Natural Perfumes Blog

Benefits of JoAnne Bassett Custom Bespoke Parfum

April 29th, 2017 by

How does a Custom Bespoke Parfum give me the results I ordered? All natural perfumes to Summon Your Life Partner, Twin Flame, Reconnect with your Inner Child and Heal Your Inner Child Wounding, Enhance Your Relationship, and Create a New Life of Flow of Abundance, Love, and Success.

Order one today!  Your life is waiting for you!


Ready For Your Life Partner?

February 18th, 2017 by

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What are you doing on this Saturday night? Is it date night or are you sitting home alone with wine, pizza, popcorn and Netflix. Would you like to change that? I create a Custom Bespoke Parfum to “Summon your Life Partner”. They are powerful and life changing. What would you rather do… sit home by yourself or be in this photo?  Check them out!







Want More Passion In Your Marriage or Love Relationship?

February 13th, 2017 by

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What happened to the passion in your relationship?  How many of you would like to get back to the way things were?  How many of you would like to have a more fulfilling love relationship than you have ever experienced? Is your relationship a little stale or a lot stale?

Still looking for that perfect gift?  I have the perfect solution! It is a miracle in a bottle. It is a Custom Bespoke Perfume that will shift your partner and your energy as a couple.  Add the passion back into your relationship today!

Order today… your happy relationship is waiting for you. I can create this love potion using only a name with an address.  Go here to order!

Another winner is my Luscious Roses Parfum that will open the heart chakra when worn.  Created from 6 natural roses this rose parfum is very powerful and is much better than giving the live





On Life Purpose – Need A Life Partner

February 12th, 2017 by

Life partners come in all sizes and shapes.. women and men.. committed life partners or marriage partners.  There are many women and men who are already on their life purpose or their life mission.  That is the reason they are here on the planet at this time. It is what lights them up on a daily basis.  They already have their successful business or business idea and are now searching for their twin flame or life partner to share it with them and to help them with it. Two people collaborating together for a cause is so much stronger.  They help each other save the planet or whatever is their dharma this lifetime.

I am being called to bring these lovely beings together.  The time is now.  Many people know they want to leave a legacy and want help carrying that out. If you are on life purpose and want someone to share it with you I am here to help.

I create a Custom Bespoke Parfum called Summon Your Life Partner.  It is a one of a kind all natural perfume based on your name and your energy.  They work for both men and women.  I have seen success many times after they wear the perfume that is just for them. It helps them align with their life partner.  He or she is already waiting in the wings so the perfume just calls them in.  Does that make sense? Your life is waiting.

Go here to order your Custom Bespoke Perfume that is designed to magically attract your life partner.  Don’t hesitate…do it today!




