Natural Perfumes Blog

Time To Give Back

April 30th, 2020 by

In these times of quarantine, stress and more…how about giving back to the people risking their lives to help us on a daily basis.

A HUGE thank you to all of the healthcare workers and service providers out there right now. We are unbelievably grateful for your bravery and support during these trying times. The essential workers are essential to us.

What I know about the immune system and stress is… release all anxiety and stress to keep a strong immune system. Being an aromatherapist I know that essential oils can be very helpful to relieve stress.

I am offering my First Aid Kit at 30 % off as a gift to our essential workers in our community.

This kit includes 5 of my favorite natural perfumes I wear all of the time.

The 5 Natural Perfumes are Italian Smoke for grounding, Indulgence for heart opening and self esteem, Timeless for meditation and a general feel good, Josephine for abundance – financial and for all good things, and Contessa for confidence.

Just apply these perfumes when and where on your body you desire!

This kit includes five 1 ml eau de perfumes in Amber Vials with Black Phenolic Caps. These caps are good for liquids and they do not leak. They are packaged in an ivory satin bag. 1 ml makes the bottle 1/2 full.

Natural Perfumes First Aid Kit Sprayers 

This kit includes 2 ml sprayers of all 5 eau de perfumes listed above.  These are 3 ml sprayers so they will not be full.

Disease is created when our emotions like anger, fear, doubt, worry are running non stop.  If these emotions get stuck in your body they result in  dis – ase.  That is not being at ease. All of my natural perfumes are encoded with Royal Alchemy to uplift, bring joy, raising your vibrations.  They are also filled with Divine Light so when you wear these magical perfumes you will feel better.  The essential oils also offer some protection.  I am not a doctor so please consult your doctor or medical provider if you are feeling sick.

I am offering Sample Sets of natural perfumes that are for both women and men at 20% off until May 10. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the complete list of collections in the drop down menu.

Perhaps you would want natural perfume samples and a First Aid Kit to help with your stress at this time.

#healthcareheroes #healthcareworkers #givebacktothecommunity #covid19 #thankyouessentialworkers


Be Safe Hand Spray

March 30th, 2020 by

The best laid plans…

As most of you know (if you listened to my Facebook Live on my Facebook personal page) …

I had planned on being on a tour in Egypt for 15 days over my birthday on April 1.

The tour was cancelled and I have been home in quarantine like most of you!  Going out to the post office to mail my perfume orders and buying groceries is the extent of my outings.  So I am shipping orders now …

As many of you know my natural perfumes are created with aromatherapy principles…using very high quality essential oils.

They are comforting,  calming, and they soothe the emotions and bring you peace. They release fear which is not good for the immune system and they open your heart chakra so you can feel more love and so much more. Please go here to read more about the natural perfume benefits you receive when wearing my natural fragrances.

Weeks ago I brought back my Healer Synergy to use on your body and in a face mask for protection and more. I have reduced the price to make it more available to some.

Today I realized I could do more with all of the empty spray perfume bottles I have in boxes….

I am launching a Be Safe Hand Spray.  It is a hand sanitizer created with powerful essential oils to keep you safe.  Release the germs from your hands with a simple spray… it is a bottle you will want to carry with you. The stores are out of hand sanitizer and others are charging enormous prices for it.

Using essential oils known for their antibacterial, antiviral, immune boosting, and calming properties, Be Safe hand spray contains 70% germ zapping Organic 190 proof grain alcohol, and coconut oil, to prevent your hands from drying out from repeated use.

Directions: Spray on your palms, ends of your fingers, back of your hands, and covering all surfaces of your hands. Rub your hands together until it evaporates.

Ingredients: Organic grape spirits,  Fractionated coconut oil, Bulgarian Lavender, Eucalyptus Globulus, Ravensara aromatica, Italian Lemon

I am selling this hand spray at my cost.  I hope you will take advantage of this offer and protect yourself and your loved ones.

There is free shipping to the United States on any purchase on my website.  I also ship worldwide with a flat fee of just $15.00.

Also I hope you are able to purchase some magical natural perfume samples, and in the Women’s Empowerment Collection, the First Aid Kit of perfumes, and travel sprays.  I have a Spring Collection of samples I would love for you to try.  They will soothe your spirit in these trying times.

Thank you for your support!

Alchemically yours,



Cyber Monday Sale

December 2nd, 2019 by

My Wow Wednesday Sale on my website has now covered Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and today the Cyber Monday Sale.

Santa has been busy mailing out those precious natural perfumes for your loved ones… Is your order in?

Hurry the 30% off sale on selected items ends Tuesday, December 3 at 8 pm EST. See the latest post for the list of items on sale. I have added the Women’s Empowerment Collection.  Remember these perfumes make great gifts all year round…

Also my Etsy store sale is 20% off everything listed there.  I do not have sales very often so here is your chance…

All good things must come to an end so hop over there now as that sale ends Wednesday, December 4.  

Ho Ho Ho!


Black Friday Sale

November 29th, 2019 by

I am giving away ten beautiful floral design glass 5 ml  travel sprayers with a gift bag to the first 10 people who spend $100 on my website JoAnne Bassett.  These silver and gold sprayers are filled with my Limited Edition Holiday Cheer.  Grab them now as they are going fast!

I am offering 30% off on selected items on  and Closeout prices on my 2 Sovereign Collection gift boxes. Going, going, gone…This sale ends Tuesday, December 3. See my recent email for the Sale Details.

My Etsy store is now 20% off everythingGo there now and save.  This sale ends Wednesday, December 4.

Enjoy this Holiday Season…be sure to spray on my empowerment perfumes daily to keep you centered, grounded and holding your highest intentions.  If you have seasonal stress due to family dinners, and more… I offer a beautiful Harmony At Home Gift Package.  Spraying this natural perfume in the rooms where you will be dining and having conversations will help to restore balance and peace.

If you want more ideas or to read a list of benefits of my botanical perfumes go here.  My perfumes do not only smell good.. they are good for you…body, mind and Spirit. I create them using rare, vintage essential oils, and the highest quality of absolutes and oils I can procure.  I have 26 years of Aromatherapy and natural perfumery experience and knowledge I bring to my Classic Perfumes. I also perform royal alchemy and more on them. You will know they are energetically superior to the synthetics and mixed media sold in the marketplace. You will feel and smell the difference.

I see my organic natural perfumes as little bottles of light going out into the world raising the vibrations to love and above.  People wearing my fragrances will experience peace, love, joy and so much more.

Many blessings,



The Sale Details

November 24th, 2019 by

Are you ready?

Do you want to know the details of my Wow Wednesday Sale?  Ok.. it starts today Wednesday, November 27 and ends Tuesday, December 2 at 8 pm EST.

What is the discount?  30% off.  The prices on my website will reflect this discount.

All USA shipping is now free on all orders with no minimum purchase.  All International shipping to everywhere is only $15.00 on all orders.

What is included?  The list with links follows.

Gift Boxes

All Gift Box Collections with the Peacock Boxes with royal blue travel sprayers are included.  Regular prices of $150, 170, and $190

Also see Women’ s Empowerment

Sample Sets

These natural perfume sample sets are great stocking stuffers. They are already reduced and now on 30% off also. Perfume Sample Sets in organza bags offer easy, gift giving ideas.  Perfect for family, friends, co workers, teachers, service providers, etc.

Perfume Kit

For the budding natural perfumer a DIY kit that will please both women and men.

Travel Sprayers

Two of my most popular carry with you travel sprayers for both women and men:


Sensual Embrace

Happy Holidays!

The first 10 orders over $100.00 on my website will receive a 5 ml travel sprayer filled with my Limited Edition Holiday Cheer eau de perfume! 

This festive Holiday eau de perfume can be worn or sprayed around you.  All the best scents of the season!

Notes: Frankincense, Clementine, Nutmeg, Blue Hemlock Spruce, Clove Bud, Tangerine, Balsam Fir, White Spruce, Cardamom, Patchouli, and Grapefruit.  A very happy and uplifting perfume.

Don’t wait there are only 10 available in these beautiful, glass travel sprayers with gold floral pattern with a gold sprayer top or a silver floral pattern with a silver sprayer top.  It will be packaged in a black velveteen bag or organza bag.  Please one per person.

Both Sovereign Collection packages are on close out sale until they are gone.  Limited quantities available!

Enjoy the Wow Wednesday specials … this is my way of giving back for all of your support in 2019.  Thank you all. 

Happy Holidays. Many blessings.




Close Out Sale

July 20th, 2019 by

I am having a flash sale on my From Heartache To Joy offering of I AM Prosperity and I AM In Flow.

I need to reduce the number of boxes and this is the only way I can quickly.  The cut off date for this sale is July 26. There are limited quantities available for all of these collections.

There are still some Sovereign Collection gift boxes available on close out sale also.  The cut off date for this sale is July 26.

NO ORDERS WILL BE FILLED AFTER JULY 26.  Then I will be packing everything. When I get to my new location it will be weeks before I am able to mail out product.  Please keep this in mind.

Recently I decided to offer free shipping on every order on my website that is mailed to a US address. You can order a $6.00 sample and receive free shipping valued at $5.00.

Take advantage of these offers now.  I will not be going on any telesummits in the future. This is the end of deep discounts for my work.  My gift of empowering people with my perfumes remains.

I use very  high quality essential oils, absolutes, rare, precious oils and tinctures that are 100% natural.  It takes hours to create these luxury masterpieces.  The alchemy I perform on them and the cost of ingredients, bottles, gift boxes and supplies is a rare gift you do not find in the synthetic marketplace.

My artisan business is unlike any other I have ever seen. I am a Master and have been creating natural perfumes for 26 years.  My Custom Perfume Potions and Custom Perfumes take hours to create.  I tap into a person’s energy field to create exactly what they need.  Who does that?  I am not just putting the oils in the bottle my client tells me they like.  That is what is being done in the bespoke custom perfume world now. Please take note.



FREE Shipping!

July 12th, 2019 by

Over the years I have experimented with free shipping with a purchase over $100 or a set amount.  I have had holiday sales offering free shipping for a limited time period. My free shipping is only for the continental United States.

I also like to keep my natural perfumes sold exclusively on my website. The problem with having stores and boutiques selling your line is they do not stock all of the perfume choices.  You can always go to my website to my Perfumes Collections page and Perfumes Past  and see the full range of inventory. Go to the Benefits page, Choosing a Scent page and narrow down what you desire. You can buy samples and do it the Amazon way… sit in your chair and order it online.

I am moving this month so the last day to order is July 26.  Then it may be several weeks before I am ready to send packages again. Please plan for that.

Have a great rest of the summer US and try to stay cool and dry…good luck with that.


Perfume Sample Sets

May 9th, 2019 by

People often ask me for ALL of the samples of perfumes that I offer on my website.  That is a lot of samples.

To make it easy I have a Fragrance Sample page that has all of the 10 perfume collections with sample sets listed and available for sale.

I also offer individual 1 ml samples on the individual Perfume Collection pagesPlease note that not all collections offer samples.  Samples are offered in both eau de parfums in organic grape alcohol from wine grapes and parfums in organic jojoba oil in some of the collections. 

If you prefer the 2 ml sample sprayers they are also available.  These are actually 3 ml sample sprayers that are filled with 2 ml eau de perfumes.

Please email me on the contact form if you have any further inquiries.
