Natural Perfumes Blog

Listeners loved this and you will too (limited time)

April 21st, 2018 by

I’m so excited… I just did an amazing activation on From Heartache To Joy this week!

Go here to listen now:

I did an Inner Child Healing and Activation Meditation and Eram’s telling me her listeners really loved it.

The call taught how your Inner Child affects your whole life, your present and your future. In the call you will learn how you can re connect with your inner child and release the struggle, trauma and your story!

Because there were a ton of requests for a replay, Eram has kindly scheduled a replay as one of her featured speakers. Go here to listen:

No need to sign up with your email or anything either.

The replay is being taken down on Monday at 11:00 PST, so listen to it before then if you don’t want to miss out.

I am honored and really hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity.

Much Love,


P.S. If you don’t listen by Monday at 11:00 PST then there’s nothing I can do sorry. So I would go and listen right now while you remember:

S16 | JoAnne Bassett Special Offer


Empowering Women

January 13th, 2018 by

One of my missions in life is to empower women. That also includes men and children when appropriate. When we start talking about sexual abuse then it includes anyone from any race, and any place in the world.

There have been many #metoo and #timesup  posts on social media, in the newspapers, magazines and on the news.

  1. Time’s Up Now: 300 Women in Hollywood Team Up to Fight Sexual Harassment
    300 powerful women in Hollywood, including Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington, have joined forces to launch the Time’s Up initiative to fight back against sexual harassment in the workplace. The initiative includes a legal defense fund that will help .
  2. Oprah Winfrey Accepts the Cecil B. de Mille Award – Golden Globes 2018 – A video and her remarks received 45,142,168 Views at the #GoldenGlobes.

Golden Globes added a new episode. January 7 at 9:34pm

“I want all of the girls watching here now to know, that a new day is on the horizon. And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say, ‘me too’ again.” Oprah Winfrey accepts the 2018 Cecil B. de Mille award. #GoldenGlobes

It is time for me to offer more support with my natural perfumes.  I offer a Women’s Empowerment perfume sample pack to help with self esteem, confidence, for self love, for the ability to give and receive love and abundance and more.

I recently listed my Sexual Empowerment Perfume and Sacred Sex Perfume.  Anyone who has suffered sexual abuse or harassment may be empowered from wearing these natural perfumes.  I set intentions and then code these fragrances with these intentions so when you wear them you receive that intention by wearing it.  I perform royal alchemy on my perfumes and they are magical.  They have Divine energies and are very powerful.

My Custom Perfume Potions contain a choice for For Sexual Abuse.  I tap into your energy field and create a custom perfume potion that is a one of a kind perfume for you and what your body needs.

An easy way to locate the natural perfume that provides a benefit you are looking for is here under Choosing A Scent. Go to this link and scroll all the way to the bottom.  I will continue to add natural fragrances here.  Not all of the regular aromatherapy benefits are listed. You receive many aromatherapy benefits by wearing these natural perfumes with the essential oils.

For total support of your body mind and spirit I offer a Custom Perfume that has multiple intentions based on your needs.

The way people are coming together now to say No More!  Times Up and Me Too will show the world the seriousness of this conscious problem we have in our world.  It is time we do something about it.  Touching one life at a time I would like to do my part to make a difference in someone’s life.  I acknowledge everyone for their bravery in giving this movement a voice!

Many blessings to all.



Special Offering for January

January 6th, 2018 by

What were your New Years resolutions for this year? Did you write out a list?  Have you started on the list.. checking off the ones you have completed?  Have you begun any of them yet?

People write things on their list like go to the gym 3 days a week minimum, start that “healthy” diet they have chosen,  start that detox cleanse of their body, and more.

Sometimes it is about an emotional and heavy burden they have been carrying. It can be forgive those you have quarrels with and write them a forgiveness letter.  Make that phone call to your parents while they are still alive.  Meet one of your old friends and reconnect.

Perhaps it is something fun like join a book club, a writer’s club, a choir, a singles group, a team of some sort, etc.  Go hear more music, take a dance class and go dancing. Check out 1 place on my bucket list each quarter of this new year.

All of these resolutions are admirable.  Some of them can be fun… some can be painful.  All of these can take a while for you to decide you really want to begin them.  They can take a while before you commit to do them.

I have been thinking about people and personal growth and self care.  Why does it have to be so painful and time consuming?  I have amazing custom perfume potions that have helped my clients for many years.  These natural perfumes are created based on your energy field and intention.

I have many testimonials from clients who had magical and quick results. Can you allow yourself to achieve some of the goals on your New Years list?  How good can you stand it?  What are you waiting for?

This special offer was created to help you remove whatever is standing in your way to achieving your dreams this year.  Dream big!  This Custom Perfume Potion will start you off on the right foot.

Do you want to start a new company, write a book, start an exercise program and get healthy? Create a respectful, loving relationship?

My Custom Perfume Potion Special Offerings for January are Manifest/Create and Motivate.

I create one of a kind Perfume Potions for people to strengthen and empower them. The Custom Perfume Potions will be created with 100% natural essential oils and absolutes in organic jojoba oil. It comes in a 6 ml glass perfume bottle in a cream satin bag.

Special Offer Price $397.00   Regular price is $500.00

6 ml Manifest/Create Custom Perfume Potion – Price: $397.00 or

6 ml Motivate Custom Perfume Potion – Price: $397.00

Offer ends January 31.


This is so rare to find… powerful magic in a bottle!! EVERYONE should have this!
“There are a few things that surprise me in the field of energy work anymore. But I have to say the power of JoAnne’s perfumes really took me by surprise!

It literally starts working the moment you put it on. I felt so much energy pulsing through me the first time I couldn’t believe it. I got a custom potion with the intention to get off my behind and start working on my book (I have been procrastinating for over 2 years!!)

Within a day of wearing the perfume I got the photo shoot done for the book cover and then few days later came across the best book editor/coach who intuitively guides you to connect with your inner vision and birth your message. We have already made progress and I am super excited that my book will be done in 3 months! And its only been 2 weeks since I got my perfume….I mean 2 years of nothing and after the perfume 2 weeks of warp speed progress! Wow, wow, wow.

If you have any desire for manifestation, you owe it to yourself to try these magical essences. And if all this super cool magical isn’t enough, they really, really smell good too. She will tune into your field and what you want to manifest and custom design a perfume that’s just right for you. Do it now….every day you don’t do it is a day away from your desire?”
~ Eram Saeed


Encoded Magical Potions Available

September 17th, 2017 by

Don’t miss these amazing magical potions that have been encoded and Royal Alchemy performed on them for your sexual empowerment and trauma release!

JoAnne Bassett was back by popular demand on the From Heartache To Joy telesummit September 7 with Healing the Sexual Wound.

There are 3 packages available.  These offers will sell out fast… just like my last one!

Important Note: I have a very limited supply of my Brand New perfumes and lots of people were disappointed last time who

missed it, so don’t let that happen to you…

My latest offer is especially for sexual healing and sexual empowerment!

If you’ve experienced sexual abuse or trauma (whether you remember it or not), then you may have difficulty being intimate with your partner.

But it’s not your fault.

Sexual abuse or trauma doesn’t just harm you physically and emotionally…… it harms you energetically as well.

When you are unable to fully process a sexually traumatic event, the toxic energy in your body gets stuck, limiting your full experience and expression of erotic energy.

But all you have to do is dab these perfumes on your body with intention to reveal, release and clear the energetic blocks to your sexual power.

Start experiencing greater amounts of pleasure and more profound sensual experiences.

You’ll gain an enormous amount of personal power, confidence and clarity and open yourself up to the free flow of dynamic, erotic, creative, sensual, sexual energy.

My custom-blended perfumes at special prices sold out quickly last time so don’t miss out! For those special offers go here: Custom Perfume Potions

and Custom Perfumes.

Here are some of the amazing transformations JoAnne’s clients have experienced from wearing her Natural Perfumes and Custom Perfume Potions:

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction and other sexual issues were able to have a healthy sex life again
Women were able to heal from the wounds of sexual abuse and rape so they could enjoy sex again
Women who felt powerless and out of control were able to communicate their wants and needs to their partners
Previously infertile women were able to have children after trying for years and balancing women’s hormones

Sign up here to receive the From Heartache To Joy newsletter and receive notice of my appearance and replays of the telesummit.

If you just want to purchase my special offers you can go here.



