Sale? Ok.. it starts today Wednesday, November 27 and ends Tuesday, December 2 at 8 pm EST.
What is the discount? 30% off. The prices on my website will reflect this discount.
All USA shipping is now free on all orders with no minimum purchase. All International shipping to everywhere is only $15.00 on all orders.
What is included? The list with links follows.

Gift Boxes
All Gift Box Collections with the Peacock Boxes with royal blue travel sprayers are included. Regular prices of $150, 170, and $190
Also see Women’ s Empowerment

Sample Sets

These natural perfume sample sets are great stocking stuffers. They are already reduced and now on 30% off also. Perfume Sample Sets in organza bags offer easy, gift giving ideas. Perfect for family, friends, co workers, teachers, service providers, etc.
Perfume Kit

For the budding natural perfumer a DIY kit that will please both women and men.
Travel Sprayers

Two of my most popular carry with you travel sprayers for both women and men:
Sensual Embrace
Happy Holidays!
The first 10 orders over $100.00 on my website will receive a 5 ml travel sprayer filled with my Limited Edition Holiday Cheer eau de perfume!

This festive Holiday eau de perfume can be worn or sprayed around you. All the best scents of the season!
Notes: Frankincense, Clementine, Nutmeg, Blue Hemlock Spruce, Clove Bud, Tangerine, Balsam Fir, White Spruce, Cardamom, Patchouli, and Grapefruit. A very happy and uplifting perfume.
Don’t wait there are only 10 available in these beautiful, glass travel sprayers with gold floral pattern with a gold sprayer top or a silver floral pattern with a silver sprayer top. It will be packaged in a black velveteen bag or organza bag. Please one per person.

Both Sovereign Collection packages are on close out sale until they are gone. Limited quantities available!
Enjoy the Wow Wednesday specials … this is my way of giving back for all of your support in 2019. Thank you all.
Happy Holidays. Many blessings.
Posted in Animalic natural perfumes, Botanical Perfume, Christmas perfume gift set, eau de parfum, eau de perfume, empowerment natural perfumes, empowerment sample set, essential oils, Fragrant Luxury Elixirs, French Collection, Gift Box, Holiday perfume gift set, JoAnne Bassett, JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfume Group, JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes, Leather Collection, Limited Edition Parfum, luxury natural perfume, make your own perfume, modern perfume, More Life Collection, natural perfume, natural perfumes, perfume, perfume samples, perfumes, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy, Royal Alchemy Collection, Royal Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense, Sacred Frankincense perfume, Sale, samples, Sovereign Collection Perfumes, Travel Sprayers, vegan and organic perfum
December 1st, 2018 by JoAnne Bassett

JoAnne Bassett natural perfumes offers exquisite and exclusive gifts for this holiday season. Do you love giving gifts that people cannot find everywhere? We have just the perfect offerings for you! We have all price ranges from sample sizes to hand blown perfume bottle gift boxes.

Magical perfumes with intentions that will make all your dreams come true!

Empowering perfumes
Theses powerful perfumes are for both women and men. Want more confidence? More financial abundance? Do you feel worthy? Theses perfumes have been encoded with alchemy and intention to support you on your journey in life.

Sacred Frankincense is a must for the holidays and beyond. It offers protection and helps with meditation and prayer. The Royal Alchemy Collection is based on this precious frankincense.

There are many gift box offerings. There are gift box perfume sets with a 30 ml bottle with a free 5 ml travel sprayer filled with eau de parfum.

Don’t forget the most luxurious gift of all – the hand blown glass perfume bottles with parfum. These are found in the individual collections. There is a limited supply available for this season.

The hand blown glass perfume amphoras are truly an elegant way to display your perfume collection.

May the joys of the season bring you much happiness, light and love.
Posted in Animalic natural perfumes, Botanical Perfume, Christmas perfume gift set, eau de parfum, eau de perfume, empowerment natural perfumes, empowerment sample set, essential oils, Gift Box, Holiday perfume gift set, JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes, luxury natural perfume, modern perfume, natural perfume, natural perfumes, perfume samples, perfumes, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense perfume, Travel Sprayers, vegan and organic perfum
November 20th, 2018 by JoAnne Bassett

My Etsy store is having a 6 day sale starting today. With a $50 minimum purchase you get 20% off. Go there now as there are limited quantities on some perfumes.
There are many natural perfumes to choose from and all prices. From stocking stuffers:

To coffret gift boxes:

Please note there is a limited supply of coffret boxes left. When they are gone that is it!
To peacock gift box sets:

To hand blown perfume bottles in gift boxes:
A very limited supply of these are available.

I am sure you will find botanical gifts that will please you and the ones on your gift list.

Please make this a loving holiday and bring love, joy, peace and gratitude where ever you go. My perfumes are created to raise your vibrations to love and above. Just wear them and feel the difference.
Don’t forget to go to my website for magical and empowering perfumes that are not found on my Etsy site.
Happy Holidays!
Posted in Botanical Perfume, Christmas perfume gift set, eau de perfume, empowerment natural perfumes, empowerment sample set, essential oils, etsy shop, Gift Box, Holiday perfume gift set, luxury natural perfume, natural perfume, Natural Perfume First Aid Kit, natural perfumes, perfume, Perfume Potions, perfume samples, Perfumes With A Purpose, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense
December 16th, 2017 by JoAnne Bassett

People often ask me which scents are for attracting more love into my life? Which natural perfumes are for abundance? Which perfumes are for sensuality or aphrodisiacs?
I have compiled a short list under the choosing a scent tab. Scroll all the way to the bottom until you come to Benefits of a Natural Perfume. All of my natural perfumes have benefits and I have not categorized all of them. Let your nose be your guide.. and what you are attracted to wearing…that is probably one you need.
Choosing A Scent
Benefits of a Natural Perfume
When you wear these natural perfumes you will receive these benefits. You will be attracting abundance or love for example. Wearing these botanical fragrances with intention you are drawing these aspects to you and becoming the intention you have set. The magical perfumes have been encoded using Royal Alchemy. Using my Aromatherapy education I am able to create perfumes for various conditions of the physical body, and the emotional body.
Abundance – Abundance, Josephine, Petit Trianon, Vert, Intimacy, Activation Spray
Aphrodisiac – Aphrodisiac, Sacred Elixir Collection, Temptress
Beautiful – To feel more beautiful. Luscious Roses, I Love You
Centered – Napoleon
Chakras – Sacred Alchemy Collection on Etsy, Chakra 7 on Etsy
Clarity of Life Purpose – Napoleon
Confidence – Contessa, Indulgence, Napoleon,
Esoteric benefits – Sacred Alchemy Collection on Etsy
Grounding – Italian Smoke, Napoleon
Heart Chakra Opening – Luscious Roses, Indulgence, I Love You
Hormones – Sacred Elixir Collection
Infinite Possibilities – Dreams Come True Rocket Fuel
Meditation – Timeless, Call To Prayer, Royal Alchemy Collection
Miracles – Exalted, Dreams Come True Rocket Fuel
Power – Napoleon
Protection – Royal Alchemy Collection
Self Esteem – Opulence, Indulgence
Self Love – Luscious Roses, Indulgence, I Love You
Sensuality – Sensual Embrace, Contessa, Dark Mistress
Sexual Problems – Sacred Elixir Collection, Clearing Sexual/Emotional Blocks
Sovereignty – Your Queen-dom Marie Antoinette, Your Kingdom – Arabian Leather
Success – Dreams Come True Rocket Fuel
Posted in Animalic natural perfumes, Botanical Perfume, eau de parfum, eau de perfume, essential oils, etsy shop, French Collection, Gift Box, Leather Collection, Limited Edition Parfum, Lucid Dreaming, luxury natural perfume, Magic Potion, modern perfume, More Life Collection, natural perfume, natural perfumes, perfume, Perfume Potions, perfume samples, perfumes, Perfumes With A Purpose, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy, Royal Alchemy Collection, Royal Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense perfume, Sample Sprayers, samples, To Receive Activation Spray, vegan and organic perfum
December 15th, 2017 by JoAnne Bassett

Yes time for new horizons. I am moving the end of the month so the less inventory I have to pack and ship is better!
On my Etsy store I also sell supplies, essential oils and absolutes, perfume kit accent notes, crème, and more perfumes not sold on my website.
am offering a 20% off moving sale with a minimum purchase of $75.00. It starts today and ends December 22. Use code SALE12 at checkout.
Natural Botanical Perfume, Organic Luxury and Vegan by JoAnneBassett. Browse unique items from JoAnne Bassett on Etsy.
Posted in absolutes, Animalic natural perfumes, body care products, Botanical Perfume, Christmas perfume gift set, Couture Perfume, custom perfume, Divine Collection, eau de parfum, eau de perfume, empowerment sample set, essential oils, etsy shop, French Collection, Gift Box, Holiday perfume gift set, Leather Collection, Limited Edition Parfum, luxury natural perfume, Magic Potion, More Life Collection, natural perfume, natural perfumes, Oud -agarwood oil, perfume, perfume kits, Perfume Potions, perfume samples, perfumes, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy, Royal Alchemy Collection, Royal Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Sacred Frankincense, Sacred Frankincense perfume, Sale, Sample Sprayers, samples, Travel Sprayers, vegan and organic perfum
October 19th, 2017 by JoAnne Bassett

These are wonderful, reusable gold foil gift boxes with a magnetic seal and beautiful brooch. These are richly colored boxes. I took these photos with my iphone in the sun to show you the shining gold foil that runs throughout the design. The peacock boxes are a favorite of my clients. Get yours today before they are all gone! They are really lovely!

Whenever you purchase a 1 ounce eau de parfum you will receive one of these lovely boxes. I also include a free 5 ml royal blue travel size sprayer filled with the eau de parfum you ordered. That is a $30.00 or $40.00 value.

These gift boxes are lush presentation boxes and perfect for your holiday and Christmas gifts. Perfect for men or women.

Get a jump on your holiday gift shopping and order these luxury gift box sets today!!

Posted in body care products, Botanical Perfume, Christmas perfume gift set, Divine Collection, eau de parfum, eau de perfume, essential oils, French Collection, Gift Box, Holiday perfume gift set, Leather Collection, Limited Edition Parfum, luxury natural perfume, More Life Collection, natural perfume, natural perfumes, perfume, perfumes, rare and vintage essential oils, Royal Alchemy, Royal Alchemy Collection, Royal Collection, Sacred Alchemy Perfume Collection, Sacred Elixir Collection, Travel Sprayers, vegan and organic perfum