Natural Perfumes Blog

Opens Our Heart

February 2nd, 2020 by

Opens our heart (to receive love)…


If you feel your heart has been guarded for too long…


Hello! It’s JoAnne,


Jeannie looked over at the bright green numbers on her digital alarm clock and as usual it was 3:05 am…


She’s found herself waking up again, wide awake, after only 3 or 4 hours sleep.


Unable to fall back asleep naturally…


Her mind was ablaze with thought.


It’s been over a year since she closed her heart after seeing the texts from another woman on her lovers phone…


Unable to cope with being caught, he lashed out at her.


Told her it was her fault and that even though he wished he hadn’t done it, he felt like he couldn’t talk to her.


Her heart, shattered in a million pieces, she shut down.


Where before she felt like weekends were to be enjoyed with her love…


Now, Friday nights were romance movies on Netflix and ice-cream alone…


Sunday afternoons, were uneventful, at best even though friends urged her to go shopping with them…


Jeannie isn’t alone…


There are millions of men and women who have shut down their heart for one reason or another.


But there’s a way “out” and it doesn’t require therapy on some therapists couch either.


I don’t know if you can relate or not but…


Raising you vibration and self esteem is about opening your heart chakra and being open to receiving love, joyful, uplifting and healing properties.


It’s being able to reach out and connect with your highest self.


To know you’re already WHOLE.


This is extremely difficult when leading with the head and mind…


But it’s natural to and simple when you’re leading with your heart.


So the first step to receiving Deep Love is to allow it to come to us.


That’s why the Deep Love Collection is such a magical perfume because it allows it to come to you now.


Claim it out loud I “I AM Deep Love!”


And so it is…


Would you like details on the Deep Love Collection?

There are two options.


Time is running out because all orders are final as of February 7th at midnight.


Deep Love in your life is as simple as anointing yourself with this magical perfume daily with intentions.


To get details on the Deep Love Collection #1 or #2 just reply to this email with “DEEP” and I’ll reach back out.


Alchemically in your corner,




BOOST your immune system with pure love

January 30th, 2020 by

BOOST your immune system with pure love…


If you’re concerned with getting the flu.


JoAnne here…


You’ve probably seen the big outbreak of Coronavirus.


It’s all over the news of course and has a lot of people worried.


Rightfully so.


My prayers to those infected and those who have been claimed because of it.


But most at risk are children and the elderly.




Anyone at any age who is living with a compromised immune system.




I am NOT making claims here…


And on the same hand, love has been shown to not only lowering blood pressure and decrease stress levels.


But feeling love and feeling loved both provide a powerful lift to the immune system.


As can sex.


Researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania found that having sex once or twice a week boosts the immune system.


So, “love” you could say, seems to play a pretty vital role in staying healthy.


Which is why I infuse so much love and light into my new Deep Love Collection for Valentines so you are deeply connected to love and are attracting the deepest love to you.


Orders are available until Feb 7th so that you can receive it by Valentines day.


To get details and secure your order hit reply with “LOVE” and I’ll reply back to you.


Alchemically in your corner,


~ JoAnne


If you feel love is eluding you

January 27th, 2020 by

If you feel love is eluding you…


Become a “love magnet” within 30 days…


JoAnne here,


Grace wasn’t excited about Valentines Day coming up…


It was too painful of a reminder of the love she had lost just a year ago.


She couldn’t understand what went wrong and it was costing her the deepest relationship of all.


The one within herself.


She kept ingesting over the past…


She was the ideal woman she thought.


She was loving, attentive and went out of her way to make sure her partner felt loved.


And he STILL found a way to walk away from the relationship.


Was it him?


Was it her?


Her mind wouldn’t let go…


And her heart suffered the most.


Sleepless nights tossing and turning.


Constantly looking at her phone texts to see if he had messaged.


She knew this wasn’t the answer and somehow her heart needed to be set free along with her soul.


Not sure if you have resonated with this at one point.


But if so this is a problem I solve with the Deep Love Collection…


A few drops on the heart before bed or throughout the day…


Ii infuses the heart with a deep sense of connectedness…


A deep sense of LOVE.


Because true love always begins from within.


And it’s realizing you and I are deeply loved because we ARE love.


The Deep Love Collection is designed and infused with the light and awareness from this recent new moon.


So many people seek love outside of themselves.


And instead of needing to seek, the Deep Love Collection connects them to the source of love.


So that they embody it daily.


And feel deeply loved.


Would you like details on how you can have this too?


If so…


Reply back to this email with “LOVE” and I’ll message you with next steps.


Orders will need to be in by February 7th to receive by Valentines day.


Alchemically in your corner,




When Love Hurts

January 24th, 2020 by

If the idea of Valentines Day feels bittersweet…

JoAnne here…

Valentines Day can be a two sided coin.

On one hand, if you or I are in a loving relationship, it can remind us of everything that is wonderful about being in love.

But on the other, if you and I are single, it can remind us of everything we don’t have.

And then of course, there’s somewhere in the middle where someone’s in a rocky relationship and love is “on shaking ground”…

I’m not sure where you fall?…

But this message is for the later two points.

If you aren’t excited about Valentines Day or it brings you down to think about it…

I’ve got just the solution for you to turn it around…

Because EVERYONE deserves deep love in their lives.

I’m taking orders for the limited edition Deep Love Collection.

Because transmuting stuck energy around deep love is hard…

The Deep Love Collection makes it easy to allow that energy to be absorbed by the love infused into this new collection.

This Deep Love potion is SO powerful and unique it’s one of the first where it’s ingredients are proprietary.

I’m taking limited orders right now so that anyone who wants to feel Deep Love in their lives can experience it before Valentines Day.

Would you like details on how to make that happen?

Just reply back to this email with DEEP LOVE and I’ll reach back out with details…

Alchemically in your corner,

