Natural Perfumes Blog

Happy Mother’s Day

April 26th, 2024 by


In 14 days we will have another celebration. This time it is a celebration of Mothers.

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes; young and old.  What is my definition of a Mother.  One who is a caregiver.. one who takes care of someone or something.  They can give love and attention to a human being – someone they gave birth to or not,  a pet, an animal, a house plant, a vegetable or flower garden, or any other energetic thing that you deem is worthy of your attention and affection.

On this occasion I would suggest anyone who determines they are a Mother in some shape or form… please celebrate.. Take yourself out for lunch or dinner, buy yourself some healing energetic perfumes that give back to you.  Remember that I add Divine Light and Alchemy to all of the perfumes I create to uplift you to the higher vibrations. Just apply it and smell deeply.

Replenishing your energy and filling up your cup.  What does that look like for you?

I have put my Divine Destiny and Bubble of Divine Love perfumes on a closeout sale at 50% off at Etsy.

I am having a Mother’s Day sale on my whole Etsy store at 20% off on all of the other items. This sale ends on April 30.

If you just want the Perfume Kit at 20% off you can buy it here on my website. 

Have a great day and enjoy the lovely weather and the gifts of Mother Nature.


JoAnne Bassett Perfumes for Sale

December 27th, 2021 by

It is time now to retire from this wonderful business. I want it to be passed to a worthy person who will run it in the same high integrity and maybe take it to the next level.  If you or someone you know would be interested in buying this business contact me at
Luxury, encoded natural perfumes with Royal and Divine Alchemy performed on them.  I AM attaching the alchemy and energetics to the formulas so my legacy will continue.
I am selling my Brand – JoAnne Bassett Perfumes, my entire company and all its assets. Cash sale only. Thank you for your support all of these years.

Alchemy Attached

October 18th, 2021 by

“Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe.  It’s your mission on earth. ” from the book “The Alchemist” by Paul Coehlo

Have you ever wanted to be able to perform magical feats? A feat is an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.

Do you want to be able to encode fragrances, attach alchemy to your line of natural perfumes, and transform the wearers and transmute lower energies?

Do you want to be able to offer a line of all natural perfumes that uplift, that raise vibrations to love and above and are magical potions that are healing on all levels for the wearer?

This is what I am offering with my natural perfume formulas that have Royal and Divine Alchemy attached.  When I was in Egypt at the Isis Temple Isis told me that I could not teach the alchemy I perform on my perfumes and potions.  Lifetimes of being a High Priestess, Perfumer, Alchemist, and more is where I accrued this knowledge.  It is innate wisdom I have brought forth into this lifetime.  Isis said I could “attach the alchemy” to the perfume formulas and when those perfumes were created the alchemy would be attached. When the perfumes are worn they will receive all of the magical benefits of the alchemy.  What a gift I can share with the world! This is my Legacy I am leaving after I am gone.

My 60 perfume formulas will all be sold with or without this alchemy. The cost for one perfume formula without alchemy is $15,000 each. The cost for one perfume formula with alchemy is $17,000 each. I have never heard of anyone leaving a legacy such as this!  Also energetically these are amazing miracles.

Would you rather try to learn the symbols of alchemy, and attempt to perform it with precision and to do no harm?

Have you ever watched a master chef in his or her kitchen? They are precise and efficient with all of their moves. They create masterpieces and they make it look easy.  I have been amazed watching people who can paint, cook, compose or create art of all types.

I am retiring and ready to release my masterpieces into the world. Are you being called to continue my legacy?

In the first quarter of 2021, fragrance sales reached $954 million, according to data from the NPD Group, an 82 percent increase from the first quarter of 2020, and a 35 percent increase from pre-pandemic 2019. More people are buying online now and ordering my samples on my website is an easy way to see what you like.

In my Etsy store I am offering my rare essential oils, absolutes and perfume supplies so you can be able to create perfumes with my formulas. Are you ready to start your own business? It can be very rewarding to be your own boss when companies are now demanding mandates of vaccines and all kinds of control.

Over the years I have used a credit card so I could buy special packaging or import some expensive oil.  People take loans from Paypay Working Capital or family members. Where and how are you going to start living the life you were meant to live?

What I have learned is that you are worth it and you have to take risks to get what you want. 


Etsy Sale On Now

May 6th, 2021 by

Tuberose .. one of the most beautiful natural fragrances I have encountered.  When I was traveling in India for a month in 2000 I saw a field of these growing like corn stalks. Oh the smell was beautiful.  I will never forget it.  The cost of Tuberose absolute is becoming off the charts. My tuberose from India is very precious.  Some of my most popular fragrances contain this natural beauty.

To celebrate Mothers I am offering a 20% off sale on my Etsy store. This is a store that carries perfume supplies, precious essential oils, my popular perfume kit and beautiful perfumes that I no longer sell on my website JoAnne Bassett.

Go there now to find that perfect gift for Mom, yourself or your loved ones. Hurry sale ends May 10, 2021.


Thoth Perfume

May 6th, 2021 by

I have added an Egyptian God Perfume to the Goddess Collection.  He is the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Thoth – God of knowledge, writing and the moon

Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set. Thoth was the god of the moon, sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences, magic, messenger and recorder of the deities, master of knowledge, and patron of scribes.

His Egyptian name was Djehuty, which means “He who is like the Ibis.” He was depicted as an ibis bird or a baboon.

I have the Emerald Tablets book that is actually channeled by Thoth.

The Thoth perfumes is the latest perfume in the Goddess Collection.  Go there to purchase it now.


Isis and Bastet Perfumes

April 24th, 2021 by

Isis – Goddess of magic and wisdom 

Isis was known for her magical power, which enabled her to revive Osiris and to protect and heal Horus, and for her cunning.

By virtue of her magical knowledge, she was said to be “more clever than a million gods”.  Notice the throne headdress. 

I remember being a High Priestess at the Isis Temple. I have so many memories there.

While in Egypt I purchased a special desert rose otto that I have used in this perfume.  Wear this perfume and feel the power of the Goddess Isis.

Bastet – Goddess of protection, cats, perfume/ointments, fertility, pregnancy, children, music, the arts, and warfare.

Bastet in her late form of a cat-headed woman, rather than a lioness. Also known as Bast or Baset. 

I have always loved cats and had over 20 of them growing up as a child. My birth name Bassett is so much like Baset I feel like this is a part of me.

She is a Goddess of perfume and ointments and that is part of my Divine Work.

Wear this magnificent perfume and feel the energy of protection and more from Bastet.

The Isis and Bastet perfumes are the latest perfumes in the Goddess Collection.  Go there to purchase them now.


Golden Age Perfume

February 15th, 2021 by

Golden Age Perfume

Golden Age denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. A golden age is a period in a field of endeavor when great tasks were accomplished. We are moving into a new Golden Age now.

This perfume has all of the exquisite ingredients you would expect…Damask rose, orange blossoms, etc. brimming with Golden Divine Light. Royal and Divine Alchemy at its finest.

You will receive a 6 ml Golden Age Perfume in an ivory satin bag. 

Price $144.00

To purchase this magical perfume.


“Let us fall in love again
And scatter gold dust all over the world.
Let us become a new spring
And feel the breezes drift in the heaven’s scent.
Let us dress the earth in green.
And like the sap of a young tree,
Let the grace from within sustain us.
Let us carve gems out of our stony hearts
And let them light our path of Love.
The glance of love is crystal clear
And we are blessed by its light.”
~ Rumi


Early Black Friday Sale

November 15th, 2020 by

I am having a one week Black Friday Sale that starts today November 15 and ends November 22 at 5 pm EST.  It will be a 50% off sale and then on November 23 the original prices will be 30% off until all of my perfume inventory is sold.

I am done.  This is your chance to get it while you can.  My life is going in another direction.

These are extraordinary gifts of a lifetime. I am exiting the perfume business and releasing my stock.  First come first sold! I will not hold any inventory for you.

The Mastery 2020 Collections are almost gone.  The Sovereign Collections have a limited supply also.

My $6.00 individual samples are not on sale but the sample sets are. Please purchase those.

My Custom Perfumes and Custom Potions are not on sale.  This will be your final chance to have one made.  I have only 5 royal blue hand blown bottles left and no other colors.  If you want a hand blown glass with the 1/2 ounce parfum from the More Life Collection or Limited Edition Collection you can receive one until they are gone.

Royal Blue bottle

My Luscious Roses perfume is my most expensive perfume and is not on sale.  Here is your chance to stock up on them. I do not have any red hand blown bottles in stock.  

It is a lot of work changing all of the individual prices of all of the collections.  I changed most of them. For the ones not changed please go here to order the sizes of the perfumes and tell me which perfume to go with the payment.  Email me at

I have created a Close Out Sale page under the Perfume Collections that has a way to order items I did not change the prices on.

I also have a perfume kit and some empty perfume bottles, essential oils, etc. on sale on my Etsy store. It is 30% off there and some on 50% closeout.. not 50% over all as Etsy takes a fee.

If you have any questions please email me  I do not answer my phone or answer facebook pm.

This is your chance to stock up on the JoAnne Bassett natural perfumes you love…they are encoded with intentions and alchemy.  Your chance of a lifetime…

Please share this blog post with your friends.

Thank you for being my clients.. have a great holiday season.

Alchemically yours,

