Hello Awesome Soul!
I have something very exciting to share with you today! It isn’t often that I get the chance to share an opportunity like this with you…
Now is your chance to be a part of something Huge… it’s a life changing event that will help you reach and maintain all your personal goals in life!
And the best part is it’s… FREE to become a member and have access to ALL the great tools available.
From Heartache to Joy, one the world’s largest tele summits started their Season 16 on February 5th and here are some of the reasons you should ONLY be listening to this summit! I know your time is valuable and so are the dollars you spend… that is why I want you to know all about this awesome opportunity!
I told Eram Saeed the founder of From Heartache to Joy about two of my favorite healers in the world, Klara and Bill and they were a part of Series 16. How cool is that?
Here are just a few of the reasons you should join this Community:
These are the most cutting edge speakers that have been voted #1 by spiritual people from all over the world as having the most valuable information and resources!
There is no platform on the planet like this where you can get so many Free Gifts! For example… meditation and healing tracks are given away on a DAILY basis just for attending the call! That’s all you have to do to receive these awesome Free Gifts, just listen to the call!
Free Sessions are routinely given away just for being a part of the From Heartache to Joy Community! Plus, there are lots of other Promotions and Free Gifts that they distribute through their Facebook Group to all of its members!
This is a Community that is spending money to help run a school for impoverished children so they can get the best education they deserve. They also help impoverished women become more empowered! The best part is… You don’t have to pay any donation at all because a part of the revenues are automatically used to fund these projects on a regular basis!
You can read all about it here…
Each week during the Series 16 there will be Free Live calls with speakers from around the world that have made it their personal goal in life to help others succeed at becoming the best version of themselves!
Sounds interesting, right?
But get this…
These events also include a lot more than just somebody talking the talk… these speakers are often Gifted Healers, Medical Doctors, Scientists and many are Experts in Chakra Healing, Entity Clearings, Manifesting Abundance and even Mind, Health and Body!
During these Live Calls you get the chance to call in and speak to the Healer / Expert yourself… ask anything you want! Receive a remote healing and participate in the Group Healings that are offered on every single call… all of this for FREE!
Oh, and did I mention that there are even Love Experts as well? Super exciting!
You can be a part of one of the biggest Tele-Summits worldwide just by signing up for FREE here: https://vm173.isrefer.com/go/s16/JoAnneB/
What does this mean for you?
You will receive announcement emails during the week telling you who the speaker is and what they specialize in. There is nothing to buy in order to listen to these FREE calls and receive the Group Healings that they offer to Live Listeners!
If you are tired of trying to change the patterns in your life to a more positive journey without seeing the result.
Then now is the time to join me in being a part of From Heartache to Joy’s upcoming Series 16!
All you need to do to be a part of all of this is to just signup here: https://vm173.isrefer.com/go/s16/JoAnneB/
Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!
Much love,
JoAnne Bassett