Natural Perfumes Blog

Early Black Friday Sale

November 15th, 2020 by

I am having a one week Black Friday Sale that starts today November 15 and ends November 22 at 5 pm EST.  It will be a 50% off sale and then on November 23 the original prices will be 30% off until all of my perfume inventory is sold.

I am done.  This is your chance to get it while you can.  My life is going in another direction.

These are extraordinary gifts of a lifetime. I am exiting the perfume business and releasing my stock.  First come first sold! I will not hold any inventory for you.

The Mastery 2020 Collections are almost gone.  The Sovereign Collections have a limited supply also.

My $6.00 individual samples are not on sale but the sample sets are. Please purchase those.

My Custom Perfumes and Custom Potions are not on sale.  This will be your final chance to have one made.  I have only 5 royal blue hand blown bottles left and no other colors.  If you want a hand blown glass with the 1/2 ounce parfum from the More Life Collection or Limited Edition Collection you can receive one until they are gone.

Royal Blue bottle

My Luscious Roses perfume is my most expensive perfume and is not on sale.  Here is your chance to stock up on them. I do not have any red hand blown bottles in stock.  

It is a lot of work changing all of the individual prices of all of the collections.  I changed most of them. For the ones not changed please go here to order the sizes of the perfumes and tell me which perfume to go with the payment.  Email me at

I have created a Close Out Sale page under the Perfume Collections that has a way to order items I did not change the prices on.

I also have a perfume kit and some empty perfume bottles, essential oils, etc. on sale on my Etsy store. It is 30% off there and some on 50% closeout.. not 50% over all as Etsy takes a fee.

If you have any questions please email me  I do not answer my phone or answer facebook pm.

This is your chance to stock up on the JoAnne Bassett natural perfumes you love…they are encoded with intentions and alchemy.  Your chance of a lifetime…

Please share this blog post with your friends.

Thank you for being my clients.. have a great holiday season.

Alchemically yours,



Time To Give Back

April 30th, 2020 by

In these times of quarantine, stress and more…how about giving back to the people risking their lives to help us on a daily basis.

A HUGE thank you to all of the healthcare workers and service providers out there right now. We are unbelievably grateful for your bravery and support during these trying times. The essential workers are essential to us.

What I know about the immune system and stress is… release all anxiety and stress to keep a strong immune system. Being an aromatherapist I know that essential oils can be very helpful to relieve stress.

I am offering my First Aid Kit at 30 % off as a gift to our essential workers in our community.

This kit includes 5 of my favorite natural perfumes I wear all of the time.

The 5 Natural Perfumes are Italian Smoke for grounding, Indulgence for heart opening and self esteem, Timeless for meditation and a general feel good, Josephine for abundance – financial and for all good things, and Contessa for confidence.

Just apply these perfumes when and where on your body you desire!

This kit includes five 1 ml eau de perfumes in Amber Vials with Black Phenolic Caps. These caps are good for liquids and they do not leak. They are packaged in an ivory satin bag. 1 ml makes the bottle 1/2 full.

Natural Perfumes First Aid Kit Sprayers 

This kit includes 2 ml sprayers of all 5 eau de perfumes listed above.  These are 3 ml sprayers so they will not be full.

Disease is created when our emotions like anger, fear, doubt, worry are running non stop.  If these emotions get stuck in your body they result in  dis – ase.  That is not being at ease. All of my natural perfumes are encoded with Royal Alchemy to uplift, bring joy, raising your vibrations.  They are also filled with Divine Light so when you wear these magical perfumes you will feel better.  The essential oils also offer some protection.  I am not a doctor so please consult your doctor or medical provider if you are feeling sick.

I am offering Sample Sets of natural perfumes that are for both women and men at 20% off until May 10. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the complete list of collections in the drop down menu.

Perhaps you would want natural perfume samples and a First Aid Kit to help with your stress at this time.

#healthcareheroes #healthcareworkers #givebacktothecommunity #covid19 #thankyouessentialworkers


Cyber Monday Sale

December 2nd, 2019 by

My Wow Wednesday Sale on my website has now covered Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and today the Cyber Monday Sale.

Santa has been busy mailing out those precious natural perfumes for your loved ones… Is your order in?

Hurry the 30% off sale on selected items ends Tuesday, December 3 at 8 pm EST. See the latest post for the list of items on sale. I have added the Women’s Empowerment Collection.  Remember these perfumes make great gifts all year round…

Also my Etsy store sale is 20% off everything listed there.  I do not have sales very often so here is your chance…

All good things must come to an end so hop over there now as that sale ends Wednesday, December 4.  

Ho Ho Ho!


Black Friday Sale

November 29th, 2019 by

I am giving away ten beautiful floral design glass 5 ml  travel sprayers with a gift bag to the first 10 people who spend $100 on my website JoAnne Bassett.  These silver and gold sprayers are filled with my Limited Edition Holiday Cheer.  Grab them now as they are going fast!

I am offering 30% off on selected items on  and Closeout prices on my 2 Sovereign Collection gift boxes. Going, going, gone…This sale ends Tuesday, December 3. See my recent email for the Sale Details.

My Etsy store is now 20% off everythingGo there now and save.  This sale ends Wednesday, December 4.

Enjoy this Holiday Season…be sure to spray on my empowerment perfumes daily to keep you centered, grounded and holding your highest intentions.  If you have seasonal stress due to family dinners, and more… I offer a beautiful Harmony At Home Gift Package.  Spraying this natural perfume in the rooms where you will be dining and having conversations will help to restore balance and peace.

If you want more ideas or to read a list of benefits of my botanical perfumes go here.  My perfumes do not only smell good.. they are good for you…body, mind and Spirit. I create them using rare, vintage essential oils, and the highest quality of absolutes and oils I can procure.  I have 26 years of Aromatherapy and natural perfumery experience and knowledge I bring to my Classic Perfumes. I also perform royal alchemy and more on them. You will know they are energetically superior to the synthetics and mixed media sold in the marketplace. You will feel and smell the difference.

I see my organic natural perfumes as little bottles of light going out into the world raising the vibrations to love and above.  People wearing my fragrances will experience peace, love, joy and so much more.

Many blessings,



Are You Depressed?

November 3rd, 2019 by

This is a photo of Vintage 2001 St. John’s Wort hydro distilled essential oils from the Himalayas. The regular steam distilled essential oil is no where as near as potent as this oil.

It is a beautiful essential oil that is used often for depression. A person can be mildly depressed or have chronic depression. When I was doing many aromatherapy consultations I have discovered people can be depressed living in Southern California near the beach in full sun. It is a state of mind. There are many people affected with SAD – the lack of light syndrome people get in the long, grey winter months. Many people living in the Seattle area suffer from depression from all of the rain and dark days. They often commit suicide as they cannot take it.

This 5 mls of rare and precious hydrodistilled essential oil will arrive in a 1 inch square glass perfume bottle with a gold cap so you can admire the color. It comes packaged in an ivory satin bag. The 2 mls will arrive in an amber bottle with black phenolic cone cap in an ivory bag.

Use a few drops in your bath…or put in a diffuser.

2 mls of Vintage 2001 St. John’s Wort hydro distilled essential oil from the Himalayas – Price $40.00

5 mls of Vintage 2001 St. John’s Wort hydro distilled essential oil from the Himalayas – Price $85.00

To purchase.

This is a photo of the rich and deep Vintage 2000 Jasmine Sambac absolute from India. It is so unbelievable and beautiful. Jasmine is a serious feminine oil and is an amazing aphrodisiac.

When I was unpacking boxes I realized I still had a lot of it after all of this time and have decided to share it with the world. I use this oil in my Custom bespoke natural perfumes and my Custom Perfume Potions. Now is your chance to have some of this rare and precious oil for yourself.

2 mls is $40.00 and will come in a small amber vial with a black phenolic cap in an ivory satin bag.

Use a few drops in your bath…or put in a diffuser.

Price: $40.00 for 2 mls Vintage 2000 Jasmine Sambac absolute from India

To purchase.

5 mls is $85.00 and it will arrive in a 1 inch square glass perfume bottle with a gold cap so you can admire the color.

To purchase.

Limited supplies available! These amazing oils have great energy if you are wondering… The aging is like fine wine…If you want to try these gems.. now is the time.


Moving Sale 20% off on Etsy

December 15th, 2017 by

Yes time for new horizons.  I am moving the end of the month so the less inventory I have to pack and ship is better!

On my Etsy store I also sell supplies, essential oils and absolutes, perfume kit accent notes, crème, and more perfumes not sold on my website.

am offering a 20% off moving sale with a minimum purchase of $75.00. It starts today and ends December 22. Use code SALE12 at checkout.

Natural Botanical Perfume, Organic Luxury and Vegan by JoAnneBassett.  Browse unique items from JoAnne Bassett on Etsy.




Amazing Sale Happens Soon!

November 19th, 2017 by

I want to make sure you are receiving all notices of my special sales and announcements in a timely manner. Sometimes I have a new product, an event, or a sale that is happening soon. If you do not read my blog page that is connected to my website you will miss out.  Sometimes my sales are for a weekend only.  The only way you can be sure of “being in the know” is to sign up for my newsletter. On my home page of my website there is a section that is for signing up for a free report.  Free! The Fragrance Report: Scents & Memories. Fill out your name and email address to receive this free report and to be placed on my newsletter list.  By doing so you will also receive the Discount Code for my sales on my ETSY store. The newsletter is the only place I will share the code.

My ETSY store has other items like closeout fragrances, supplies, Sacred Alchemy perfumes, essential oils, accent notes for perfume kits, and more.  My website JoAnne Bassett has items that my ETSY store does not have also. The Magical Perfumes,  Out of Body Magic Potion, Custom Perfume Potions, Custom Perfumes, etc.

So to begin the Holiday Season I am offering a 20% off sale of my whole ETSY store from November 20 through December 1. The minimum order is $50.00.  Go to today’s newsletter to learn the code.  If you have not signed up for the newsletter do so today!

There are lovely gift boxes with natural eau de parfums with travel sprayers filled with the same scent.

Many stocking stuffers such as perfume potions, perfumes, samples and sample sets.

I recently started a 1 hour Reading with free Custom Perfume Potion ($500 value) for $1,111.00.  That offer expires soon and the reading must be before December 13.  Act fast to get on my calendar before it goes away!

Make sure you join my JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes Facebook Group for a new experience.

Join me on Facebook & You Tube:

  • Public Fan Page:
  • Private Facebook Group: “JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes” Community, click here or copy/paste this link:
  •   You may also share with those friends or family members who you feel may also resonate with my magical alchemy and natural perfumes. 
  • You Tube channel, where you will find free videos offering more information about my natural perfumes, the ingredients, the intentions, how natural perfumes are different than synthetic dept store perfumes, etc. Remember to subscribe, so you can be notified when new videos are uploaded: You Tube
 When you join my newsletter and receive my emails:

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JoAnne Bassett Etsy Store Sale

March 27th, 2017 by

Today is a New Moon in Aries.  Soon I will be celebrating my birthday.  On my birthday I like to offer a special sale as a gift to my clients and followers.  Passover and Easter holidays are coming soon so now is a perfect time to hold a big sale to celebrate all of these!

I am offering a 25% off my whole Etsy store.  I sell some things that are not sold on my regular website JoAnne Bassett.  Please go to my etsy site and see what amazing perfumes you can find. Now is a good time to get your special gifts for Passover and Easter.  Also Mother’s Day is coming soon in May so this is an opportunity for purchasing a gift for her.

Hurry sale ends April 16. Happy shopping!
