Natural Perfumes Blog

Memorial Day Sale on Etsy

May 19th, 2022 by

Can you believe we are in May and the first nice weather holiday is upon us?

Memorial Day weekend is the beginning of camping season and spending more time at the lake.  Hiking, fishing, gardening… and just getting our feet in the grass and our fingers in the dirt. I am enjoying my vegetables and flower plants I started from seed.  My rose collection is growing … almost 40 roses in 2 years since I moved to North Carolina. They are hanging out in pots on my deck until they can move into their permanent home.  It is so much fun bringing in the roses and having them at my desk to waft all day long.

I have had some great offers on my company, my brand JoAnne Bassett. Until I receive the cash in my bank it remains for sale.

There are some beautiful vintage oils still available on my Etsy store under Perfumer’s Corner. These are precious and will keep for many years… I have owned some of these vintage oils since 1999.

My Memorial Day sale is 20% off my whole Etsy store.  It is easiest to have a sale on Etsy.  It starts today May 19 and ends May 30.

Remember all of my natural perfumes have royal and divine alchemy preformed on them. The energetic botanical perfumes smell beautiful and raise your vibrations and align you with your highest self. This will bring you more prosperity, more love, more joy, empowerment,  wonderful connections and miracles daily.

Have fun out there.. and remember Memorial Day is also a time of remembering our loved ones who have passed.  I lost my oldest sister this year .. she always loved flowers so I am sure her family will bring some lovely flowers to her resting place. Such a beautiful tradition.


My Holiday Sale

November 16th, 2021 by

Ho Ho Ho! The Holidays are starting early this year.

I just returned home from a week away in Boston, Plymouth, and Newport, RI. Celebrating with family and sightseeing for 1 week.

Last year the US postal service and UPS had a hard time keeping up and some people were not able to receive their gift packages in time to present them to their friends and family. I decided to start early this year.

My Holiday sale is on now from November 16 through December 3.  It is only on my Etsy store.  Buy $50.00 or more and receive 20% off.  This is for my whole Etsy store. 

This is a world wide sale on all products on my Etsy store.

Last year I sold a lot of Perfume Kits. They make fabulous gifts.  Sample sets are great stocking stuffers. I have a handful of beautiful foil boxes left.  Precious and rare essential oils and absolutes are available.

Rose Lovers Gifts is another Etsy store I have. Many coffee mugs are available there with photos of my roses and other roses.  I have also added tote bags, shower curtains, bath rugs,  computer cases, pillow covers, pillows with watercolor roses, etc.

I have Perfume Formulas available for sale …with or without the alchemy attached.  Would you like to carry on my legacy?  This is what my intention is with selling the formulas.  I am not selling the Customer List and “my brand JoAnne Bassett”.  I am selling just the perfume formulas and you can begin selling these perfumes that have brought so much joy to so many people for many years.  Send me an email if you have further questions.  Please review other blog posts where I talk about the prices and there is more information.

Have a great holiday season… and please get your orders in early!


Alchemy Attached

October 18th, 2021 by

“Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.  It’s your mission on earth. ” from the book “The Alchemist” by Paul Coehlo

Have you ever wanted to be able to perform magical feats? A feat is an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.

Do you want to be able to encode fragrances, attach alchemy to your line of natural perfumes, and transform the wearers and transmute lower energies?

Do you want to be able to offer a line of all natural perfumes that uplift, that raise vibrations to love and above and are magical potions that are healing on all levels for the wearer?

This is what I am offering with my natural perfume formulas that have Royal and Divine Alchemy attached.  When I was in Egypt at the Isis Temple Isis told me that I could not teach the alchemy I perform on my perfumes and potions.  Lifetimes of being a High Priestess, Perfumer, Alchemist, and more is where I accrued this knowledge.  It is innate wisdom I have brought forth into this lifetime.  Isis said I could “attach the alchemy” to the perfume formulas and when those perfumes were created the alchemy would be attached. When the perfumes are worn they will receive all of the magical benefits of the alchemy.  What a gift I can share with the world! This is my Legacy I am leaving after I am gone.

My 60 perfume formulas will all be sold with or without this alchemy. The cost for one perfume formula without alchemy is $15,000 each. The cost for one perfume formula with alchemy is $17,000 each. I have never heard of anyone leaving a legacy such as this!  Also energetically these are amazing miracles.

Would you rather try to learn the symbols of alchemy, and attempt to perform it with precision and to do no harm?

Have you ever watched a master chef in his or her kitchen? They are precise and efficient with all of their moves. They create masterpieces and they make it look easy.  I have been amazed watching people who can paint, cook, compose or create art of all types.

I am retiring and ready to release my masterpieces into the world. Are you being called to continue my legacy?

In the first quarter of 2021, fragrance sales reached $954 million, according to data from the NPD Group, an 82 percent increase from the first quarter of 2020, and a 35 percent increase from pre-pandemic 2019. More people are buying online now and ordering my samples on my website is an easy way to see what you like.

In my Etsy store I am offering my rare essential oils, absolutes and perfume supplies so you can be able to create perfumes with my formulas. Are you ready to start your own business? It can be very rewarding to be your own boss when companies are now demanding mandates of vaccines and all kinds of control.

Over the years I have used a credit card so I could buy special packaging or import some expensive oil.  People take loans from Paypay Working Capital or family members. Where and how are you going to start living the life you were meant to live?

What I have learned is that you are worth it and you have to take risks to get what you want. 


Rare Vintage Oils

August 11th, 2021 by

This is gold… that is what these vintage oils are. You can no longer buy them.. they are not created… they are no longer available. Do you get the picture?

Most of these precious antique essential oils and absolutes are like fine wine… they are aged to perfection.. The vintage Mysore sandalwood from 2000 is like thick buttery syrup.  When is the last time you smelled real sandalwood from East India that was not a synthetic?? It is not possible!  Especially of this quality.  There is small amount of this beautiful sandalwood left. This is the quality I have been putting into my perfumes for many years.

The people who have been called “to carry on my legacy” have been showing up and buying my perfume formulas, my rare essential oils and absolutes that are in the formulas.  They are also buying my bottle supplies, my perfume kits, etc. sold on my JoAnne Bassett Etsy store. They are sending me paypal money combining orders from Etsy and my JoAnne Bassett website.

I have been visualizing my perfume room empty… all bottles, sprayers, vials, all supplies, perfumes and samples.. gift boxes, etc.  all sold.

My vacation to Italy is coming the middle of September.. another East Coast vacation for fall color and a family gathering is coming in November.

If you want to stock up on some of your favorites now is the time.. I am receiving orders from people who have been my clients for 30 years.. I am grateful.

If you want money to purchase a perfume formula, perfume kit and supplies to start your own perfume business or add my perfumes to your existing product line, take a look at Paypal Working Capital.  They have a wonderful low rate of interest compared to credit card companies.  This could be your miracle you need to begin.

30 years ago I began my aromatherapy business with $10,000 and I was profitable from the start.

What is your intention? What is calling to you right now?  Answer the call…life is short.. Quit the job you just tolerate.  Begin what makes your heart happy. Make it fun and easy. You are worth it!


July 4th Sale

July 2nd, 2021 by

Happy July 4th weekend!

I decided to offer a 25% off sale for 5 days to celebrate Americans.. perhaps we can raise our flags in celebration that we are alive and well.

There is a sale on Etsy as I offer other items not sold on my website like my Perfume Kit,  bottles, sprayers, essential oils, and more.

sacred elixir collection

All samples and all eau de perfumes and perfumes are on sale on my website in Perfume Collections and Perfumes Past. I am selling the inventory and I see my perfume room as empty with all sold very soon.

In order to receive this 25% without me having to change prices on my website… please email me your order at joanne@joannebassett a list of exactly what you want. You can go to the pages and just cut and paste. For example: 1 ml Vert eau de parfum $6.00, 6 ml Isis Eau de Perfume $144.00, etc.  Then  I will send you an email with the prices changed to 25% off and add on shipping. I will then ask you to send me money to a friend at  at  This helps to keep down the Paypal fees and I can pass the savings on to you.

I am selling my formulas, and I am in negotiation regarding licensing, and selling my brand and company. There are multiple options in front of me now. If anyone is interested, or you know someone who may be interested in buying formulas, etc. Now is the time to inquire.

This is a very exciting time for me… and I am arranging travel this year with the wholesale travel club I belong to. Ask me about it if you are interested.

You may have seen this banner on my Facebook personal page. For days now I have been drinking a chocolate shake with greens and taking clean supplements.  I have already lost 14 pounds of my 24 pounds I gained in the Quarantine year of boredom, Netflix, pizza and not enough exercise.  Go to my Facebook personal page and scroll down to see the 10 Day Reset where I show the details and where you can buy the shakes, etc.

Please email me with any questions!

Get your orders in! This sale and my Etsy sale end on July 8th. 

May you all have a fabulous 4th of July weekend.


Money, Love, Work

March 14th, 2021 by

Do you know what the 3 things people always want to know when I gave Intuitive Readings and Clairvoyant Coaching? They were Money, Love – their love relationships, and their work or job. I gave these readings many years and it always boils down to these concerns… Questions like when will… how can I… came up. Sound familiar? I no longer give readings, or create custom perfumes.

My clients needs told me what I could create with my Divine Alchemy perfumes to help them achieve your desires. So my Royal Alchemy perfumes with intention and sacred alchemy were launched on my website, and on From Heartache to Joy and You Wealth Revolution telesummits to get the word out. Many of you bought my natural perfume packages and continue to do so.

My Women’s Empowerment Collection and Magical Perfume collections contain natural perfumes to support you in all of these concerns. I created the Sovereign Collection to empower you to take control of your life.. become Sovereign. This collection is now in my ETSY Shop under the category Last Chance.  There aren’t that many left … I know many of you ordered these in the past.  They are powerful and my clients love them.

During this time of quarantines and isolation many people have been using my Luscious Roses Perfume daily on their heart. It is very soothing and helps us love ourselves and others more. This time of ascension is really about raising our vibration and expanding our consciousness.  It starts with love … this is an inside job… NO ONE can do it for you!   My natural perfumes support you with raising your vibe to love and above… I wrote about that in a blog post Love or Above With Perfume.  I suggest you read this again to see where your attitude and vibration are today.

I have added the New Earth Collection  to assist with this transition period. Also the Goddess Collection   with energy I channeled for Quan Yin and Lakshmi to support you on many levels. These are other worldly and you are definitely missing out if you have not tried them. The price $144 was also channeled.. 144 is the 144,000 light workers who came to Earth at his time for this Golden Age and Age of Aquarius we are now moving into. I am one of them.

My mission this lifetime utilizes all  3: Money, Love and Work.. they are all connected. What you think, say and do brings you outcomes.. whether these are what you desire or not.  Thoughts are things.  Saying them out loud you are claiming to the Universe what you want. Have you heard the term casting a spell?  I have often spoken of spraying on my perfumes with intention and saying that out loud. Try it.

If you want to purchase natural perfumes, bottles, perfume kits, etc that are not sold on my JoAnne Bassett website they are now sold on my Etsy store.

I recently started a new Etsy store – RoseLoversGifts that sells coffee and tea mugs with photos of my roses and others.  They are great gifts for birthdays, Easter, Mother’s Day, or just a gift for yourself.  Who wouldn’t want an enamel camping mug that is made of stainless steel and unbreakable?

Multiple streams of income have always been important to me since I have been self employed since 1993 with a business license. I also shared a blog post of another way of creating income.

One affiliate program I participate in that yields 40% return and allows me to have free websites, emails, and much more I shared in a blog post months ago. This Groove program (watch this webinar by midnight March 14) is doing well for many people.  Learn more with a webinar from one of the owners that explains more about this growing company with 100s of thousands of people using their websites and making money as affiliates. It is a win-win.  Check out this program at the link.  You can also go here for a fast description of how you can enroll for free and start earning 20% commission now.

Last but not least …many of you know that I was a stock broker and investment counselor in the 1980’s. I am very aware of investments of all types. This year I was fortunate to discover a program with a small cost to join with amazing returns.  Professionals are investing your money and making great returns. Some people just like you with a small investment have become very wealthy.. and are paying it forward. Let me know if you are interested in learning more. Email me at


Last Day To Order is Dec 20

December 18th, 2020 by

I feel like this lovely woman… I just want to float with rose petals..

Since having these sales on my website and Etsy Shop I have found myself extremely busy…funny how that works!

Monday, December 20 is my last day to order from my website and Etsy shop.  Then my Etsy shop will be on vacation mode and I will not process any orders on my website.

If you are interested in my 20% to 50% off on perfume kits, perfume supplies, rare vintage essential oils etc.. not sold on my website.. go to my Etsy site now.

I will be creating the Portal Perfume of the year 12-21  The Grand Conjunction combined with Winter Solstice will be the totally amazing energy and I am going to capture it! This new Age of Aquarius and Golden Age energy will be a huge time of new beginnings.. for manifesting!  What is on your list? Is Santa coming to your house? If you have not ordered this 12-21 Portal Perfume .. go there now.  They will be created on Tuesday, December 21 for the people who I have orders for.  They will not be available after the 20th!


My Mastery 2020 Collections of Abundance, Love and Purpose are coming to an end as the year 2020 ends.. get your orders in before Monday, December 20th.

This has been an amazing year of growth on so many levels…it has given me a large reality check on so many levels. What have you learned?

My Perfume Formulas are for sale for a win win opportunity for the right person.  Please send me an email to inquire.

I want to wish you all a very happy holiday and Merry Christmas!  I will be moving and driving to Florida… ready for some sun and beach time again.

May all your dreams come true!

Alchemically yours,



50% Off Sale Extended

November 21st, 2020 by

The 50% off close out sale is extended to Dec 1 at 5 pm EST.  Then it will drop to 30% off until all inventory is gone.

I have only 5 royal blue hand blown bottles left and no other colors.

If you want this royal blue hand blown glass perfume bottle with the 1/2 ounce parfum these are your options.

More Life Collection – the choices are Italian Smoke, Vert, Opulence, Ecstasy, Serendipity or Intimacy.

Limited Edition Collection – the choices are Timeless, Reflections, Temptress, Enchant or Esoterica.

Luscious Roses is not on sale but the parfum and eau de parfum is available for full price.

The 5 ml eau de parfum travel sprayers make great stocking stuffer gifts. The on sale prices are $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00.  Men and women appreciate these.

The fragrance sample sets also make great stocking stuffers.. at prices from $11.00 to $16.50.  This is beyond affordable for 4 to 8 eau de parfum samples…

Some of the  pages I did not change the prices.. so please go to the Close Out page to order.. it is so time consuming changing over 60 fragrances with multiple options.

Send me an email if the cart is not working.. you have a question… etc.

Thank you for all of the well wishers…

I will be moving to a warmer climate the end of December so I only have a few weeks to sell my inventory.

Now is the chance to get off the charts high quality, classic perfumes that are encoded and created with Divine Light downloads and Royal Alchemy. These energetic perfumes are created with rare and vintage essential oils. You cannot find this anywhere…the end of an era…

Do your holiday shopping online and support a small business; a one person, women’s business.

Please share this blog post with your friends.
