Natural Perfumes Blog

Are You Ready For Love?

November 23rd, 2019 by

I’m curious if anyone would be open to a Custom Perfume Potion (created with alchemy and intention) to be “Ready For Love” which typically delivers in 6 months. I know it’s not a normal thing for someone to suggest you will be ready for love in 6 months and “available” to meet the “love of your life”, so I don’t know if you’d be open for this?

Let me know, and if there’s enough interest, I may do something special for you.  Just  send me an email on my contact form.



Portal Perfumes & A Survey For You

November 5th, 2019 by

Every month of the year we have a portal opening.  During this particular time period there is a specific energy and opportunity for your advancement on your path and a release of the energy that is no longer needed. In order to achieve this I have created a special perfume that empowers you through this portal opening.

I have created some for the November 2019 portal on 11-11.

11-11 Portal Perfume

This powerful eau de perfume is proprietary and I will not list the ingredients. The intention and alchemy I put into this potion along with the energetic ingredients will give it the energy to help you with the transition into this portal or time period. Spray it on you or in the air around you.  You can apply this as many times a day as you need.

5 ml eau de parfum in a silver with silver dots travel sprayer in a silver organdy bag.

I have made a limited quantity of these and they are available now to begin wearing before and during the 11-11 portal which is November 11, 2019.  When they are gone I will take down this listing.

Will this still be useful or is it best used before and on 11th November? Yes it will be useful after Nov 11. It will help you even if Nov 11 has passed. You can also think of this perfume as the Angel Message 11:11. What does 1111 mean spiritually? Angel number 1111 is a special message from your guardian angels indicating your ability to connect with the Ascended Masters in the angelic realm. It is your connection with the angelic realm, God, or Source Energy that determines your ability to manifest your desires and achieve your full potential

The Portal Perfume will be created monthly and will be listed on the Royal Perfume Group Perfumes page on my website.

There is a new post in the Facebook Royal Perfumes Group; a question for the group. Please go there to leave your feedback.

Please note that all USA and all USA territories orders receive free shipping.  All International orders will now be charged a flat fee of $15.00 no matter where you are located.

I am doing some research and would love some help with a survey.

Are you a female in her 30’s, single, do you like and buy natural botanical perfumes from me or others and would be willing to take a survey? The survey is only for those who are in their 30’s and fill the profile in the previous sentence. Thank you. I will send to an email address a short questionnaire and upon your filling it out and sending it back to me I will gift you with a discount to be used on my website Please email at with Survey as the subject. Thank you I appreciate you.


Luxury Perfumes That Are Real

October 24th, 2019 by

JoAnne Bassett luxury perfumes contain very high quality essential oils, absolutes, rare and precious oils and tinctures from live flowers and materials that are 100% natural. Some of my materials are vintage and have aged like fine wine.  This aspect makes a smooth blending of notes in the natural perfume.

It takes hours to create these luxury masterpieces. The alchemy I perform on them and the cost of ingredients, bottles, gift boxes and supplies is a rare gift you do not find in the synthetic marketplace.

My artisan business is unlike any other I have ever seen. I am a Master and have been creating natural perfumes for 26 years. My Custom Perfume Potions and Custom Perfumes take hours to create. I tap into a person’s energy field to create exactly what they need. Who does that? I am not just putting the oils in the bottle my client tells me they like. That is what is being done in the bespoke custom perfume world now. Please take note.


I Have Moved

August 13th, 2019 by

The woods and nature were calling me… I have lived in the city and suburbs for many, many years.  Being an empath that is very challenging.  Too much energy around me constantly from cars, people, noise, and stress living in a city.

I decided to go live in nature in the country near Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This is a view from my home office… many trees, deer and wildlife here.  I am living in a house that is on a private road and on acres.

This view is from my front yard and it is a beautiful meadow.  Lovely energy and quiet here which I appreciate. The rooster crows in the morning…to announce morning has broken. There are farms nearby with horses, cows, goats, and even a camel.  What an amazing place this is!

There are many trees, leaves, and seed pods that I do not recognize here.  I have never lived on the east coast so it is an adventure.

Ever since I came to North Carolina I have been visited by animal totems daily.  Stay tuned for an announcement of a new collection of perfumes. New energy here brings new perfumes and more.

People are still trying to join my Royal Alchemy group on Facebook.  That group is closed for any new posts.

Make sure you are signed up for my Newsletter to receive all new announcements for new perfume collections, and events. When you sign up to receive the report on my home page you will be added to the newsletter.

Thank you all for your support in purchasing my Sovereign Collections and I AM Prosperity Collections from my You Wealth Revolution and From Heartache to Joy telesummits.  It helped greatly to reduce the truck load. There are some left and I am offering them on close out at 50% off until they are gone.  Then they will be gone forever.  If you like these formulas.. and intentions now is your chance.

Remember I am now offering free shipping on all orders shipping to the Continental US. Purchase $50.00 and you get 1 free eau de perfume sample of my choice also.


July 4th Sale

July 2nd, 2019 by

Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse and soon July 4th!

People have been emailing and private messaging me that they were unable to order my discounted packages on From Heartache to Joy sales pages.

I apologize for that and it was out of my control. If people could not order my current Package A and B they also were not able to order the VIP 1 and VIP 2 which were special offers for Custom Perfumes and Custom Perfume Potions.

I am now offering these on my website for a limited time!  Here is your chance. This sale ends Sunday, July 7 at midnight Pacific time.

My packages have been put on a further sale.  I am hoping to sell all of these so I have less boxes to move.  Please help me with that task.

Please go to these pages now to order.  I am creating the Customs today and this week for the wonderful New Moon energy which is good for new beginnings.

Thank you all for your continued support and many blessings on your Independence holiday.  These packages are the Sovereign Collection.  The definition of Sovereign is possessing Supreme or Ultimate power.  This is what you will receive when you wear the perfumes from this collection.  Are you ready for that?


Will You Join Me On YWR April 25?

April 23rd, 2019 by

You’ll want to be a Part of This….

I am appearing on the You Wealth Revolution telesummit with Darius on Thursday, April 25 at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET.

I am so looking forward to connecting with you all and spreading my message and energy around the world. I NEED your help! Please sign up at this link.

Please also share this link and my blog post or message with your friends and on social media if you will.

Make sure you have signed up to receive the series so you can get my free gift and receive the replay in your inbox.

Sign up here:

My topic will be Detaching From The False Light Matrix!

It will be Thursday, April 25th at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET

The Quickest Way to ‘Life Transformation.’  How 94.2% Had ‘Life Transformation’ Without Struggle…

This Could Change Everything…

I know you’re super busy, but I think you’ll LOVE this 😉

For nearly a decade more than 3.5 million in over 190 countries have attended Darius Barazandeh’s You Wealth Revolution event.

It’s the premier and largest online energy ‘soul’ healing event!

Get immediate FREE online access here>>


“I’m calmer, happier, clearer…I’m a different person than I was a year ago” – Sahari M.


Plus, you’ll get access to a DAILY wellspring of priceless LIVE help, 1-on-1 interaction, wisdom and daily energy practices to:

– Ascend to your SPECIAL and TRUE vibration WITHOUT having to dig up the past or re-experience old memories…

– Naturally FREE yourself of ‘energy’ blocks and drains – while you overflow with support and soul abundance

– Discover PERSONAL access to an infinite source energy that guides, protects and lifts you above ‘struggle’…

– Easily CONNECT to a NEW vibration of who and what you truly are…

– Finally, BE THE LIGHT and a WAYSHOWER to friends and family…

It’s FREE – and the biggest energy healing event of the year


($67 Value) Don’t Miss This Limited-Time FREE Gift for You.

P.S. With Your Encoded Audio Gift: Darius says you will double your attraction to abundance, peace and love in just 57 seconds!

>>Support Me on Darius’ Show and Get Your GIFT Audio Mp3

Here’s just a few more comments from past participants:


“I am the happiest I have ever been”


“Miracles! I am surrounded by miracles”


“FAST transformation beyond recognition”


“Absolutely I cannot count the ways I have changed…

and became so much calmer and happier”


“Gradually everything changed by listening…from finances, relationships and health”


“I have found a JOY and a peace I never thought was possible”

P.P.S. Short on Time?

>>You’ll get access to each ‘quantum field’ transmission replay (including mine)


Secrets of My Perfume

December 15th, 2018 by

Filling perfume sample vials

Did you know there are magical benefits hidden inside of every bottle of JoAnne Bassett natural perfumes?

Did you know these perfumes are encoded with intentions that will benefit you every time you wear them?

Did you know JoAnne adds Divine Light to every bottle of natural perfume she creates so you receive a blessing every time you wear them?

Did you know JoAnne performs Royal Alchemy on all of her perfumes? JoAnne adds high vibrations of love and above on the Hawkin’s scale? You will receive love joy and peace.  See the chart and information below.

Did you know there are magical perfumes for sale with extra power and intentions?

Did you know there are Women Empowerment Perfumes and Sexual Empowerment perfumes for sale?


Go to the Benefits of Natural Perfume  page to choose which energetic, natural perfumes are right for you!

You can also go to the Choosing A Scent page to see Fragrance Classifications and natural perfumes for Masculine tastes.



JoAnne Bassett Testimonial

August 25th, 2018 by
Naz Maliki – Just got my package today. I like this one, it is really nice and one of the best of all the scent mixes, as a scent. However, am going to say it, I am still in love with the I AM MANIFESTING MIRACLES mix. To me that and Mme P are the best ones so far (with abundance now being added to this list since it has changed on me). I have not tried out the elixirs and others but will do so shortly.

ABUNDANCE – which I found a little too clary sagey at first (although I used to use that on a tissue to give me a vibe lift when tired or frazzle=minded in the past), has now changed on me after a month of use. Either my body is changing the scent or the composition is altering itself for my body (I cannot think of any other reason this is happening). This scent is truly gorgeous. It is a creative dream because as soon as I put it on, it makes things happen so one could almost say it is a CREATION perfume. Not only do I find myself being highly creative with ideas about manifesting in the most unusual ways that I never thought of before WHAT I WANT and how to go about getting the results, but it also is in a way making things happen, especially when I use it with I AM MANIFESTING MIRACLES. These two together are a powerhouse.even without the protocols being followed on some days. Just the intention said out loud and voila!

Am going to say it again, JoAnne – if you ever decide to create I AM MANIFESTING MIRACLES again with more or less the same mix of oils, I will be taking out a small mortgage because my friends have had a very small sample and love that one so much and the results it brings. 

I am going to work with I AM ATTRACTING MIRACLES because I got so many of these (thank god they smell great).

Your scents and. for me the ones I have used, create the emotional and physiological responses in the body and brain that keep a person in a high vibrational calm and happy state of mind, and as we all know, when one is happy one manifests/creates/attracts what they want left right and centre.
When I spray these scents, even the most aggravating and anger-inducing situation just flows over me, like water off a duck’s back which is truly astounding. It is like a no-brainer, automatic-pilot process and really makes life so easy as it takes no effort on my part.

Sorry made this long on re-reading, but I felt the need to say how these scents as working with me, especially, since I am just like anyone else and if they can keep me in a happy high vibrating state, I am sure they will help others. They work for their intention not by magically changing the world around like a spell would, but by changing your own thoughts and vibrations so that you are projecting at the highest vibrations and your thoughts are clean, calm and clear, thereby attracting and manifesting what you want. I hope this makes sense. 

The added benefit of these is that after a while of staying in a higher vibrational state it is very hard to get back to a lower one, no matter what happens because you either use the scent or bring back memories and recollections of the good times and those thoughts stay at the uppermost level of the brain and mind changing your vibes automatically.

I have been using these for a little over two months and every single penny I have spent on these has been worth it for the additional benefits I have experienced, and I got back all my money in one way or another plus much much more, so if you want to change things without too much effort, look at it as an investment in yourself, even if it is just samples, because if you think you are worthy of you spending money on you, the whole world will think you WORTHY which automatically increases your self worth. 

So, am going to stop and leave it here because this post could turn into a massive gusher, if not checked right now.
Thank you again, JoAnne for making the August custom scent a permanent offering on your website and for helping me bypass the need for lengthy listening sessions with mp3s and then striving to keep myself in a high vibe state. One whiff of these and I can maintain that state for hours.. Alchemical wizardry at its best.
This was posted on my facebook group the JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes group.  Please ask to join if you are not a member already. You will need to be a member to purchase the monthly custom perfume created just for the group’s intention for the month.