Natural Perfumes Blog

LIMITED TIME: Activate Love, Abundance & Purpose…

December 11th, 2019 by

If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of activation in any or all three.

JoAnne here…

Transmuting energy is hard… Lifetimes of karma and energy can constipate joy and happiness in THIS lifetime. And making changes that align you with purpose as well as draw to you the love and abundance you so richly deserve, doesn’t come easy.

But the good news is you can help it along.

Which is exactly why I created the Mastery 2020 Collection…

Using these magical potions I’ve been told I transmute the energy FOR my clients as long as they apply them daily.

…but there is a problem.

I’ve had SO many people raise their hand for the new Mastery 2020 Collection since I announced it that I’ve had to come to a tough decision.

As of today I’m limiting the Collection to only 15 more orders.

Activate LOVE, ABUNDANCE, and PURPOSE in your life before Christmas by placing your order today.

The first step to receiving abundance is to allow it to come to you…

And this is all we’re asked to do.

For those who claim the Mastery 2020 Collection they will be taking the first step to receiving all the abundance, love and purpose they long for…

…and they will be the master of their new year.

Would you like to join them?

I have 15 spots available and when they’re gone they’re gone.

Orders in by the Solstice on the 21st will receive a bonus.

If you’d like to get details…

Hit reply to this email so you can get details and claim your happiness.

Alchemically in your corner,


P.S. the ingredients in these potions are RARE, Organic and Unique. They can’t be found anywhere in the world and certainly don’t come with the intention infused in every magical bottle.

Claim yours today…


Call Love Into Your Life

December 10th, 2019 by

Call love into your life (with this)…

If you miss holding hands, special sunset walks together and great sex…

JoAnne here,

A few weeks ago I offered up a special “Ready For Love” potion on the new

And those orders were snapped up immediately.

Now, that was a custom love potion perfume…

…but another full moon is upon us in a few days and I have a magical
perfume made on the new moon that will have your heart singing.

So for anyone who’s tired of Friday night take out and watching Netflix

And would, instead, rather be…

…sharing Friday nights cuddled up on the couch with their love and a good

…or out on the town holding hands and smiling so hard their face hurts
while gazing into each others eyes…

Then the Mastery 2020 Collection that includes my magical love perfume, in
a beautiful box set, is available for order now.

All you have to do is anoint yourself with 5 drops on your heart everyday
and the results are astounding within 6 months.

For example, I received this just a few days ago:

“JoAnne, I just received the Ready For Love and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the scent!

And it has already started to work in magical ways!

I bought the perfume to help me release the grief I had from the loss of
my husband, so I can move on. It’s been 8 years.

The perfume is helping me in ways I can’t even begin to describe!

Thank you again for your services! It was my Christmas present for myself

So if you’d like to experience the deepest sense of love for you and from
a partner.
Here’s what to do next Solstice is on the 21st so orders need to be in before midnight the 20th.

Hit reply to this email and I’ll get you details on Mastery 2020 (which includes LOVE) so you can secure your order.

With Alchemy on your side,


Abundance and Prosperity is a Spray Away

December 8th, 2019 by

If you’re ready for abundance to make it’s way into your world (and your bank account).

JoAnne here…

There’s a lot of people who wake up feeling as if nothing good happens for them…

And I get it…

There’s a few things they can point to such as…

They don’t feel as if they have an abundance of “true” friends.  More like just a lot of shallow acquaintances!

Or they don’t have an abundance of love because they stay home on Friday nights and “Netflix and Chill” alone.

And the most obvious one…

Far too many people feel as if they have more month at the end of their money.

So just “how” does one invite WAY more abundance into their life?

You wake up acknowledging the little things like…

…receiving a $25 gift card for the holidays from a boss…

…or a family member who invites you to use their place with a view over looking a lake, for a weekend get away.

Or even being gifted $100 from the parents to spend as you like.

Would you like those to start “popping” in your life?

I’m taking orders for the MASTERY 2020 Collection right now but the cut off is December 24th at midnight.

This 3 Perfume Potion collection includes ABUNDANCE…

So you can invite money, miracles and meaning into your life through a higher vibration so you can claim victory of your life.

Would you like to do this?

If so just hit reply to this email with “ABUNDANCE” to start the process.

You’re so close to anointing yourself daily and inviting massive abundance into your life…

With alchemy in your corner,


P.S. the Mastery 2020 collection is made of three magical potions, LOVE, ABUNDANCE and PURPOSE. Your life will ignite with all 3 so you can claim MASTERY over your new year.



December 6th, 2019 by

If you don’t feel purposeful and deeply desire to.

Stanley woke up most days feeling as if he had a grey cloud over his head…

The reason?

What was he doing with his life that REALLY mattered?

Where was he going?

And more importantly…

…what was he going to DO about it?

Many days he felt empty as if he didn’t have any meaning…

Sure he had family and friends…

And he knew he was loved.

But he just KNEW there was something else he was meant for…

But what?

Now if you can relate with Stanley at all…

Here’s some good news.

Purpose isn’t what you DO…

…it’s who you are BEING.

But the truth is BEING isn’t always easy these days.

Breaking free from the beliefs and the barriers in life can be an overwhelming, if not, invisible problem to solve.

The good news is this can change in a matter of 7 to 14 days…

Using the new Mastery 2020 Collection of eau de perfume’s.

PURPOSE is just one of three magical perfumes that you use to anoint yourself daily…

Just apply 5 drops to your heart and any place you are called to or use the travel spray on your solar plexus and your heart.

And typically in just 7 to 14 days…

…purpose begins to be demonstrated in your life.

And you’ll awake with the sun over your head and purposefulness in your heart.

Would you like details on the Mastery 2020 Collection? (Also includes LOVE and ABUNDANCE)…

If so, just send me an email with PURPOSE and I’ll get you details…

Alchemically in your corner,


P.S. The MASTERY 2020 Collection also makes a beautiful gift to someone you would love to see supported too (like a husband, daughter or close friend).


Everyday feel like groundhog day?

December 5th, 2019 by

Ignites a deep sense of purpose within…

JoAnne here.

Aria knew she was ready for abundance, love and purpose…

But her life reflected anything but.

She thirst for it as if she was long stranded in a desert and craving water to pass her parched lips.

For instance…

She didn’t feel her life was on purpose…

…and she was certain it was affecting her abundance and love life.

What man would want a woman who was uninspired, barely getting by, and having a hard time loving herself?

Everyday she woke up and scraped herself out of bed like a safety razor scraping old paint from the side of a dilapidated house…

This morning was especially hard because, like many nights…

…she had spent the night before staying up late watching a movie she hoped would inspire her.

Instead she just woke up, walked her familiar path to the bathroom and looked into the mirror…

With her eyelids heavy, her eyes red, and her shoulders frumped forward…

She almost felt sorry for who she saw looking back at her.

Never the less…

She knew the show must go on today…

Like every other day.

Her work required her body…

…but her soul was not aligned with it.

And she was ready for a change.


I’m not sure if you can relate…

Even just a little.

But if so, life is about to drastically change.

For Aria and anyone who is ready to be gently opened up to the mastery of their purpose, to ignite the love of their life, and experience rivers of abundance…

THE MASTERY 2020 COLLECTION is the answer.

Would you like to know more?

If so just send me an email with “MASTERY”…

With Alchemy in your corner,

– JoAnne







Cyber Monday Sale

December 2nd, 2019 by

My Wow Wednesday Sale on my website has now covered Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and today the Cyber Monday Sale.

Santa has been busy mailing out those precious natural perfumes for your loved ones… Is your order in?

Hurry the 30% off sale on selected items ends Tuesday, December 3 at 8 pm EST. See the latest post for the list of items on sale. I have added the Women’s Empowerment Collection.  Remember these perfumes make great gifts all year round…

Also my Etsy store sale is 20% off everything listed there.  I do not have sales very often so here is your chance…

All good things must come to an end so hop over there now as that sale ends Wednesday, December 4.  

Ho Ho Ho!


Black Friday Sale

November 29th, 2019 by

I am giving away ten beautiful floral design glass 5 ml  travel sprayers with a gift bag to the first 10 people who spend $100 on my website JoAnne Bassett.  These silver and gold sprayers are filled with my Limited Edition Holiday Cheer.  Grab them now as they are going fast!

I am offering 30% off on selected items on  and Closeout prices on my 2 Sovereign Collection gift boxes. Going, going, gone…This sale ends Tuesday, December 3. See my recent email for the Sale Details.

My Etsy store is now 20% off everythingGo there now and save.  This sale ends Wednesday, December 4.

Enjoy this Holiday Season…be sure to spray on my empowerment perfumes daily to keep you centered, grounded and holding your highest intentions.  If you have seasonal stress due to family dinners, and more… I offer a beautiful Harmony At Home Gift Package.  Spraying this natural perfume in the rooms where you will be dining and having conversations will help to restore balance and peace.

If you want more ideas or to read a list of benefits of my botanical perfumes go here.  My perfumes do not only smell good.. they are good for you…body, mind and Spirit. I create them using rare, vintage essential oils, and the highest quality of absolutes and oils I can procure.  I have 26 years of Aromatherapy and natural perfumery experience and knowledge I bring to my Classic Perfumes. I also perform royal alchemy and more on them. You will know they are energetically superior to the synthetics and mixed media sold in the marketplace. You will feel and smell the difference.

I see my organic natural perfumes as little bottles of light going out into the world raising the vibrations to love and above.  People wearing my fragrances will experience peace, love, joy and so much more.

Many blessings,



The Sale Details

November 24th, 2019 by

Are you ready?

Do you want to know the details of my Wow Wednesday Sale?  Ok.. it starts today Wednesday, November 27 and ends Tuesday, December 2 at 8 pm EST.

What is the discount?  30% off.  The prices on my website will reflect this discount.

All USA shipping is now free on all orders with no minimum purchase.  All International shipping to everywhere is only $15.00 on all orders.

What is included?  The list with links follows.

Gift Boxes

All Gift Box Collections with the Peacock Boxes with royal blue travel sprayers are included.  Regular prices of $150, 170, and $190

Also see Women’ s Empowerment

Sample Sets

These natural perfume sample sets are great stocking stuffers. They are already reduced and now on 30% off also. Perfume Sample Sets in organza bags offer easy, gift giving ideas.  Perfect for family, friends, co workers, teachers, service providers, etc.

Perfume Kit

For the budding natural perfumer a DIY kit that will please both women and men.

Travel Sprayers

Two of my most popular carry with you travel sprayers for both women and men:


Sensual Embrace

Happy Holidays!

The first 10 orders over $100.00 on my website will receive a 5 ml travel sprayer filled with my Limited Edition Holiday Cheer eau de perfume! 

This festive Holiday eau de perfume can be worn or sprayed around you.  All the best scents of the season!

Notes: Frankincense, Clementine, Nutmeg, Blue Hemlock Spruce, Clove Bud, Tangerine, Balsam Fir, White Spruce, Cardamom, Patchouli, and Grapefruit.  A very happy and uplifting perfume.

Don’t wait there are only 10 available in these beautiful, glass travel sprayers with gold floral pattern with a gold sprayer top or a silver floral pattern with a silver sprayer top.  It will be packaged in a black velveteen bag or organza bag.  Please one per person.

Both Sovereign Collection packages are on close out sale until they are gone.  Limited quantities available!

Enjoy the Wow Wednesday specials … this is my way of giving back for all of your support in 2019.  Thank you all. 

Happy Holidays. Many blessings.


