You Inspire Me!
February 26th, 2025 by JoAnne Bassett“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”- John Quincy Adams.
My whole life I have been told “You Inspire Me”. One time I was moving, a girlfriend from So Cal gave me a departing gift. It had a coffee cup with the words “You Inspire Me” and some other treats for me. She went on to tell me in what ways and how I inspired her. That really touched my heart. We never know who we are helping by just being ourselves. Being caring and helpful… sometimes telling some things they don’t want to hear. Going deeper. Change isn’t always fun.
One thing I like to do is share what is working for me. New books, speakers, audios, ways of thought, and ways of being. One of my missions ths life is empowering people. That can take many forms.
When I post about crypto investments, organizations that promote education, bettering yourselves, helping others, and giving back for example. Some of you complain…thought you were a natural perfumer. A healer and leader like myself can wear many hats… and it is my choice if I feel compelled to share information I feel that may help others.
Why do you sign up for telesummits? For intuitive readings? For Akashic record readings? For Healings? There is something you want to know, or see and when it becomes visible in your mind and body…it becomes your knowing. It can become wisdom to change what is for your highest good.
On the other side of the coin do you choose to remain a victim.. poor me.. I have this …blah blah. We create our reality! Everything that has happened in your life .. you have created it. Everything.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
The photo above represents “gold nuggests”. I feel this blog post is giving you gold nuggets to utilize if you choose.
Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer.. time is slipping away… get in the game.. get some skin in the game. Invest in yourselves.
Download the free audios “Your Wish Is Your Command”… you are not too old to change. I shared the free audio link with a woman in her mid 70’s as I felt it would help her. She loved them… downloaded them and started listenting to them immediately. Within a couple of days she had listened to all 12 audios. She shared the link with her friends and children.
Some people want more than just the free 12 audios..they will sign up for Level 1 and become a member so they can go to events.. have more trainings, learn more, meet like minded high vibration people. Energy sessions that will release stuff in your energy field. Who doesn’t want that! Be a part of something…Spend some money on yourself.. be a part of something that can benefit you and others.
Then give back.. Giving is receiving.
Here is the link Make sure you use the coupon code YWIYC all capital letters… to receive them for free. You have to leave your credit card number to register your name and address. Your card will not be charged. The form will say total due $00.
I feel these audios could help anyone on some level with your finances, relationships, health and become joyful and feel good. It is not too late. This is not the end of the world. It is a beautiful beginning… change your view!