Natural Perfumes Blog

Autumn Equinox and Custom Perfumes

September 21st, 2018 by

Autumn Equinox is the first day of fall and brings cooler days and nights!  Since I moved to the Arizona desert I am looking forward to that.

The start of a new season always signals a release of the old.  Our bodies respond with wanting to change things and we seek out new clothes, warmer food for the fall season, new routines  and we start to look inside ourselves.  The cooler season is a time of going inward and we seek out new ways of being and doing. So we are looking for something to help us shift.

I recently was Divinely guided to lower my prices on my Custom Perfume Potions and my Custom Perfumes.  I understand I will be able to reach more people and help them on their journey.  So I have done just that.  See the light at the end of the tunnel just like in the photo.

Some of you have purchased my natural perfumes in the past and recognize the high energy and natural shifts that happen with my perfumes with intention.  Imagine having a Custom Perfume just for you.  The intention is not based on a group’s energy or an idea for the people of the world.  It is a one of a kind natural perfume just for you and your needs.  Only you!

I offered seriously reduced prices on Custom Perfumes and Custom Perfume Potions on the From Heartache to Joy tele-summit. I will not be on FHTJ  so the only place you can order them is from me.  If you have ordered them it is now time for you to have another.  I tell my clients that in 6 months you should have finished the perfume and will be ready for your next upgrade.  Is it time to uplevel your life?

Order now and start living your best life today!  What are you waiting for?

Update: October 28, 2018 – I no longer offer any custom work on my website. I suggest you go to my Benefits of Natural Perfumes and find something there.


Benefits of My Natural Perfumes

August 8th, 2018 by

I often receive enquiries regarding “Which natural perfume is best for me?”  Men and women send me emails.  They are often amazed at my alchemy and healing intentions I add to my perfumes.  They go to my Choosing a Scent tab and browse the fragrance classifications and sub categories.  Then they scroll down to read the Popular Searches and Masculine Scents.  I have made it easy as all of the fragrances listed are hyper linked to the page where you can purchase them and read more about the fragrance and the notes – essential oils and absolutes it contains.

I have added a Benefits of My Natural Perfumes tab if you are looking for a particular intention you want to work with.  Some people are interested in abundance, success or building up their confidence or self esteem.  There are many choices listed.

When you wear these natural perfumes you will receive these benefits. You will be attracting abundance or love for example. Wearing these botanical fragrances with intention you are drawing these aspects to you and becoming the intention you have set. The magical perfumes have been encoded using Royal Alchemy. Using my Aromatherapy education I am able to create perfumes for various conditions of the physical body, and the emotional body. Every natural perfume I offer has the intentions of raising consciousness and vibrations, and empowerment when worn.

If you need help deciding which one is for you after you have been to both Choosing a Scent and my Benefits of My Natural Perfumes pages I have a solution.  I am now offering a Mini Consultation for a natural perfume for you based on your intention you need, your name and energy field.  I will do an intuitive perfume consult for up to 15 minutes for $100.00.  Go here to purchase the consult now.

If you need a natural perfume for serious transformation and change in your life I suggest a Custom Perfume that can work with your body on many levels at once.  It is amazing and my testimonials speak volumes. Go here now to see if this is right for you.
