Natural Perfumes Blog

Mental Illness, Suicidal Thoughts

November 8th, 2020 by

Reaching out to friends and family members I have realized there are a lot of people who are silently hurting.  They have been just getting by emotionally…in a depressed state.. with suicidal thoughts.  These can be people of any age… teenagers who miss their friends, miss going to school and not viewing classmates in a zoom meeting. Children who cannot hug their friends.  They have to sit home alone or with their family waiting for the restrictions to ease so they can go out and play with their friends… and go back to school without a mask.

This goes on and on .. grown women who miss their meetings.. having coffee with a girlfriend.. going to the office and chatting.  Instead they are working from home on a computer by the hour.. alone.  This is hard on families.. perhaps the parents are unemployed and have to struggle to put food on the table and keep the family together.  All of these constraints that 2020 brought have taken a toll on many.

What has all of this done to your mental health? Do you have feelings of unworthiness…feeling alone and unwanted.. or feeling abandoned.  I have lived alone for many years.. and this year of quarantine has been especially hard as I have moved to a new state.. and don’t know many people. We are meant to be social creatures.. notice dogs running together.. meeting new dogs at the park. We go to a grocery store.. and cannot even smile at a human.. or receive a smile back.. the mask covers it.

My contribution to assist those who have more on their plate to deal with than they can handle at the moment is to offer a beautiful fragrance I named Kiss of Gentleness… it is not a feel better pill that is addictive. It is a wholesome essential oil, all natural  perfume with proven aromatherapy guidelines that will assist you and support you in your time of need.

I am a trained aromatherapist, alchemist and natural perfumer who looks at the whole body; the holistic vibration of a person.  What is out of alignment.. what is needed?

In these chaotic times there is a need to connect to Source… to reconnect and receive light and feel love… It is a time for sleep, self care, and for nourishment.

The qualities of gentleness and things being gentle are what is called for now. I have created a new natural perfume to support you at this time.
Like a gentle breeze it will help you to have a peaceful, gentle or calm life. It has the frequency of Grace. It helps people get into a grounded state and experience gentleness.
This natural perfume has the qualities of a sweet essence, a citrus and flowery feeling. I added vanilla to it as most people are comforted by it.

This beautiful fragrance can be sprayed in your home or worn on the body to activate and cultivate gentleness in your aura and your spaces.

These natural perfumes would make a great gift for your friends experiencing anxiety and stress.  The holidays are coming and staying in a grounded and calm space will be much appreciated.

I created this natural perfume – a gentle perfume after I had a constellation with Klara Fischerova in her private group. It said a perfume for gentleness is needed now.. to spray in the air.. on your body and in multiple locations…check it out.  Being of service to humanity.. I created it.. and Klara offered a few names. I like Kiss of Gentleness…thank you Klara! 

This perfume is part of the New Earth Collection… moving from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension.  It is available here.

Klara Fischerova : Yes, in the constellation it showed that especially people who have been restricted in their homes, elderly, people who have been dealing with chronic diseases, immuno compromised, children, people who feel lonely, would really benefit creating an aura of gentleness around themselves, so they can find some relief from the stress, sadness, and loneliness.

The essences that you put into it sound really perfect for this purpose. I know how powerful your perfumes are from my own experience, using several of them regularly over the past couple years.

Additionally to their quality as opposed to synthetic commercial perfumes, your perfumes have alchemical properties.

They can provide a gentle shield from the increased negativity and stress during these times. Just hope the mail is still delivering in time.

It is available here.

I also have an offering that will be very helpful to assist you through this “heavy time” of our awakening. Everyone on planet Earth will need some help with the incoming energies.. I kid you not.
My 11-11 Portal Perfume will be that special potion that will ease you through this black hole. A $50.00 travel sprayer of this will be a God send in the time to come. Mark my words.
They will be created on 11-11 and the cut off is November 9.  This portal perfume is available here.  Take care of yourself.. instead of that pizza, Netflix, or major comfort food invest in an encoded perfume to help you navigate this trying time. Do you think the fallout of the election is over? Take a look at an astrology chart for the coming months. It is not a pretty picture. That is why I am offering more support.. now is time for you to care for you.. and others you care for.  Disconnect from the mainstream fake news.. take long baths.. long walks if you are able.. spray on a natural perfume that can transport you to a higher realm.
All the best to all of my clients, may you all be blessed in this tine of Thanksgiving. I am grateful for my life and for my clients who remind me of how I can help others to navigate these times.
PS: The Mastery Collection at 50% off is selling out.. if you are wanting to stock up.. or offer them as gifts for the holiday the time is now! The perfume choices are Abundance, Love or Purpose.
Please share this post with those who may need to hear this message today! Please do your part to help your fellow humans. I am doing mine to the best of my ability.

Mastery 2020 Collection on Closeout Sale

October 21st, 2020 by

Just like the year 2020 is coming to an end .. so is this natural perfume collection. When I created this collection I did not realize how 2020  the year of mastery was going to change so many lives.  Quarantine, relationships, financial hardships, virus, and so much more. There was also immense downpouring of light this year.. with many ascension symptoms.

Many people that purchased the Mastery 2020 Collection have shared with me all of the amazing blessings that have come to them after wearing this perfume. Some people have purchased the collection several times as they love it so.

Tell the universe you’re ready to receive love, abundance and absolute purpose in the new decade. Be activated now!

Infused with some of the purest ingredients you’ll ever find, these are unlike “any” perfume you’ll find.

They’re more like “magical potions” than they are perfumes. Anoint yourself daily and receive the love you’re missing…the abundance you’re calling in…and the feeling of fulfillment that comes from a deep sense of purpose. There are 3 options to choose from.

I have decided to put this whole collection on close out sale at 50% off.  So year 2021 is not that far away so it is getting time to remove this offering from my website.

Here is your last chance…there are limited supplies so get yours now.

Choose Abundance, Love or Purpose eau de perfume in gorgeous silver foil boxes… they are also coming to an end. 

Go here now to claim yours before they are gone. 



Ready To Start Your Online Business?

June 29th, 2020 by

This second half of the year, I’m putting a huge focus on IMPLEMENTATION in my business.

We live in a world with soooo much information right at our fingertips.

Almost anything we need to know is literally a few clicks away…right?

But here’s the thing…

All the articles you sift through to find out how to grow your business online…
All the business books that you read…
All the info products that you buy…
All the courses…

They mean almost NOTHING if you don’t actually execute. It is like all of those mp3’s you own and never listen to…

But imagine if you took just ONE plan to start and grow your business (or next business) online, and hyper-executed EVERYTHING…

ONE plan well executed is infinitely more powerful than knowledge from 50 books that you do nothing with…right?

So here’s my challenge for you:

I’m challenging you for 30 days to TAKE ACTION on your business, and get your funnel built and launched.

It’s the SAME challenge that Russell Brunson just gave to me, and I accepted!

It’s called the One Funnel Away Challenge, and thought it would be cool if you and I could go through it together…

It’s designed to FORCE entrepreneurs to stop working on stuff that doesn’t matter, and start implementing the KEY tasks that will get your funnel LIVE, and your business flowing…

In 30 days, you’ll have a funnel that is built and LIVE, and ready to gather leads and sales.

If you’re the type of person who vaguely knows what to do, but just needs to buckle down and DO IT… then this Challenge is going to be the kick-in-the-pants you need EVERY DAY until you get your funnel launched!

It starts soon!

Here’s the link to join the One Funnel Away Challenge with me. Click here.

All of my clients fit into one of these zones.  Which zone are you in?

If you are not happy where you are, which zone are you stuck in? If we come back to this blog post in one year … what will be different in your life?

My Mastery 2020 Collection of natural perfumes has some of my clients ready to play full out this year… are you one of them?



Cosmic Portal Perfumes

January 12th, 2020 by

I recently closed the JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes Facebook group as people were still wanting to join and it is a closed group. Instead of creating a monthly perfume with intention for that group I am now creating these cosmic Portal Perfumes.

On particular days of the month we have a “gateway” – an opening to the other dimensions… a portal.  There is now a Portal Perfumes Collection page for these. Those dates are also Angel Numbers and have numerology meanings.

For this year they are 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc. I will be creating the 2-2 on the New Moon of January 24.

I am now back to taking orders for these in advance like my monthly JoAnne Bassett Royal Perfumes.  So you must purchase this before January 23 in order for you to receive this perfume. I will only create the perfumes for the people I have received payments for this perfume. 

Go to the Portal Perfumes Collection page to read more about the Angel Meanings for 2-2-2020. I am creating both eau de perfumes in alcohol and perfumes in oil in various sizes.

Also due to popular demand I am offering the Mastery 2020 Collection on my website.  There are multiple choices and price ranges.

I hope you will consider the Mastery 2020 perfumes as this will be a powerful activator for you on your journey in this new decade.  There is an  activation that happens for you when you wear the perfumes. These perfumes are encoded with intentions to support and empower you on your journey.


TIP: if you’re skeptical of 2020

December 29th, 2019 by

If optimism for 2020 doesn’t feel like it’s in your corner.

Hi, it’s JoAnne…

I’ll cut to the chase because I know it’s Sunday.

You’re probably hoping to ring in the new year on Wednesday…

…and call in something NEW for yourself.

Like love…

Perhaps a new pathway of purposefulness…

Or even a deep sense of knowing that abundance is all around you at all times…

You see this past decade has lead you down a very specific path.

One that you and I can choose to learn from…


We can pull our past into the present only to forecast a future we don’t really want…

The same past…

Over and over doesn’t sound like a “new” decade to me.

Now I don’t know about you, but if you and I are to walk hand in hand into 2020 that just won’t do now will it?

Matter of fact…

How you and I start January will likely influence the NEXT decade of our lives.

Why not lead our lives with the highest intention and vibration possible?

Would you like to be fully supported leaving the past in the past while launching your 2020 with full mastery over your inner and outer world?

If so, I’m making the Mastery 2020 Collection available again until December 31st at midnight.

You can grab a few of the remaining $150 1 oz box sets and start your 2020 by anointing yourself daily.

Telling the universe you’re ready to receive love, abundance and absolute purpose in the new decade.

Infused with some of the purest ingredients you’ll ever find, these are unlike “any” perfume you’ll find.

They’re more like “magical potions” than they are perfumes.

If you’d like details on what potions are available and would like this 2nd chance to secure yours now and have January set the precedence for your 2020…

Just hit reply to this email with “NEW 2020” and I’ll get you details right back.

Alchemically in your corner,




December 24th, 2019 by

Last call to secure your magic in a bottle for love, abundance and purpose…

Merry Christmas!

JoAnne here…

I know a lot of folks are rushing around since it’s Christmas Eve…

But I’d be remising my duties if I didn’t mention this is the last call before midnight to score magic in a bottle to master your 2020…

The New Moon is tomorrow, on Christmas, and I’ll be downloading divine white light and crystalline sparkles…

…calling in Ascended Masters and infusing Royal Alchemy into the Mastery 2020 Collection you’re receiving.

If you’d like to place your order now is the time…

The new decade is calling…

…and you’ll feel incredible as you answer it and step into your highest calling.

My wish is that you do live in your highest while letting go of the past hurts, traumas and trials.

And you can do so through the alchemy of perfume.

Paul received his custom order recently and had this to say…

“When I opened and applied the Perfume to my heart chakra, I could feel its divine alchemy being absorbed deep into my body, anointing me into a new level of being.

And, the scent of the Perfume is absolutely magnificent.  Thank you so much for these gifts of divine alchemy and transformation!”

If you’re ready to wake up everyday with a deep sense of love, feel on purpose and be incredibly abundant…

Then this is the last call to receive it through the power of my magical perfume potions in the form of Mastery 2020.

Just comment down below “NEW YEAR” and I’ll reach out with details so you can secure yours.

Just hit reply back to this email with “NEW YEAR” and I’ll reach out with details so you can secure yours.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Alchemically in your corner,



Calling on Abundance?

December 23rd, 2019 by

If you’re ready to invite abundance into your life in 2020.

Hello! It’s JoAnne,

I heard it said best last week:

“How we start out January 2020 will decide how we live the next decade…”


That’s either really inspiring…

Or really scary to think about…

No matter where you find yourself right now, it’s never too late to infuse love, abundance and purpose into your life on a deep deep level.

And you can do so with my magical perfume potions found in the Mastery 2020 Collection.

If you doubt the potency of these perfumes…

One of my clients who just recently purchased a big order of magical perfumes had this to say of his experience:

“I love the Luscious Roses, Bubble of Divine Love, and Napoleon.

When I use the Luscious Roses the whole room fills with light and love and when I add the Bubble of Divine Love, I can feel my molecular structure and DNA reinventing itself into totally new frequencies…

And when I put on Napoleon I can immediately feel a newfound sense of power, strength, and courage that I did not feel before.”

Would you like to infuse your life with power, love, abundance and possibility?

The Mastery Collection 2020 is coming to a close tomorrow night at midnight.

Now is the time to secure your order before the New Moon on Christmas night.

Hit reply to this email with “POWER” and I’ll respond with details on how you can secure a perfume that fits your budget.

Alchemically in your corner,



 In 3 days THIS happens

December 22nd, 2019 by

If you try so hard but feel like you’re stuck, even if Christmas is in the air

It’s JoAnne,

It’s nearly Christmas and a lot is happening in homes all over the world right now.

Patty is longing for her perfect partner…

After falling off her path, Patrica is craving purpose in her life again…

And Anita is praying for abundance in her life as she’s wondering what the new year will bring.

Because 2019 brought with it all the lessons of living without it.

But there is a shift that is happening in 3 days…

Can you feel it?

It’s the shift of INTENTION…

And in exactly 3 days time…

You can leverage the energy of the NEW MOON…

Which is why all orders of the new Mastery 2020 Collection will need to be in by midnight December 24th.

If you’re calling in Love, Abundance, and Purpose into your life in 2020…

NOW is the time to see it though with the magical potion perfumes.

There are a few of the sets left available and there are a few of the $150 sets available as well…

Don’t let this special new moon go by without your intentions alone…

But instead allow the magical potion perfumes to bless and anoint your new intentions into 2020 and throughout it…

These perfumes aren’t available “anywhere” else with the amount of light and ability to transmute shadow into shining light.

Would you like to get your order in now?

If so here’s what to do now before supplies are gone.

Hit reply to this email with “INTENTIONS” and I’ll reply back with details so you can secure your order now.

This is a very special time and you deserve a very special 2020.

Master it with these magical perfumes…

Alchemically in your corner,

