Natural Perfumes Blog

Loving Yourself Changes Everything

October 30th, 2018 by

Here I am at the base of a beautiful, ancient redwood tree in Northern California. I feel so at home in the old growth forests.  Loving myself I go where my heart is happy. That is self care. See the smile on my face?

This morning I was compelled to write a post about how loving yourself changes everything!  I see people buying packages from healers constantly.  They go into massive charge card debt to do this.  The packages come with mp3’s and pdf’s.  I have purchased a couple of these to see if they really did anything.  The answer for me was no. Listening to something daily did not make one tiny bit of difference in my life or body.
The only thing that I have found and many clients of mine have shared is the powerful energetic perfumes that I create with royal alchemy have transformed them by wearing them daily.  These botanical perfumes are coded and I set multiple intentions for the perfumes.  All of my perfumes are empowering and raise your vibrations just wearing them.
I have a special gift package available on my site You Are Worth It Gift Package. I offered this package a while ago.  It has a special offering price of $350. That is a great addition to anyone’s collection. Check it out now.

This gift packages contains I Allow My Good and Self Love natural perfumes.. shifting your self esteem;  your self love changes everything. You are worth it. How many “packages” do you need to buy before you realize it comes down to “self Love” and feeling worthy to receive. That is the basis for all the “good” that shows up in your life! Be open to receive today.

With Christmas and the holidays coming up this would make a lovely gift for yourself or your loved ones.  Why wait?

Rise up! Give yourself the best life ever. It starts with you!


Radiance – Empowering Perfume

September 9th, 2018 by

It is time to liberate women!  Time to radiate in your feminine essence, even if you are not really free!  I am not talking about being free inside yourself but external freedom.

Women in America complain about their rights.. not having equal rights as men… women’s rights has been a topic for  a long time now.  Winning the right to vote was just one hurdle of many. Then there is another card.. the race card …  women of color do not have the rights of other races.  There is discrimination based on religion, color, age and marital status.  This will be debated and protested over for years to come.

Many women in countries around the globe do not even have the “rights” of women in America. Women are now able to drive in Saudi Arabia. There are many places where women still are home with the children and maintaining the house and family.  They are not allowed to work outside the home. Some countries have very strict laws for women and their daughters.  Imagine having to be married off at 12 years old to a man so your family has extra money to survive. This is still going on in some places.  Many young women end up in the sex traffic world against their will.

What can we do to liberate women?  What can we do to liberate ourselves?

I have created empowering natural perfumes to empower you.  The aromatherapy benefits of the essential oils combined with my royal alchemy raises your vibration and consciousness.  The energies of empowerment are infused into every bottle of my latest alchemy.

Radiance: Empowering women one breath at a time.

Radiate in your feminine essence! Feel your brilliance. Don’t dim your light.

An elegant, refreshing, citrus floral with a hint of spice and light and mellow patchouli. Like a breath of fresh air.

Floral Oriental – Notes: Lemon Italy, Neroli Tunisia, Jasmine Grandifolium India, Wild Orange Dominican Republic, Cypress leaf France, Damask Rose Otto Turkey, Nutmeg Indonesia, Geranium Egypt, Cistus Spain, Blond Patchouli China

Don’t delay! Purchase your bottle today and buy some samples for your friends and family.  You will love how you feel wearing this one.

To purchase Radiance and empower yourself today!


JoAnne Bassett Testimonial

August 25th, 2018 by
Naz Maliki – Just got my package today. I like this one, it is really nice and one of the best of all the scent mixes, as a scent. However, am going to say it, I am still in love with the I AM MANIFESTING MIRACLES mix. To me that and Mme P are the best ones so far (with abundance now being added to this list since it has changed on me). I have not tried out the elixirs and others but will do so shortly.

ABUNDANCE – which I found a little too clary sagey at first (although I used to use that on a tissue to give me a vibe lift when tired or frazzle=minded in the past), has now changed on me after a month of use. Either my body is changing the scent or the composition is altering itself for my body (I cannot think of any other reason this is happening). This scent is truly gorgeous. It is a creative dream because as soon as I put it on, it makes things happen so one could almost say it is a CREATION perfume. Not only do I find myself being highly creative with ideas about manifesting in the most unusual ways that I never thought of before WHAT I WANT and how to go about getting the results, but it also is in a way making things happen, especially when I use it with I AM MANIFESTING MIRACLES. These two together are a powerhouse.even without the protocols being followed on some days. Just the intention said out loud and voila!

Am going to say it again, JoAnne – if you ever decide to create I AM MANIFESTING MIRACLES again with more or less the same mix of oils, I will be taking out a small mortgage because my friends have had a very small sample and love that one so much and the results it brings. 

I am going to work with I AM ATTRACTING MIRACLES because I got so many of these (thank god they smell great).

Your scents and. for me the ones I have used, create the emotional and physiological responses in the body and brain that keep a person in a high vibrational calm and happy state of mind, and as we all know, when one is happy one manifests/creates/attracts what they want left right and centre.
When I spray these scents, even the most aggravating and anger-inducing situation just flows over me, like water off a duck’s back which is truly astounding. It is like a no-brainer, automatic-pilot process and really makes life so easy as it takes no effort on my part.

Sorry made this long on re-reading, but I felt the need to say how these scents as working with me, especially, since I am just like anyone else and if they can keep me in a happy high vibrating state, I am sure they will help others. They work for their intention not by magically changing the world around like a spell would, but by changing your own thoughts and vibrations so that you are projecting at the highest vibrations and your thoughts are clean, calm and clear, thereby attracting and manifesting what you want. I hope this makes sense. 

The added benefit of these is that after a while of staying in a higher vibrational state it is very hard to get back to a lower one, no matter what happens because you either use the scent or bring back memories and recollections of the good times and those thoughts stay at the uppermost level of the brain and mind changing your vibes automatically.

I have been using these for a little over two months and every single penny I have spent on these has been worth it for the additional benefits I have experienced, and I got back all my money in one way or another plus much much more, so if you want to change things without too much effort, look at it as an investment in yourself, even if it is just samples, because if you think you are worthy of you spending money on you, the whole world will think you WORTHY which automatically increases your self worth. 

So, am going to stop and leave it here because this post could turn into a massive gusher, if not checked right now.
Thank you again, JoAnne for making the August custom scent a permanent offering on your website and for helping me bypass the need for lengthy listening sessions with mp3s and then striving to keep myself in a high vibe state. One whiff of these and I can maintain that state for hours.. Alchemical wizardry at its best.
This was posted on my facebook group the JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes group.  Please ask to join if you are not a member already. You will need to be a member to purchase the monthly custom perfume created just for the group’s intention for the month.

You Are Worth It Gift Box

July 21st, 2018 by

You Are Worth It Gift Package is a wonderful gift for a special birthday, bridal shower or for no occasion and just for you. 

5 ml I Love My Life eau de perfume in a royal blue travel sprayer.

Notes: Ruby red grapefruit, geranium, tuberose absolute, jasmine grandifolium absolute, benzoin absolute, cistus, rose geranium, clementine, green mandarin, African sandalwood, pink grapefruit

I have channeled this activation spray to create a field around you. Spray this powerful activation spray on yourself daily. Apply it to your arms and neck like a natural eau de perfume. It is created with my Royal Alchemy and high vibration essential oils in a base of organic grape alcohol.

Love your life as it is. Love your life around you and you will attract more things to love about it.

6 ml I Allow My Good encoded natural perfume in organic jojoba oil.

Notes:  Sacred frankincense, dark patchouli, Bulgarian rose otto damask, elemi, cardamom, palmarosa, celery seed, bergamot, spearmint, blood cedarwood

Anoint yourself with this magical perfume daily. Apply it to your heart and any place you are called to. The first step to receiving all we desire is to allow it to come to us. Apply this magical perfume and allow it to come to you now. Claim it out loud.

1 oz Self Love eau de perfume in a glass atomizer in a beautiful peacock gift box.

Notes: Rose damask otto, rose damask absolute, neroli, monarda, lemongrass, dill, German blue chamomile, lavender, African sandalwood, rosewood, green mandarin, lavender, vintage jasmine sambac

I have channeled this activation spray to create a field around you. Spray this powerful activation spray on yourself daily. Apply it to your arms and neck like a natural eau de perfume. It is created with my Royal Alchemy and high vibration essential oils in a base of organic grape alcohol.

Love yourself as you are.  Your Inner Child loves you… love her back.

JoAnne Bassett’s all natural scents will unlock mysteries and keys to your growth and understanding of ourselves. Are you intrigued? Dive deeper in-to the world of fragrance as JoAnne takes you on an aromatic journey of the senses.

Value $ 510.00   Special price  $350.00   This is over 30% off! 

You Are Worth It Gift Package  – Price: $350.00  





My Special Offering

June 10th, 2018 by

While I was traveling down the coast of California I realized how revitalizing and refreshing it felt.  I went to places where I had been before, where the beach was rugged and the waves were full of life.  The energy was amazing.  I stopped at several beach cities and saw the ocean.. the white surf, big waves, the roaring energy of the ocean.  The cool fog and misty conditions did not change the overall feeling of freshness and new life.

I heard to name a natural perfume Renew Your Spirit! That is what this trip became for me.

So my package contains 2 beautiful natural perfumes that are exclusive to JoAnne Bassett and this offer only. They will not be created or sold again after this offer ends.

6 ml Renew Your Spirit perfume in organic jojoba oil in a glass perfume bottle in an creamy ivory satin bag. This perfume is encoded to do just as the name suggests.  Apply it with that intention and my royal alchemy will do the rest. A summery, floral beauty! While I was creating it I said out loud “Wow that is pretty!”

Notes: Rose damask absolute Egypt, tangerine, geranium Egypt, cypress, wild orange, mountain savory, Bulgarian lavender, champa – magnolia, nutmeg, ylang ylang, cedarwood, citron, jasmine grandifolium India.

I also am including a 5 ml Renewal eau de parfum silver travel sprayer in a silver organdy bag.  This perfume is encoded to do just as the name suggests.  Apply it with that intention and my royal alchemy will do the rest. A vacation in a bottle!

Notes: Angelica root, ruby red grapefruit, Bulgarian tobacco absolute, white spruce, lime, lavender Seville, rosewood, orange blossom absolute, African sandalwood

I want you to feel like you have just taken a mini vacation when you wear these perfumes.  You know the feeling of spending the day at the spa getting pampered.  You come home feeling like a “new person”.  You know that feeling when you come back from a week’s vacation to a new destination and  and experienced so many new things.. beautiful people, wonderful new food, breathtaking scenery and felt the Spirit there.  It changes you.  It feels like a dream.  This is “the feeling” I want you to have when you wear these perfumes. Wear them together as they complement each other.

These two perfumes are a $200 value and I am offering them for $108.00.  This offer is good for 11 days only and will end on the Summer Solstice, June 21.

Renewal Package of 2 perfumes

Price: $108.00


One of my most popular offerings is my Custom Perfume Potion.  Many people have expressed the amazing and fast changes they have experienced in their lives after wearing these potions for a short time.

One of my passions in life is helping people to be all they can be and that includes being open to receive love, support, and joy. I help people looking for a natural perfume to help them with self esteem, abundance, love, confidence, and more.

As John Lennon said “We need to learn to love ourselves first”. People ask me for Love Potions to attract a boyfriend, twin flame, husband or life partner. I suggest my self love – my love potion. This will build up love for yourself and open your heart. The intention of this custom potion is self love and with my royal alchemy I perform, it will work for you when you wear it on your heart. These Custom Perfume Potions have one intention and are based on your energy field. A one of a kind perfume magical potion I create just for you.

I create one of a kind Perfume Potions for people to strengthen and empower them. The Custom Perfume Potions will be created with 100% natural essential oils and absolutes in organic jojoba oil. It comes in a 6 ml glass perfume bottle in a Peacock gold gild box. This beautiful box has gold foil in the pattern and a lovely jewel embellished brooch on the magnetized flap. Ivory Crinkle Paper Gift Basket Shred lines the box.

Do you want to attract more love, abundance, and joy into your life? Do you want to feel more at peace?  Are you ready to experience increased abundance, passion, creativity, love, peace, confidence and more? Do you want to feel at home in your own skin? Do you want to heal your sexual abuse and sexual trauma?

You do not need to give me “your story”.  I will tap into your energy field and discover what you will need to provide the solution.

This potion is an introduction to the magical work I do with a Custom Bespoke Parfum. The full custom is a much more lengthy process and hence the higher cost.

The choices are: Abundance, Inner Peace, Joy, and Self Love. This is for one intention only. Choose one option and list at checkout.

Custom Perfume Potion – 6 ml perfume  – Price $1,000.00 regular price.  Special Price $600.00!  This is 40% off!

This offer is good for 11 days only and will end on the Summer Solstice, June 21.

Don’t miss this as I will not offer this energetic custom perfume potion at this price again.  My perfumes speak for themselves.



Special Offer Coming Soon!

June 7th, 2018 by

I announced in my JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes Facebook group on Wednesday, June 6 with my Facebook live video I would be making a special offer to my newsletter subscribers. Please go to my group page and ask to become a member. This special offer will only be available for purchase through my newsletter.  If you are not on my list please sign up for the Free Fragrance Report and that will put you on my newsletter list. You don’t want to miss this!


Luscious Roses Parfum – A Miracle In a Bottle

May 13th, 2018 by

My clients come to me asking “Which natural perfume is for protection?”  I always say the Luscious Roses parfum.  Because rose otto has the very highest vibration it keeps you vibrating at a higher vibration so the low energy people or entities “cannot find you.”  You will not be attracting low vibration or low energy people or situations.  Wouldn’t that be a lot easier? No psychic attacks or negative energy hanging around you … no more sticky energy of others.  That low negative energy will not be able to stay with you when you wear my Luscious Roses parfum with 6 roses.  This high vibration will form a shield when you apply this parfum or spray on the eau de parfum.  If you are a healer and do energy work, healing sessions or readings, it will clear the energy quickly.  Just spray the eau de parfum into the air. Protection in a bottle.  Don’t leave the house without it. Wear it daily to stay in a high vibration where everything feels a lot better and your heart is open and you are protected.

This amazing perfume offers protection, grounding and natural shielding!

Testimonial: “I wear Luscious Roses perfume almost every day. It’s a shield that keeps me centered and grounded throughout the day. It stops me from taking on any funky energy…what a relief. It shields you from the energies who see light in humans and want to manipulate it or want to bend it toward the shadow side of reality so they can feed on our light.  Do yourself a kind service and get one for yourself.” ~ Bill Cael

An exquisite, hand blown glass perfume bottle with a beautiful, ruby red color houses the parfum. The deep red color represents Bulgarian damask roses and houses this luscious, feminine, and floral perfume. This is my most expensive natural perfume. Men and women wear it on their heart daily to open it and to receive and give love.

Floral – There are six different rose oils from four different countries. There are pink – cabbage roses, red – Bulgarian damask, and white – rare, vintage Bulgarian Alba roses. White rose otto is the “flower of light”. Rose otto is a very treasured oil and one of the most expensive oils. It is a very sensual parfum with rich vanilla absolute, dark and smooth vintage patchouli, lush tuberose, deep frankincense, powdery balsam, bergamot for lift, and others. This is a classic and full rose parfum. My most expensive natural parfum.

Wear it daily on your heart chakra for self love. It helps you to give and receive love.

Order Luscious Roses parfum today!

Full many a glorious morning have I seen
Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye,
Kissing with golden face the meadows green,
Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy.

Sonnets XXXIII


Protection, Grounding, and Natural Shielding

May 12th, 2018 by

My clients come to me asking “Which natural perfume is for protection? ”  I always say the Luscious Roses parfum.  Because rose otto has the very highest vibration it keeps you vibrating at a higher vibration so the low energy people or entities “cannot find you.”  You will not be attracting low vibration or low energy people or situations.  Wouldn’t that be a lot easier?  No psychic attacks or negative energy hanging around you … no more sticky energy of others.  That low negative energy will not be able to stay with you when you wear my Luscious Roses parfum with 6 roses.  This high vibration will form a shield when you apply this parfum or spray on the eau de parfum.  If you are a healer and do energy work, healing sessions or readings, it will clear the energy quickly.  Just spray the eau de parfum into the air. Protection in a bottle.  Don’t leave the house without it. Wear it daily to stay in a high vibration where everything feels a lot better and your heart is open and you are protected.

Testimonial:  “I wear Luscious Roses perfume almost every day. It’s a shield that keeps me centered and grounded throughout the day. It stops me from taking on any funky energy…what a relief. It shields you from the energies who see light in humans and want to manipulate it or want to bend it toward the shadow side of reality so they can feed on our light.  Do yourself a kind service and get one for yourself.”   ~ Bill Cael

An exquisite, hand blown glass perfume bottle with a beautiful, ruby red color houses the parfum. The deep red color represents Bulgarian damask roses and houses this luscious, feminine, and floral perfume. This is my most expensive natural perfume. Men and women wear it on their heart daily to open it and to receive and give love.

Floral – There are six different rose oils from four different countries. There are pink – cabbage roses, red – Bulgarian damask, and white – rare, vintage Bulgarian Alba roses. White rose otto is the “flower of light”. Rose otto is a very treasured oil and one of the most expensive oils. It is a very sensual parfum with rich vanilla absolute, dark and smooth vintage patchouli, lush tuberose, deep frankincense, powdery balsam, bergamot for lift, and others. This is a classic and full rose parfum. My most expensive natural parfum.

Wear it daily on your heart chakra for self love. It helps you to give and receive love. 

Order Luscious Roses parfum today!

Full many a glorious morning have I seen
Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye,
Kissing with golden face the meadows green,
Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy.

Sonnets XXXIII
