Natural Perfumes Blog

Early Black Friday Sale

November 15th, 2020 by

I am having a one week Black Friday Sale that starts today November 15 and ends November 22 at 5 pm EST.  It will be a 50% off sale and then on November 23 the original prices will be 30% off until all of my perfume inventory is sold.

I am done.  This is your chance to get it while you can.  My life is going in another direction.

These are extraordinary gifts of a lifetime. I am exiting the perfume business and releasing my stock.  First come first sold! I will not hold any inventory for you.

The Mastery 2020 Collections are almost gone.  The Sovereign Collections have a limited supply also.

My $6.00 individual samples are not on sale but the sample sets are. Please purchase those.

My Custom Perfumes and Custom Potions are not on sale.  This will be your final chance to have one made.  I have only 5 royal blue hand blown bottles left and no other colors.  If you want a hand blown glass with the 1/2 ounce parfum from the More Life Collection or Limited Edition Collection you can receive one until they are gone.

Royal Blue bottle

My Luscious Roses perfume is my most expensive perfume and is not on sale.  Here is your chance to stock up on them. I do not have any red hand blown bottles in stock.  

It is a lot of work changing all of the individual prices of all of the collections.  I changed most of them. For the ones not changed please go here to order the sizes of the perfumes and tell me which perfume to go with the payment.  Email me at

I have created a Close Out Sale page under the Perfume Collections that has a way to order items I did not change the prices on.

I also have a perfume kit and some empty perfume bottles, essential oils, etc. on sale on my Etsy store. It is 30% off there and some on 50% closeout.. not 50% over all as Etsy takes a fee.

If you have any questions please email me  I do not answer my phone or answer facebook pm.

This is your chance to stock up on the JoAnne Bassett natural perfumes you love…they are encoded with intentions and alchemy.  Your chance of a lifetime…

Please share this blog post with your friends.

Thank you for being my clients.. have a great holiday season.

Alchemically yours,



New Offering and Sale

September 4th, 2020 by

My 4 ml perfumes in organic jojoba oil are 32 to 36% fragrance concentration.  That is the strongest perfume concentration I have.  That means 32% of the perfume is essential oils and absolutes, and 68% is organic jojoba oil. These are priced at $100.00

I have decided to offer a 4 ml Light Perfume in 16% fragrance concentration like my eau de parfums in organic grape alcohol.  These will be created with fractionated coconut oil as a base. These will be priced at $50.00.  I am experimenting to see if this is something people want. Please go to the Light Perfumes page to order them.

My 20% off Labor Day Sale begins today and ends September 8.

I have included these perfumes in that sale:

Light Perfumes

Sovereign Collection – I am not discontinuing it.. people continue to order it. It is very much needed at this time. Being Sovereign in standing in your power.

Mastery 2020

Gift Box Collections

I also have 20% off on my Etsy store until September 8.

I no longer offer free shipping at either store. If there is anything not working on my website please send me a message on the contact form. Thank you.

Have a fun holiday!  Get outside and enjoy nature.  Fall is approaching…enjoy the flowers and your gardens.


New Beginnings

June 24th, 2020 by

In 1977 I was married, bought a house and planted my first rose garden in the yard.  Over the years I moved to new states,  bought new roses, and grew some in pots on my deck or patio.  Some of these roses moved multiple times in pots. They became my family, along with potted gardenias, jasmines, and many others. When I left Orange County, California I left my roses there.

Last year when I moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina I started over… New beginnings with my rose collection.  I ordered some David Austin roses and others.  They were own root roses and arrived in 1 gallon containers. Starting over with new rose varieties I have never grown before.  Today I am sharing my first bloom from Double Delight hybrid tea rose.  This is a rose I walked by on a regular basis when I had my perfume boutique in La Jolla, CA.  This is a very fragrant rose and I am so happy I finally have her in my new collection.

These roses are very small plants and just leafing out now in June.  Fertilizing them with stinky liquid fish fertilizer will help them grow, bloom and prosper.

What are you doing for your growth?  What new beginnings are you creating in your life?  You are the creator of your life! Just like roses we need to keep giving ourselves the nourishment, self love so we can grow, bloom and prosper.

We are now in the second half of this 2020 year of Mastery.  What steps have you taken?  We have had 3 to 4 months now of Covid quarantine to go inside and meditate… ask ourselves what we really want and more. What inspires you? It starts with a bud… then you focus on it.. feed it.. and it blooms into a beautiful rose.

I created the Mastery 2020 Collection this year to support you on this journey. It is amazing that I tuned in to this way before the Covid became a reality.  All of the changes that came about as a result of this pandemic.  My Mastery 2020 Collection is still available to support you through this time.  Which area of your life do you want to improve?  The choices for this collection are Abundance, Love or Purpose.  Some of my clients have purchased all 3 perfumes. 

This is also a time of taking back your power… living as a Sovereign being. Release all unworthiness.  This will be a catalyst in your life to have a new beginning. Start today!

I created the Sovereign Collection  to empower people. It is my life mission and raising your frequency to love, peace and joy.  With all of the Royal and Divine Alchemy, Divine Light, and the encoding I add to these perfumes, you will be effortlessly supported. The other added benefit is the lovely vibrations you will feel when you apply these perfumes. What are you waiting for?

The time is now… are you living your full potential and life purpose?  Make the last 6 months of this amazing year the best ever. 

It starts with you!


What others are saying:

The highlighted words in my postings are the descriptors from Ida Meister at It’s been a very long time since I smelled a collection of this calibre from start to finish.

Tiffanie – It is a pleasure to open a vial and smell gorgeous oakmoss or rose or frankincense . . . oh, it is just amazing how each of the beautiful notes is so real. And the notes in each fragrance are combined in amazing and delightful ways. Your fragrances have an impact and loveliness I have not experienced in perfume for many, many years. I now know that natural perfumery is right for me and my nose. Thank you!


Memorial Day Special

May 21st, 2020 by

I was just looking at some document files and I came to I AM Prosperity Perfume Collection.  This was an offering for From Heartache to Joy in June 26, 2019.  So I thought well why not offer this VIP Collection again.  It was so popular the first time. Here is a link to the original post from last year.

I will be offering the I AM Prosperity Perfume Collection Package at the same price $217.00 which is 74% off and includes shipping worldwide.

I AM Prosperity Perfume Collection

Having what you desire is as easy as claiming I AM Prosperous. This I AM Prosperity Perfume Collection will bring you in alignment with prosperity.

This package Includes:

1 oz I AM Prosperity Eau De Perfume Spray

Spray on your heart daily. You can also spray it on your neck, wrists and inner elbow.

Notes: Bulgarian White Rose Otto – the “flower of light”, Key Lime, Vintage Jasmine Sambac, Cedarwood, Gingergrass, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Benzoin, Clary Sage, Green Mandarin

6 ml Divine Love Anointing Oil Perfume

Wearing this perfume will open your heart and raise your self – esteem. Feel the Divine Love from Source that is encoded in this perfume. Wear 8 drops on your heart chakra daily.

Notes: Sacred Frankincense, Damask Rose, Lavender, Cinnamon Leaf, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, St. John’s Wort, Geranium, Palo Santo, Orange Blossom absolute

 5 ml Napoleon eau de perfume in a travel sprayer

Stand in your power when you wear Napoleon Eau de Perfume. This aromatic fragrance is musky, deep, grounding and centering. Stand fully in your body grounded in the knowing of who you truly are! Feel your own strength, claim your freedom, and live your best life now! To receive prosperity you must be centered and grounded in your body. Spray on your solar plexus chakra daily. You can also spray these on your neck, wrists and inner elbow.

Notes: Juniper Berry, Helichrysum, Bulgarian Tobacco, Rosemary Verbenon, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Cistus, Black Spruce, Myrrh, Lime, Vintage Jasmine Sambac

Refunds: For sanitary reasons, refunds or returns will only be accepted for items that are damaged in the delivery process and unusable. No returns.

JoAnne Bassett’s Light And Energy Encoded 100% Natural Perfumes for amazing shifts!

Stepping into Flow, attracting Prosperity and manifesting all your desires was never this easy and effortless!!!

Custom Perfumes and Custom Perfume Potions are available at 50% off.  Sale ended May 26, 2020.

A beautiful hand blown glass bottle holds your Custom Perfume. Lovely gold foil peacock boxes are great for a gift presentation.

I will include the I AM Affirmations PDF, my Sacred Scents Book PDF, and my Healing, Grounding, Purifying and Healing with the Divine Energies Meditation MP3.

I AM Prosperity Perfume Collection Package

Total Package Value $847

Discount 74%

Special Offer $217.00 (Includes Worldwide Shipping)

Hurry these fabulous offerings at these special prices will end Tuesday, May 26 at midnight EST.




Mother’s Day Sale

April 29th, 2020 by

Mother’s Day in the States is Sunday, May 10. To honor all of the Mothers, Grandmothers, Mother in Laws, and Mothers of plants and fur babies…etc. I am offering a 20% off sale from today until May 10 at midnight EST.

There are some beautifully energetic and fragrant gifts that will sure to please included in this special sale.

There are only a handful of peacock boxes left. All Perfume Collections with a 1 oz bottle and a free travel sprayer filled with your choice of eau de parfum will arrive in this box until they are gone. While supply lasts! Go to The Gift Box to make your choice and to order.

So you can be all you can be this year of Mastery…I offer you the Mastery 2020 Collection on sale.

These boxes are almost gone also. If you like this style order yours today. While supply lasts!

Tell the universe you’re ready to receive love, abundance and absolute purpose in the new decade. Be activated now!

Infused with some of the purest ingredients you’ll ever find, these are unlike “any” perfume you’ll find.

They’re more like “magical potions” than they are perfumes.

Anoint yourself daily and receive the love you’re missing…the abundance you’re calling in…

and the feeling of fulfillment that comes from a deep sense of purpose. There are 3 options to choose from.

The 5 ml perfume in organic jojoba oil (very potent!)

Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose perfume in oil

Imagine walking into a mist of healing scent!

1 oz eau de perfume spray with a bonus 5 ml travel spray that’s filled to the brim with your choice of magical potion eau perfume.

Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose eau de perfume 

1 oz eau de perfume spray with a bonus 5 ml travel spray that’s filled to the brim with your choice of magical potion eau perfume, and  the 5 ml perfume in organic jojoba oil (very potent!)

Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose Collections

Be the Master of Your Life! Order these perfumes today!  We are at the end of April… how long do you want to wait to have the life you have dreamed of?

We are now quarantined…this is the perfect time to look at your life, make changes where needed… This is the perfect time for you to receive it all.

Sample Sets are perfect gifts for your service providers, neighbors or yourself. These are for both men and women. They are now on sale also.

Scroll down to the very bottom to see the long list of sample sets on sale!

If you have any difficulty with the shopping cart not working on my website please send me a message. Thank you.

Shipping is always FREE with every purchase in the USA.  It is a flat fee of $15.00 everywhere else. 

Many blessings.

Alchemically yours,



What do you want to create?

April 6th, 2020 by

I received this message to share with you all. In this time of quarantine.. we can choose to begin a new life.. or remain in the old one. Doing things the way we always have.. and getting the same results. That is staying in our “comfort zone”.

This is a major reset button for the planet and for those who are aware and ready to shift in consciousness. If you choose to raise your vibration and your consciousness now is a great time to say yes. The world can use you doing your part… your divine destiny!

A year ago I created the Sovereign Collection for the You Wealth Revolution telesummit.  I was on the telesummit and sold many of these collections. They are just as viable as they were one year ago. Becoming sovereign…taking your power back…

Many people are in fear and stress and have concerns for their future. Being in fear and having stress lowers your immune system.. which in turn makes you more susceptible to dis ease.  Be proactive!  Take action now..

What do you want to be doing in your future when we are allowed to go out again?  Do you want to start your own business online.. coaching, hosting webinars, creating a product line, etc.  Now is the time to make some changes in your life.  This is a once in a lifetime chance.  You have many hours in a day to focus and get clear on the bigger picture for your life.  

Give yourself permission to give yourself all of the things you have been dreaming about…

Over the years I have given intuitive readings.. Akashic records readings, medium ship readings, healings and more.  Many people told me they do not like their lives the way they are.. jobs, relationships, health and much more.

What are you doing to change it?  I create these packages for your growth.. for your benefit, for your support.

This Sovereign Collection  has the Bubble of Divine Love and Napoleon natural perfumes that will start the process for you.. it all begins with you!

Go there to read more and discover for yourself how they can be of support to you at this time!

This Sovereign Collection 1 includes  Perfect As I AM, Divine Destiny and Releasing Limiting Beliefs natural perfumes.

Perfect As I AM eau de perfume
Just as the name implies believe in yourself! Release all unworthiness. You are whole so embrace yourself fully. This perfume is a very beautiful floral. Spray this on and give yourself a big hug. When you love and appreciate yourself, you become sovereign. You create your world.

Divine Destiny natural perfume in organic jojoba oil.

Release all negative thoughts that are creating a reality you do not desire. Use the Quantum field and work with the Divine Laws. Just by wearing this perfume you will be activated to live your live purpose. Stand in your power today.

5 ml Releasing Limiting Beliefs eau de perfume in a silver with silver dots travel sprayer

To let go of everything that no longer serves us. Detox the body of all unwanted beliefs.

This collection will jump start you and catapult you to the future that is just waiting for you to say YES.  Do so today.  Just for you. No more waiting.

Go there to read more and discover for yourself how they can be of support to you at this time!

As an added bonus.. I am making these gift packages extremely affordable .. so there are no excuses.

Are you in?

Go there now.  The special pricing will end April 15.


Valentine’s Day Sale

February 14th, 2020 by

Happy Valentine’s Day!

On this day it is traditional to give red roses to the ones you love.  Opening your heart with a hug, a kiss, a card and sharing a meal is also very common in celebration.

My intention is to share from my heart to yours on this blessed day.  I cannot give red roses to all of you…

so I thought the next best thing is my rose perfumes with all natural rose otto. They also smell a lot better than those commercial roses that have no fragrance!

So in order for you to receive my gift of roses… I am offering 20% off of my whole Etsy site  and it will run for 3 days only!

I also have added a couple of surprises not sold on my Etsy store…

My custom bespoke perfumes... they are the most blessed gift I offer…created with rare and vintage essential oils and absolutes.

My Divine light filled offering you can gift yourself or your Valentine!

For good measure I have also included the custom perfume potions.

So go there now and treat yourself or your loved ones… this sale will also end in 3 days.

I love being impromtu so please take this opportunity now.


Recodes your body and shifts your DNA…

February 6th, 2020 by

Recodes your body and shifts your DNA…


If you’re ready to up-level your body, your being and even your bank account.


JoAnne here…


Tomorrow is the final day to place your order for the Deep Love Collection.


But today I felt called to share something even more special with you.


Something to powerfully manifest your desires…


That unfolds your destiny right before you…


And uplifts your life and body…


Choose You! And activate your abundance and luxury codes with my custom perfume designed and encoded JUST to transmute your DNA.


I received an email from Paul who said he could “feel the re-encoding of his DNA” as he anointed himself daily with the custom perfume.


This perfume is designed to recalculate and align with the truth of your divinity.


No longer living a past life over and over…


You’ve now aligned with the highest vibration of your desires and Divine Destiny.


All within this ONE custom perfume …


It’s the most powerful potion I have brought to date and it is infused with the greatest amount of love & light I’m capable of channeling.


Would you like details on securing yours so you can wake up daily with the aligned love and leadership you’ve been desiring to step into?


If so…


Just hit reply to this email with “DESIRE” and I’ll reach out with details.


Alchemically in your corner,


– JoAnne
