Natural Perfumes Blog

Lion’s Gate Perfume

July 22nd, 2020 by

The 8-8-2020 Lions Gate Activation

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

The Lion’s Gate/Portal/Stargate/Gateway is marked by the yearly alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius.

The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation!

As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orion’s Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth.

The star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light on the inner planes. Sirius represents abundance and fertility.

The Lion’s Gate occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness.

I will be creating  8-8 Lions Gate Portal Perfume on August 8, 2020.  It will integrate the Cosmic Light codes of Awakening with this 8-8 Gateway!  It will activate and anchor the ascension codes.  Moving into higher consciousness.

When you purchase the 8-8 – Lion’s Gate Portal Perfume it will signal your intention and you will start the process to open to these new powerful energies starting on July 26.

I will channel the Portal Perfume, encode it with intentions, Quantum energy coding, download the Higher Dimensional energy and Divine Light, and  perform Divine and Royal Alchemy on it on August 8th peak.  I will mail them asap and you will be able to wear them.

You will receive a 5 ml royal blue travel sprayer of eau de parfum in a royal blue organdy bag. 

Price $50.00

You will receive a 4 ml perfume in an ivory satin bag. 

Price $100.00

This is a one time thing and will only be available to those who pre order.

The cut off time is Thursday, August 6 at 5 pm EST …no exceptions.

I will create the special perfumes for the orders I have received prior to that time.

Here is the link to my Facebook Live I did for this 8-8 Lions Gate Perfume.


Don’t Be Fooled

June 7th, 2020 by

These are the colors of 100% Natural eau de Perfumes. This is the Sacred Elixir Collection created by hand from essential oils, absolutes, and tinctures.

This is natural jasmine absolute. Notice it is  not clear!  Clear fragrances that are being sold and called natural perfumes are manufactured in a laboratory from synthetic chemicals.  These oils are man made and not from natural origins like plants, trees, etc.  Commercial fragrance ingredients may be derived from petroleum.  The synthetic toxic ingredients may be endocrine disruptors, negatively affecting hormones, etc. See the Safe Cosmetics website for more information.

This is India Pilgrimage eau de parfum  that has jasmine absolute in it.  There are no clear natural essential oils or absolutes!

Beware of false advertising so called “green products” and people calling their fragrances natural.  Do your own research.



What do you want to create?

April 6th, 2020 by

I received this message to share with you all. In this time of quarantine.. we can choose to begin a new life.. or remain in the old one. Doing things the way we always have.. and getting the same results. That is staying in our “comfort zone”.

This is a major reset button for the planet and for those who are aware and ready to shift in consciousness. If you choose to raise your vibration and your consciousness now is a great time to say yes. The world can use you doing your part… your divine destiny!

A year ago I created the Sovereign Collection for the You Wealth Revolution telesummit.  I was on the telesummit and sold many of these collections. They are just as viable as they were one year ago. Becoming sovereign…taking your power back…

Many people are in fear and stress and have concerns for their future. Being in fear and having stress lowers your immune system.. which in turn makes you more susceptible to dis ease.  Be proactive!  Take action now..

What do you want to be doing in your future when we are allowed to go out again?  Do you want to start your own business online.. coaching, hosting webinars, creating a product line, etc.  Now is the time to make some changes in your life.  This is a once in a lifetime chance.  You have many hours in a day to focus and get clear on the bigger picture for your life.  

Give yourself permission to give yourself all of the things you have been dreaming about…

Over the years I have given intuitive readings.. Akashic records readings, medium ship readings, healings and more.  Many people told me they do not like their lives the way they are.. jobs, relationships, health and much more.

What are you doing to change it?  I create these packages for your growth.. for your benefit, for your support.

This Sovereign Collection  has the Bubble of Divine Love and Napoleon natural perfumes that will start the process for you.. it all begins with you!

Go there to read more and discover for yourself how they can be of support to you at this time!

This Sovereign Collection 1 includes  Perfect As I AM, Divine Destiny and Releasing Limiting Beliefs natural perfumes.

Perfect As I AM eau de perfume
Just as the name implies believe in yourself! Release all unworthiness. You are whole so embrace yourself fully. This perfume is a very beautiful floral. Spray this on and give yourself a big hug. When you love and appreciate yourself, you become sovereign. You create your world.

Divine Destiny natural perfume in organic jojoba oil.

Release all negative thoughts that are creating a reality you do not desire. Use the Quantum field and work with the Divine Laws. Just by wearing this perfume you will be activated to live your live purpose. Stand in your power today.

5 ml Releasing Limiting Beliefs eau de perfume in a silver with silver dots travel sprayer

To let go of everything that no longer serves us. Detox the body of all unwanted beliefs.

This collection will jump start you and catapult you to the future that is just waiting for you to say YES.  Do so today.  Just for you. No more waiting.

Go there to read more and discover for yourself how they can be of support to you at this time!

As an added bonus.. I am making these gift packages extremely affordable .. so there are no excuses.

Are you in?

Go there now.  The special pricing will end April 15.


Opens Our Heart

February 2nd, 2020 by

Opens our heart (to receive love)…


If you feel your heart has been guarded for too long…


Hello! It’s JoAnne,


Jeannie looked over at the bright green numbers on her digital alarm clock and as usual it was 3:05 am…


She’s found herself waking up again, wide awake, after only 3 or 4 hours sleep.


Unable to fall back asleep naturally…


Her mind was ablaze with thought.


It’s been over a year since she closed her heart after seeing the texts from another woman on her lovers phone…


Unable to cope with being caught, he lashed out at her.


Told her it was her fault and that even though he wished he hadn’t done it, he felt like he couldn’t talk to her.


Her heart, shattered in a million pieces, she shut down.


Where before she felt like weekends were to be enjoyed with her love…


Now, Friday nights were romance movies on Netflix and ice-cream alone…


Sunday afternoons, were uneventful, at best even though friends urged her to go shopping with them…


Jeannie isn’t alone…


There are millions of men and women who have shut down their heart for one reason or another.


But there’s a way “out” and it doesn’t require therapy on some therapists couch either.


I don’t know if you can relate or not but…


Raising you vibration and self esteem is about opening your heart chakra and being open to receiving love, joyful, uplifting and healing properties.


It’s being able to reach out and connect with your highest self.


To know you’re already WHOLE.


This is extremely difficult when leading with the head and mind…


But it’s natural to and simple when you’re leading with your heart.


So the first step to receiving Deep Love is to allow it to come to us.


That’s why the Deep Love Collection is such a magical perfume because it allows it to come to you now.


Claim it out loud I “I AM Deep Love!”


And so it is…


Would you like details on the Deep Love Collection?

There are two options.


Time is running out because all orders are final as of February 7th at midnight.


Deep Love in your life is as simple as anointing yourself with this magical perfume daily with intentions.


To get details on the Deep Love Collection #1 or #2 just reply to this email with “DEEP” and I’ll reach back out.


Alchemically in your corner,




BOOST your immune system with pure love

January 30th, 2020 by

BOOST your immune system with pure love…


If you’re concerned with getting the flu.


JoAnne here…


You’ve probably seen the big outbreak of Coronavirus.


It’s all over the news of course and has a lot of people worried.


Rightfully so.


My prayers to those infected and those who have been claimed because of it.


But most at risk are children and the elderly.




Anyone at any age who is living with a compromised immune system.




I am NOT making claims here…


And on the same hand, love has been shown to not only lowering blood pressure and decrease stress levels.


But feeling love and feeling loved both provide a powerful lift to the immune system.


As can sex.


Researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania found that having sex once or twice a week boosts the immune system.


So, “love” you could say, seems to play a pretty vital role in staying healthy.


Which is why I infuse so much love and light into my new Deep Love Collection for Valentines so you are deeply connected to love and are attracting the deepest love to you.


Orders are available until Feb 7th so that you can receive it by Valentines day.


To get details and secure your order hit reply with “LOVE” and I’ll reply back to you.


Alchemically in your corner,


~ JoAnne


Cosmic Portal Perfumes

January 12th, 2020 by

I recently closed the JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes Facebook group as people were still wanting to join and it is a closed group. Instead of creating a monthly perfume with intention for that group I am now creating these cosmic Portal Perfumes.

On particular days of the month we have a “gateway” – an opening to the other dimensions… a portal.  There is now a Portal Perfumes Collection page for these. Those dates are also Angel Numbers and have numerology meanings.

For this year they are 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc. I will be creating the 2-2 on the New Moon of January 24.

I am now back to taking orders for these in advance like my monthly JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes.  So you must purchase this before January 23 in order for you to receive this perfume. I will only create the perfumes for the people I have received payments for this perfume. 

Go to the Portal Perfumes Collection page to read more about the Angel Meanings for 2-2-2020. I am creating both eau de perfumes in alcohol and perfumes in oil in various sizes.

Also due to popular demand I am offering the Mastery 2020 Collection on my website.  There are multiple choices and price ranges.

I hope you will consider the Mastery 2020 perfumes as this will be a powerful activator for you on your journey in this new decade.  There is an  activation that happens for you when you wear the perfumes. These perfumes are encoded with intentions to support and empower you on your journey.


Luxury Perfumes That Are Real

October 24th, 2019 by

JoAnne Bassett luxury perfumes contain very high quality essential oils, absolutes, rare and precious oils and tinctures from live flowers and materials that are 100% natural. Some of my materials are vintage and have aged like fine wine.  This aspect makes a smooth blending of notes in the natural perfume.

It takes hours to create these luxury masterpieces. The alchemy I perform on them and the cost of ingredients, bottles, gift boxes and supplies is a rare gift you do not find in the synthetic marketplace.

My artisan business is unlike any other I have ever seen. I am a Master and have been creating natural perfumes for 26 years. My Custom Perfume Potions and Custom Perfumes take hours to create. I tap into a person’s energy field to create exactly what they need. Who does that? I am not just putting the oils in the bottle my client tells me they like. That is what is being done in the bespoke custom perfume world now. Please take note.


FHTJ Shopping Cart Problems

June 28th, 2019 by

There were problems with the shopping cart linked to my sales page on From Heartache To Joy. They had a few bad links from series 14 in the sales page that showed the wrong prices and packages.

There is a Package A and B for $217.00 and VIP 1 a Custom Perfume Potion for $297. and VIP 2 a Custom Perfume for $1,497.

I cannot honor the $107 packages from Series 14 that were linked in the shopping cart. If you have purchased those please ask for a refund from FHTJ support.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

If you were not able to get the cart to work with the correct packages, etc. or you missed the Thursday at midnight deadline pm me.

Thank you for your support.

I am traveling and moving in July so please get your orders in ASAP. My boxes will be packed and I will not be shipping.
