Natural Perfumes Blog

Do you want to heal your Inner Child wounding?

May 31st, 2017 by

I hear it all of the time.. people want to heal their inner child but they have money issues too. There is a link between their inner child wounding and their money issues!  I am creating perfume for abundance, manifestation, and heal the inner child trauma.

Look I want to help people who have inner child stuff and they also have money stuff. This is my observation that I have made! I notice that when people have inner child wounding they also have money shit and worthiness shit and it is all inner linked and they want to heal it.  But they don’t want to spend their money to heal it and so they are stuck in this! It is a ridiculous cycle.

I want to help but I am not going to help from a place of enabling. I am not going to help from a place of victim. I have come way to far on my own journey in my own victim hood to buy into any of your victim hood!  Because God Bless it I see you!!

Why are you keeping yourself in victim? Why are you creating yourselves as victims in your adulthood? Because you create your reality!  Why are you doing this?  Stop it!

I will hold you to your Higher Self!  I will create Custom Perfumes for you that will help you to connect in with your own vibrational frequency and resonance. Empower yourself now! Stop talking about it and do something about it!

Order a Heal Your Inner Child Custom Parfum from JoAnne Bassett today and graduate! When you do you will heal your money piece also. You will also heal your worthiness issues. The time is now! Enough waiting!

Dream a bigger and better dream.  Your life is waiting.  Enough story already!  Next!







Custom Bespoke Parfum Effects

May 30th, 2017 by

People ask me what effects can I expect from my Custom Bespoke Parfum.  I have had many people emailing me and calling me with the positive results they have received since wearing their parfum. So many magical and miracle events started happening for them after wearing their Divinely Inspired Custom Parfum. Using royal alchemy and working in the higher dimensions I create masterpieces that will give you the positive effect you seek.  I have listed a few testimonials for you to read to understand the customs I create.  These are not like the other custom perfumes on the market. Those perfumes are purely for smell and you smell the oils and they put them in the bottle.  A totally different experience.

Some people call me the sage, the wise woman. I create 100% natural perfumes that can transform the whole body, emotional and Spiritual issues fall away to reveal this new empowered woman or man. Testimonial – One man called me to say his whole life had changed after he began wearing the perfume.  He left his job, left his wife of many years, filed for a divorce,  and moved away. He now has a new happy life. Amazing all of that happened suddenly and there was no explanation other than he started wearing this potion.

Testimonials:  Jen Rode – Rode Institute – I recently received your magical potions, your amazing alchemy. You truly are so gifted, your work, your labor of love is amazing! I can feel that your perfumes are designed to anchor and realign frequencies to the 6th dimension.Some people call me the sage, the wise woman. I create 100% natural perfumes that can transform the whole body, emotional and Spiritual issues fall away to reveal this new empowered woman or man. One man called me to say his whole life had changed after he began wearing the perfume.  He left his job, left his wife of many years, filed for a divorce,  and moved away. He now has a new happy life. Amazing all of that happened suddenly and there was no explanation other than he started wearing this potion.

Lisa Pinkerton, San Diego – JoAnne’s intuitive readings, combined with the healing perfume she personally creates, individually formulated based on my intentions, have been the perfect combination to promote healing and clarity with my life. I met JoAnne after relocating to California from Nebraska. I realized I had moved to create a new life for myself, but my “baggage” had not been cleared to move forward. During the session, JoAnne explained how her perfume can transform lives quickly, so I ordered a custom bottle (Custom Bespoke Parfum). Within a week of wearing the perfume, my life started to dramatically move forward! An old romantic relationship, which was needing resolution, finally cleared out of my life overnight! Employees at my business, which were not in alignment with my energy, suddenly, for different reasons, were voluntarily leaving. I also sold a property, which had been on the market for over a year! All of these changes happened in a short period of time after wearing the perfume!  If anyone is searching for clarity or interested in removing blockages from their lives, order a custom perfume from JoAnne. I highly recommend her products and services as they have transformed my life!

Male from California – A male client came to me for a custom bespoke parfum to remove the blocks to his business success.. all aspects of that, financial, relationships, etc.  The next time I talked to him he told me of the miracles happening in his business.  This business was stagnant for years and after this custom parfum it all changed.  The perfume was the only thing that had changed.

Female from California – I have worn the perfume every day. I feel that the day I found Joanne was the day I knew that it was important for me to reach out of my comfort zone regarding the price and take a chance on something wonderful. I cannot explain that feeling other than I knew it was the right decision and I have been amazed that I haven’t had a single migraine since that day just that single thing has changed my life in an unexplainable way.

I am offering a special price on my Custom Bespoke Parfums now for a limited time.  Get your one of a kind Custom Perfume today!  I only have a few at this price before I raise the price again.  I want to share my special gifts with the world and this price is the lowest I have offered in many years!  So if it is calling to you.. don’t put it off any longer!

Here is the link to order!





Custom Bespoke Parfum Sale

May 27th, 2017 by

For a limited time only I am offering my Custom Bespoke Parfums for $1,000.00! I have been receiving information in my meditations that people are really needing help. This is financial, emotional, physcial and more.  For a part of my tithe or sharing/giving I am seriously reducing the price of my custom bespoke perfumes from $3,333 to $1,000. This is for a short time only.

If you are looking to: Summon Your Life Partner Now, Connect with your Twin Flame, Enhance your Relationship/Deeply Connect with your Partner, Inner Child Re Connection and Energy Clearing, Whole Body Transformation now is the time to order one.

I am offering a 30 minute free consultation and we can discuss what is the focus for your Custom Perfume.  Please email to set this call up.

To read about:   Inner Child Custom Bespoke Parfum with Activation and My Custom Bespoke Parfums

Custom Perfume with Video Activation, a Channeled Document and Quest.

The specific results you will receive from this magical custom perfume is your intention which depends on which option you choose below, your DNA activation and life shift. It is instant transformation.

This is the price for the healing delivered by my magical custom perfume and a life shift. 

Price $3,333.00  Now $1,000.00    A limited time special offering.

My Custom Bespoke Parfum offerings:

Summon Your Life Partner Now, Enhance your Relationship/Deeply Connect with your Partner, Inner Child Re Connection and Energy Clearing, Whole Body Transformation, Your custom per our phone conversation.

Go here to read more and to order! 

I also have introduced a brand new Activation Spray called To Receive! This Activation spray will shift your aura and put a receiving energy into your vibration.  I channeled this formula and have coded it. Using my Royal Alchemy it is very energetic and will bring to you what your intention is. More abundance is on its way now!  Order To Receive Activation Spray here.



A Portal To Reconnect With Your Inner Child

May 25th, 2017 by

One of my greatest gifts I have to share with the world is my ability to create Custom Bespoke Perfumes that change lives. Many positive things have come from people wearing the custom perfume I have made them. It is an energetic miracle and magical natural perfume and one of a kind just for you.  It is created with the essential oils and alchemy that your body needs.  That is why it is so powerful!

My Heal Your Inner Child custom parfum is a way for you to embrace and integrate that part of you without having to process the past endlessly. I am creating a portal for healing with this perfume. This is a gateway for you to walk through and “reconnect with your inner child”. By doing so you will open yourself up to all of the rest of the things you have been wanting.  It is the bridge to your dream life. You wear the custom parfum and cross the bridge with intention. On the other side of the bridge is your twin flame, your life partner, your life partner on life purpose, your mission filled with success and joy. More love awaits you, more financial prosperity awaits you. What are you waiting for? The time is now… Dream it and receive it! Order one today on the New Moon.  The New Moon is about new beginnings.


Reawakening the Forgotten Sense

May 3rd, 2017 by

Do you remember the smells of your childhood?  The lily of the valley flowers with their fragile white bells that had an intensely beautiful, green floral smell.  How about the smell of the purple iris growing right outside your front door? These smells can bring you right back into the innocence of that time, bypassing all traumas and recovering lost memories. It can provide you with the experience of remembering what it felt like to be free from limiting thoughts. To be an empty vessel, waiting to be filled up with new adventures and life experiences, where anything is possible. For those who have lost the sense of childhood lightness and freedom, this will remind you how to access it. When an explanation to the conscious mind wouldn’t do any good, smell can teleport you back there instantaneously.

Some people use their sense of smell daily without giving it much thought. Do you smell the coffee beans before you put them in the coffee grinder?  Smell the freshness of the cream before you pour it into your cup?

Wine connoisseurs rely on the power of their sense of smell to accurately detect what type of wood the barrel was made out of, or the exact city in the exact country a particular wine originated.

Without our sense of smell, food tastes bland and dull. With our sense of smell heightened and fully activated, our entire life experience can be more bright and vivid than we ever thought possible.

People spend money on fine art to please the visual senses, and fine food to please their sense of taste. They listen to good music to please their sense of hearing, and wear fine clothes to please their sense of touch.

Some people might spend $100 on a nice perfume, but how much time do they think about why? How much time do they spend thinking about the role each ingredient plays in their overall life experience? Do they know the difference it can make in their life carrying the frequency of a $3,000 perfume over a $100 perfume?
I am reawakening the forgotten sense.

My Custom Bespoke Parfums raise your vibrations and consciousness with the high frequency essential oils and absolutes I create with. The divine energy that literally pours into my bottles is life changing and can instantly transform you.  These life altering perfumes have amazing oils that smell like nothing you have ever worn before. The energy that you will receive from the perfume is an activation and are coded just for you.  These magical potions are created from rare, precious, vintage and organic essential oils.

Are you ready for your new life? Are you ready to summon your life partner?  Are you ready to heal and reconnect with your inner child and shift your relationships?

I invite you to order a Custom Bespoke Parfum today!




Benefits of JoAnne Bassett Custom Bespoke Parfum

April 29th, 2017 by

How does a Custom Bespoke Parfum give me the results I ordered? All natural perfumes to Summon Your Life Partner, Twin Flame, Reconnect with your Inner Child and Heal Your Inner Child Wounding, Enhance Your Relationship, and Create a New Life of Flow of Abundance, Love, and Success.

Order one today!  Your life is waiting for you!


Inner Child Custom Bespoke Parfum

April 18th, 2017 by

Reconnecting with the Inner Child Custom Bespoke Parfum

For years I tried everything … meditating, many types of healing, but I wasn’t able to receive. My inner child was still disconnected. Finally I found this scent for me. It bypasses the limbic system, it channels from my past lives, it has so many different things, and I was able to start reconnecting with my inner child. I created this Custom Bespoke Perfume for me. The transformation came through smell!

An Inner Child Custom Bespoke Parfum will connect your inner child with you. This Inner Child Package will attract your “Twin Flame” or “Life Partner” also. We have done all of this work on a mental level but we have to connect our inner child to integrate it. It is usually the last step that is missing. So this is the natural perfume that does that. It is customized to you. I go through the process of connecting with the Divine—God, calling in your guides and angels and my guides and angels. I allow the Divine Light to flow through me and I am guided to the essential oils and what processes I need for you to achieve success with your custom perfume. I am channeling this information and we are working from a very high vibration and Spiritual place. I am only a conduit for the energy and information and I allow this guidance to assist me. The process is my choosing the very powerful essential oils for you. Your inner child talks with me giving me the codes for the perfume so the oils will bypass your conscious mind and reconnect on a powerful level.

What I am now feeling is I am taking my power back.. I am open and ready to receive. I am now seeing and feeling the world as a compassionate place where I can receive love, support and I am able to trust again. These are the benefits I am receiving from integrating my inner child from my inner child custom perfume activation.

This new piece that was missing is going to create a lot of healing for people on a whole new level. It is going deeper in the inner child healing with the essential oils and my alchemy.

Everyone is disconnected from their inner child. I make perfumes that people wear and their inner child is inundated with them. That is the biggest problem on the planet. People will put this perfume on, they will smell it, feel it, and it will reconnect their inner child so they won’t have a split personality. So they come back, like coming back from the dead. Integrating the inner child on a deeper level is a desire for many people.

This new magical custom bespoke parfum is an energetic, alchemical process that is deeper than anything I have ever done. People will wear it and they will freak out! It will change their entire life. It is instant transformation! This is what is going to allow people to manifest their twin flame, life partner, and all of the success they want. It is the gold key to the treasure chest and the bridge that was missing. In this Custom Bespoke Parfum creation I am speaking to their inner child of the person asking them what they need and giving it to them. I perform a ceremony and channel a quest, which is the instructions to achieve the goal. I will record this quest and it will be sent in video form along with the parfum. The video will be an activation and will transmit the energy to you and the parfum will be more effective. I will also send a written message for you.


Inner Child Custom Perfume with Activation: A custom-made 1/2 oz. (15 ml) parfum in a glass bottle. A 4 inch tall, hand blown glass perfume bottle is included in a gold foil box with a creamy silk bag and pillow. It comes with a dauber to apply it. Rare, precious, and vintage essential oils and absolutes are the raw materials used. JoAnne uses a combination of Sacred Alchemy© and energy to create one-of-a-kind perfumes. I scan your name and address to create this perfume and send it to you. This bespoke perfume is available for International Shipping. I need no other information from you. Activate your potential today! I will choose the bottle that resonates with your energy.

Inner Child Custom Perfume with Activation














It came through smell!

April 15th, 2017 by

When I was 3 years old I was sexually abused by a neighbor man who was babysitting me with his wife. My parents would go out of town and this couple would watch my sisters and I. I am told he also sexually abused my sisters. My Mother also sexually abused me, and she was verbally and physically abusive. She hated me and called me names. This photo is me at 4 years old.

For years I tried everything … meditating, many types of healing, but I wasn’t able to receive. My inner child was still disconnected. Finally I found this scent for me. It bypasses the limbic system, it channels from my past lives, it has so many different things, and I was able to start reconnecting with my inner child. I created this Custom Bespoke Perfume for me yesterday! The transformation came through smell!

People from all over the world from the wealthy royals, and all kinds of men and women have experienced my Custom Bespoke Parfums. Now I am creating a new product to connect your inner child with you. This inner child package will attract your twin flame or life partner with you. We have done all of this work on a mental level but we have to connect our inner child to integrate it. It is usually the last step that is missing. So this is the natural perfume that does that. It is customized to you. I go through the process of connecting with the Divine—God, calling in your guides and angels and my guides and angels. I allow the Divine Light to flow through me and I am guided to the essential oils and what processes I need for you to achieve success with your custom perfume. I am channeling this information and we are working from a very high vibration and Spiritual place. I am only a conduit for the energy and information and I allow this guidance to assist me. The process of choosing the very powerful essential oils for you, your inner child talking with me giving me the codes for the perfume so the oils that will bypass your conscious mind and reconnect on a powerful level.

What I am now feeling is I am taking my power back.. I am open and ready to receive. I am now seeing and feeling the world as a compassionate place where I can receive love, support and I am able to trust again. These are the benefits I am receiving from integrating my inner child from my inner child custom perfume activation.


