Natural Perfumes Blog

You Inspire Me!

February 26th, 2025 by

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”- John Quincy Adams.

My whole life I have been told “You Inspire Me”. One time I was moving, a girlfriend from So Cal gave me a departing gift. It had a coffee cup with the words “You Inspire Me” and some other treats for me. She went on to tell me in what ways and how I inspired her. That really touched my heart. We never know who we are helping by just being ourselves. Being caring and helpful… sometimes telling some things they don’t want to hear.  Going deeper.  Change isn’t always fun.

One thing I like to do is share what is working for me.  New books, speakers, audios, ways of thought, and ways of being. One of my missions ths life is empowering people. That can take many forms.

When I post about crypto investments, organizations that promote education, bettering yourselves, helping others, and giving back for example.  Some of you complain…thought you were a natural perfumer.  A healer and leader like myself can wear many hats… and it is my choice if I feel compelled to share information I feel that may help others.

Why do you sign up for telesummits?  For intuitive readings?  For Akashic record readings? For Healings?  There is something you want to know, or see and when it becomes visible in your mind and body…it becomes your knowing.  It can become wisdom to change what is for your highest good.

On the other side of the coin do you choose to remain a victim.. poor me.. I have this …blah blah.  We create our reality! Everything that has happened in your life .. you have created it. Everything.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

The photo above represents “gold nuggests”.  I feel this blog post is giving you gold nuggets to utilize if you choose.

Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer.. time is slipping away… get in the game.. get some skin in the game.  Invest in yourselves.

Download the free audios “Your Wish Is Your Command”… you are not too old to change.  I shared the free audio link with a woman in her mid 70’s as I felt it would help her. She loved them… downloaded them and started listenting to them immediately.  Within a couple of days she had listened to all 12 audios.  She shared the link with her friends and children.

Some people want more than just the free 12 audios..they will sign up for Level 1 and become a member so they can go to events.. have more trainings, learn more, meet like minded high vibration people.  Energy sessions that will release stuff in your energy field.  Who doesn’t want that!  Be a part of something…Spend some money on yourself.. be a part of something that can benefit you and others.

Then give back.. Giving is receiving.

Here is the link  Make sure you use the coupon code YWIYC  all capital letters… to receive them for free.  You have to leave your credit card number to register your name and address.  Your card will not be charged.  The form will say total due $00.

I feel these audios could help anyone on some level with your finances, relationships, health and become joyful and feel good.  It is not too late.  This is not the end of the world.  It is a beautiful beginning… change your view!



Intuitive Readings Are Here

July 17th, 2020 by

Back by popular demand!   I am a seer of the unseen!

As an Intuitive Counselor I connect with your internal compass and channel your Higher Self and speak to your soul.

I have been giving accurate Intuitive Readings for over 27 years. My gifts of Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairalience, and Claircognizance allow me to “experience full color movies with sound and more”. This is what it “feels” like when I give you an Intuitive Reading. This information comes from the Divine or from Source. These are Conscious Clairvoyant Readings. Your Caring and Clairvoyant Connection To Source!

I am a Clairvoyant Coach. I enable people who are in the midst of making major decisions in their lives, careers, to make the best decisions. I do it with clarity and confidence because I am a strong connection to pure Source energy.  It is a very accurate, channeled oracle reading.

During this time you can ask me questions or I will tap into your energy field and see what you need.

This reading is NOT for a PAST LIFE READING will include opening your Akashic Records and revealing the information about your past lives that may be affecting you today.

This price is NOT for Mediumship. I am no longer available for that.

45 minute Reading  $97.00

Please send $97.00 to me at:

After receiving your payment you will receive a link to my calendar to make your appointment.


150% accurate

JoAnne’s intuitive abilities are off the charts and her magical perfume potions are probably some of the highest frequencies you can get your hands on.

A very accurate, channeled oracle reading.


My YWR Bonus Expires May 5

May 3rd, 2019 by

My appearance on You Wealth Revolution went very well.  Many people emailed me how their energy was cleared easily on the calls. One person remarked how pure my energy was and she has been listening to my April 3 call over and over. She had purchased the series 17 calls.  Many of my natural perfume gift sets have been sold. Mother’s Day is coming on May 12 and these would make fabulous gifts.  When you purchase option 1, 2, 3, and 4 you receive my bonus of a 5 ml Indulgence eau de perfume travel sprayer. That is a $50.00 value!

Limited-Time Bonus! Expires May 5th at Midnight PST!

5 ml Indulgence Eau de Perfume Travel Sprayer

Reward yourself! With any purchase of Option 1, 2, 3, or 4, receive a 5 ml Indulgence Eau de Perfume Travel Sprayer as a special bonus. Indulgence is one of JoAnne’s best loved natural perfumes and a one-of-a-kind experience you can give yourself, or gift to a loved one! Indulgence eau de perfume is a beautiful, feminine oriental floral with subtle spicy overtones. A complex fragrance that has character and sophistication. It opens your heart chakra and restores confidence. It raises self-esteem and offers a veil of protection.

Empower Yourself with Indulgence and Step Fully into Your Power Now!

My Option 1 is a fantastic gift box with a sage green bottom with a  silver foil lid.  It is stunning in person!

It has a jewel brooch clasp with a magnetic closure. The Empowerment Perfume Collection contains Bubble of Divine Love perfume and Napoleon eau de perfume. Priced at $127 at 80% off it is a no brainer…with a $50 bonus gift they are flying off the shelves.  Be sure you order yours today before they are all gone!

Option 2 is a beautiful gift box with a lavender bottom with a beautiful silver foiled bird and leaf pattern. The Sovereign Collection contains Perfect As I AM eau de perfume, Divine Destiny perfume, and Releasing Limiting Beliefs eau de perfume. They are a delightful combination and are sure to please.   Priced at $197 at almost 80% off it is a no brainer…with a $50 bonus gift they are flying off the shelves.  Be sure you order yours today before they are all gone! 

The New Moon is Saturday, May 4.  This is the perfect day to create Custom Perfumes – Option 4 and Custom Perfume Potions – Option 3.  At these special prices of over 50% off do not miss out on these very special Bespoke perfumes with my Royal Alchemy and Divine Alchemy.  They will align you with your desires!  They are also popular and arrive in these beautiful boxes.

The Custom Perfume has a very special hand blown royal blue glass bottle with a dauber that will delight you every time you apply your masterpiece.

This gorgeous gold foil peacock gift box will be sure to make a splash.

Do not procrastinate and miss out…Every month on my JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfume facebook group people miss the deadline  for the monthly perfume.  You snooze you loose!

Here is the link to my offer page at You Wealth Revolution.

Go there now to order. Get on my list of Custom Perfumes for tomorrow when I create them on the powerful energy of the New Moon.


[48 hrs left] 94% of People said “Life Got Better” – Latest Energy Techniques Inside

April 27th, 2019 by

Dear Friends:

Recently I participated in the You Wealth Revolution with host Darius Barazandeh. It was a GREAT call!

This weekend, they are including my call among others because so many people requested extended replays.  I have also included a bonus with a purchase of Option 1, 2, 3 and 4. This bonus expires May 5.  Check it out! This lovely silver foil gift box is for Option 1.

I am honored to be in this category. I thought I’d share all the calls with you!

These replays will only be available through the weekend (free) so take advantage, now.



Jarrad Hewett– Rebirth Through Sound: The Healing Transformation of Light Codes


Cathy Goldstein– Tru Energy: Unlock Your Body’s Own Anti-aging Potential Through Genuine Wellness


Peter Schenk– Manifestation at the Speed of Thought with ALL NEW Groundbreaking, Zeropoint Technology


Clardy Malugen– The Time Is Now: Embracing the Sacred Call to Miracle Consciousness


Boris Aranovich– A Breakthrough Technology: For Quantum Energy Healing Checks and Treatments!


JoAnne Bassett– Perfume Potions for Instant Shifts!


Bill Cael – Free Yourself From Any Unconscious Limitations with the Magic of Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls


These calls will come down on Sunday, April 28th, at Midnight PT.

There are over 250,000 people participating in You Wealth Revolution’s The Awakening Effect!

This event is unlike anything else out there and these calls are very powerful!

Enjoy the calls and thank you for supporting me!




Will You Join Me On YWR April 25?

April 23rd, 2019 by

You’ll want to be a Part of This….

I am appearing on the You Wealth Revolution telesummit with Darius on Thursday, April 25 at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET.

I am so looking forward to connecting with you all and spreading my message and energy around the world. I NEED your help! Please sign up at this link.

Please also share this link and my blog post or message with your friends and on social media if you will.

Make sure you have signed up to receive the series so you can get my free gift and receive the replay in your inbox.

Sign up here:

My topic will be Detaching From The False Light Matrix!

It will be Thursday, April 25th at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET

The Quickest Way to ‘Life Transformation.’  How 94.2% Had ‘Life Transformation’ Without Struggle…

This Could Change Everything…

I know you’re super busy, but I think you’ll LOVE this 😉

For nearly a decade more than 3.5 million in over 190 countries have attended Darius Barazandeh’s You Wealth Revolution event.

It’s the premier and largest online energy ‘soul’ healing event!

Get immediate FREE online access here>>


“I’m calmer, happier, clearer…I’m a different person than I was a year ago” – Sahari M.


Plus, you’ll get access to a DAILY wellspring of priceless LIVE help, 1-on-1 interaction, wisdom and daily energy practices to:

– Ascend to your SPECIAL and TRUE vibration WITHOUT having to dig up the past or re-experience old memories…

– Naturally FREE yourself of ‘energy’ blocks and drains – while you overflow with support and soul abundance

– Discover PERSONAL access to an infinite source energy that guides, protects and lifts you above ‘struggle’…

– Easily CONNECT to a NEW vibration of who and what you truly are…

– Finally, BE THE LIGHT and a WAYSHOWER to friends and family…

It’s FREE – and the biggest energy healing event of the year


($67 Value) Don’t Miss This Limited-Time FREE Gift for You.

P.S. With Your Encoded Audio Gift: Darius says you will double your attraction to abundance, peace and love in just 57 seconds!

>>Support Me on Darius’ Show and Get Your GIFT Audio Mp3

Here’s just a few more comments from past participants:


“I am the happiest I have ever been”


“Miracles! I am surrounded by miracles”


“FAST transformation beyond recognition”


“Absolutely I cannot count the ways I have changed…

and became so much calmer and happier”


“Gradually everything changed by listening…from finances, relationships and health”


“I have found a JOY and a peace I never thought was possible”

P.P.S. Short on Time?

>>You’ll get access to each ‘quantum field’ transmission replay (including mine)


48 hrs left – Latest Energy Techniques Inside

April 12th, 2019 by

Dear Friends,

Recently I participated in the You Wealth Revolution with host Darius Barazandeh.
It was a GREAT call!

This weekend, they are including my call among others
because so many people requested extended replays.

I am honored to be in this category. I thought I’d share
all the calls with you!   These replays will only be
available through the weekend (free) so take advantage,



JoAnne Bassett – Perfume Potions for Instant Shifts!


Chameice Daniel – Q&A – The Source Code: Reactivating Your 13 DNA Helixes for Accelerated Potential


Jarrad Hewett – Rebirth Through Sound: The Healing Transformation of Light Codes


SEGMET – Q&A – Restore, Reset & Expand Your Divine Current – Choose, Create, and Enjoy!


Dipal Shah – Secrets of the Thymus: Master Your Hearts Intelligence from 3D to 5D


Jill Mattson – Atlantis Rising! The Magic Returns!


Shelley Ackrill – Energetic Stem Cell Therapy: A Healing Solution Without Surgery


These calls will come down on Sunday, April 21 at Midnight PT.

There are over 250,000 people participating in You Wealth Revolution’s Awakening Effect!

This event is unlike anything else out there and these calls are very powerful!

Enjoy the calls and thank you for supporting me!




My Special Offer on YWR

April 7th, 2019 by

I was so grateful to have been on the You Wealth Revolution telesummit on April 3 with.  My topic was Detaching From The False Light Matrix. I received many private emails and emails telling me how powerful my process was during the show.

These are some comments left on the chat during my telesummit:

Perfect! You confirmed my suspicions about dark energy stuck in my abdomen area for quite a while. Am ready to send it on its merry way!

Kathryn in Genoa, Italy

Thank you that was beautiful… My solar plexus has been bloated and blocked.

Dawn in Canada

I had pain in my left hip and it Is gone now. I feel enlightened. I felt a nice release of my energy.
 Stacie in Northport

JoAnne’s perfumes are unique and top notch. This is being expressed by someone who has often become ill from simply walking down a department store’s perfume aisle, and whose olfactory system, keenly detected toxic mold which created health havoc in a building for years. Initially, I was concerned that I might react adversely to these precious potions. However to my pleasant surprise, I have been experiencing some profound shifts and healing for which I am grateful. I have continued to benefit from JoAnne’s perfumes in more ways than I am able to imagine. They are truly potent and shift energies rapidly. The shifts have extended beyond my household… Love JoAnne & her scents. PS: I moved two weeks ago because of mold and have not really been using my scents. The difference is most notable. The process JoAnne just did was powerful and much was released. Thanks, JoAnne.

Marie in NJ

My replay of this telesummit interview ends Sunday, April 7 at midnight!

Also my special offerings on this show are very popular and some of the prices are at 80% off!  Go to my offer page to order today!  These are powerful Natural Perfumes that have been encoded, and hours of my Royal Alchemy and Divine Alchemy and more Light Processes were done on these perfumes.  They are not to be missed.  

My special offering contains multiple packages of 3 sizes. The “bottles of light” also referred to as my energetic, magical perfumes are packaged in these gorgeous, silver foil boxes! These will make great Mother’s Day, Birthday, Anniversary and “just for you” special gifts.

I am creating custom perfumes and custom perfume potions with the energy of the new moon.. Get them now.. new beginnings of the new moon make them even more powerful.



Will You Join Me April 3?

April 2nd, 2019 by

You’ll want to be a Part of This….

I am appearing on the You Wealth Revolution telesummit with Darius on Wednesday, April 3.  I am so looking forward to connecting with you all and spreading my message and energy around the world. I NEED your help! Please sign up at this link.

Please also share this link and my blog post or message with your friends and on social media if you will.

Make sure you have signed up to receive the series so you can get my free gift and receive the replay in your inbox.

Sign up here:

My topic will be Detaching From The False Light Matrix!

It will be Wednesday, April 3rd at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET

The Quickest Way to ‘Life Transformation.’  How 94.2% Had ‘Life Transformation’ Without Struggle…

This Could Change Everything…

I know you’re super busy, but I think you’ll LOVE this 😉

For nearly a decade more than 3.5 million in over 190 countries have attended Darius Barazandeh’s You Wealth Revolution event.

It’s the premier and largest online energy ‘soul’ healing event!

Get immediate FREE online access here>>


“I’m calmer, happier, clearer…I’m a different person than I was a year ago” – Sahari M.


Plus, you’ll get access to a DAILY wellspring of priceless LIVE help, 1-on-1 interaction, wisdom and daily energy practices to:

– Ascend to your SPECIAL and TRUE vibration WITHOUT having to dig up the past or re-experience old memories…

– Naturally FREE yourself of ‘energy’ blocks and drains – while you overflow with support and soul abundance

– Discover PERSONAL access to an infinite source energy that guides, protects and lifts you above ‘struggle’…

– Easily CONNECT to a NEW vibration of who and what you truly are…

– Finally, BE THE LIGHT and a WAYSHOWER to friends and family…

It’s FREE – and the biggest energy healing event of the year


($67 Value) Don’t Miss This Limited-Time FREE Gift for You.

P.S. With Your Encoded Audio Gift: Darius says you will double your attraction to abundance, peace and love in just 57 seconds!

>>Support Me on Darius’ Show and Get Your GIFT Audio Mp3

Here’s just a few more comments from past participants:


“I am the happiest I have ever been”


“Miracles! I am surrounded by miracles”


“FAST transformation beyond recognition”


“Absolutely I cannot count the ways I have changed…

and became so much calmer and happier”


“Gradually everything changed by listening…from finances, relationships and health”


“I have found a JOY and a peace I never thought was possible”

P.P.S. Short on Time?

>>You’ll get access to each ‘quantum field’ transmission replay (including mine)
