Natural Perfumes Blog

Would you like to “save” love?

December 20th, 2019 by

If you have a love you’d like to keep in your life…

JoAnne here…

I’m not sure about you but I’ve got big plans for Christmas…

Like Turkey, Eggnog and Pumpkin Pie 🙂

I love Holiday foods…

But I don’t want to eat them year round.

However one thing I know many people DO want year round?


And I don’t just mean “finding” that one true love, although that’s important.

I’m talking about keeping the love of your life and keeping the fire stoked between you.

Sometimes there are “forces” outside of the relationship that attempt to sabotage it.

Maybe an ex lover or spouse…

And that can cause A LOT of stress and strain on the relationship.

Maybe even end it.

But there’s good news.

You can anoint you and your lover or spouse with the magical perfume of LOVE found in the Mastery 2020 Collection and always keep that spark alive and well.

Set the intention, apply the perfume or perfume oil…

Then sit back and relax.

LOVE is on your side and in your corner.

Now, I’m not sure if you can relate or not…

But if you’d like to attract the love of your life…

…or keep that fire ALIVE between you and your love…

Then secure your Mastery 2020 Collection today.

The cut off for orders is December 24th at midnight.

Would you like to secure your order?

If so…

Just hit reply to this email with “LOVE” and I’ll reply back with details.

Alchemically in your corner,

– JoAnne


ALERT: Only 6 days left to master a NEW 2020

December 19th, 2019 by

Woman, Middle-Aged, Hair, Freedom

It’s nearly last call to Master Love, Abundance and Purpose in your life.

JoAnne here…

For many…

They wake up every day and go to a job that isn’t their passion.

They work with people who don’t share the same value systems and so their work relationships are strained and feel empty.

Sure, it may provide financial security but it isn’t what they love to do and it feels more like a chore day in and day out.

They don’t “spring” out of bed or have a “bounce” in their step.

And even though they may get promoted to a new role…

…they find themselves working harder with no work life balance…

…and burnout.

Purpose and abundance aren’t always just about “money” for many people today…

It’s about possessing the quality time with friends and family…

…and the memories they get to create together.

Can you relate at all?

If so, abundance, purpose and a deep sense of love is right around the corner for you.

The Master 2020 Collection is exactly what fills this void and illuminates your life with Love, Abundance and Purpose…

…it infuses your life with light and possibility.

Just hold the intention and anoint yourself daily with the magical perfumes.

There’s only one problem.

There’s only 6 days left to claim your magical Mastery 2020 Collection.

A few “sets” are still available.

So whichever comes first, December 24th, or until supplies last.

Would you like to secure yours?

If so, just hit reply to this email with “MASTERY 2020” and I’ll reply back with details to secure your NEW vision of 2020.

Alchemically in your corner,



WORKS: heals past wounds

December 18th, 2019 by

If working through past wounds doesn’t sound like your idea of a fun Friday night…

JoAnne here,

There’s a lot of things you and I can be doing on a Friday night.

Going out for a romantic dinner with a lover…

Having a wine painting party with friends (that’s where you drink wine and do paintings together)…

Or just simply heading to the beach and catching a stunning sunset with all the gratitude you can handle bursting from your heart.

All sound like some fun…

But one thing that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun?…

Staying home alone and picking at wounds from our past.

It’s not uncommon for a lot of people to pull their past into their present and forecast their future.

So their Friday nights are just stuck on repeat.

No fun!…


One thing that many people aren’t aware of?

My magical perfumes can enter the unconscious through smell…

And open those wounds and allow an ABUNDANCE OF bright white light to penetrate them.

Healing those wounds without someone having to painful poke or prod at them.

Sound too good to be true?

Have you ever had a smell hit you that IMMEDIATELY took you back to your childhood?

Like when the smell of a piping hot cinnamon bun with vanilla frosting oozing over the sides of it hits me…

…and just like that, I’m back at the state fair when I were 5!

Well, the same thing is true with my magical perfumes…

Except with NEW intention they enter into your unconsciousness with the highest vibration of light possible…

…and begin working their way into the wounds and allowing the light to penetrate ever so deeply for your healing to happen.




Any of those not manifesting themselves in your life?

Or maybe something is just blocking one of them?

If so listen up…

Right now I’m making the Mastery 2020 Collection extremely accessible just for you…

You can choose the 5 ml perfume in organic jojoba oil (very potent!)

Or 1 oz eau de perfume spray with a bonus 5 ml travel spray that’s filled to the brim with your choice of magical potion eau perfume.

Imagine walking into a mist of healing scent!

Any one of these 2 options are just $150.00 each for as long as supplies

last OR until December 24th which is when all orders are final.

Would you like details on how you can secure your order?

If so here’s what to do…

Hit reply to this email with “MASTERY 2020”

Alchemically in your corner,


P.S. There are still a few of the Mastery 2020 Collection sets available but many have already been purchased. If you’d like details on the entire collection just tell me “FULL COLLECTION”


A New You in the New Decade

December 16th, 2019 by

As the year 2019 comes to a close.. I want you to ask yourself…Who do you want to be in the New Decade? 

Here is your chance for a fresh start… I will be creating the Custom Bespoke Parfums and Custom Perfume Potions on the Solstice, December 21. It is a 333 – ascended masters in numerology.  Isn’t that amazing?

Go here now to order yours.. Get ready for the ride of your life!  Custom Bespoke Parfums are a transformation in a bottle.  Make 2020 your best year ever.

Happy New Year!!

Also my 1-1 Portal Perfumes will be made on Solstice.

The number 1 means new beginnings.  Receive the blessings of new beginnings during the 1:1 portal of time – January 1.

The spiritual meaning of 1:1 is the universe offering you a new beginning, or clean slate

Angel number 1 is a reminder from your angels that we are all connected and we are all associated by our thoughts.  Angel Number 1 asks you to be aware of your thoughts and focus upon your true heart’s desires so that they are able to positively manifest your desires into your life.

You can also take the numerology breakdown of the numbers.. The number 1 is masculine – a leader, a risk taker.

Go here to order yours!

Don’t Discount Your Brilliance! 

Look for custom prices to go up soon.





Sit in the L.A.P. of luxury in 2020

December 15th, 2019 by

And you can do it with this…

Happy Sunday, it’s JoAnne.

Far too many people believe the lap of luxury isn’t obtainable.

But they never stop to think what that actually looks like…

…or requires.

So what do they do?

Aimlessly go forward thinking abundance is just always going to be out of reach.

The good news though?

That’s not how it actually works.

And it’s a good thing I’m on your side because the L.A.P. of luxury is very well within your reach.

L.A.P. stands for Love, Abundance and Purpose…

And when you infuse these into your life on a daily basis using the Mastery 2020 Collection…

Your life will be luxurious WITHIN you FIRST.

Which is how it really works to begin with.

My magical perfume potions are infused with LIGHT of the highest vibration.

And my ingredients are the purist possible.

Such as Bulgarian Alba (white) Rose Otto…

Known as the “Flower of Light” because it holds the highest vibration in the world…

…is extremely rare.

It’s so rare, I spent $17,000 for a single kilo…

…15 years ago.

This is just one of dozens of high-quality ingredients and oils I use.

And they’re blessed with the intention of LIGHT and LOVE so you experience the LOVE, ABUNDANCE and feeling of PURPOSE you deeply desire.

Now I do have to rub off some of the shine and say…

…you will have to set the intention, hold it, and LEAN into it on a daily basis…

My potion perfumes will do their magic as long as you anoint yourself daily as directly and hold your intentions.


I’m just curious if you plan to secure your Mastery 2020 Collection?…

I’ve had to limit the number available due to demand so I can produce the potions in a timely fashion.

And all orders must be in before December 24th OR until limited supplies last. Whichever comes first.

If so just reply to this email with “MAGIC” to start the conversation.

Alchemically in your corner,



LIMITED TIME: Activate Love, Abundance & Purpose…

December 11th, 2019 by

If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of activation in any or all three.

JoAnne here…

Transmuting energy is hard… Lifetimes of karma and energy can constipate joy and happiness in THIS lifetime. And making changes that align you with purpose as well as draw to you the love and abundance you so richly deserve, doesn’t come easy.

But the good news is you can help it along.

Which is exactly why I created the Mastery 2020 Collection…

Using these magical potions I’ve been told I transmute the energy FOR my clients as long as they apply them daily.

…but there is a problem.

I’ve had SO many people raise their hand for the new Mastery 2020 Collection since I announced it that I’ve had to come to a tough decision.

As of today I’m limiting the Collection to only 15 more orders.

Activate LOVE, ABUNDANCE, and PURPOSE in your life before Christmas by placing your order today.

The first step to receiving abundance is to allow it to come to you…

And this is all we’re asked to do.

For those who claim the Mastery 2020 Collection they will be taking the first step to receiving all the abundance, love and purpose they long for…

…and they will be the master of their new year.

Would you like to join them?

I have 15 spots available and when they’re gone they’re gone.

Orders in by the Solstice on the 21st will receive a bonus.

If you’d like to get details…

Hit reply to this email so you can get details and claim your happiness.

Alchemically in your corner,


P.S. the ingredients in these potions are RARE, Organic and Unique. They can’t be found anywhere in the world and certainly don’t come with the intention infused in every magical bottle.

Claim yours today…


Call Love Into Your Life

December 10th, 2019 by

Call love into your life (with this)…

If you miss holding hands, special sunset walks together and great sex…

JoAnne here,

A few weeks ago I offered up a special “Ready For Love” potion on the new

And those orders were snapped up immediately.

Now, that was a custom love potion perfume…

…but another full moon is upon us in a few days and I have a magical
perfume made on the new moon that will have your heart singing.

So for anyone who’s tired of Friday night take out and watching Netflix

And would, instead, rather be…

…sharing Friday nights cuddled up on the couch with their love and a good

…or out on the town holding hands and smiling so hard their face hurts
while gazing into each others eyes…

Then the Mastery 2020 Collection that includes my magical love perfume, in
a beautiful box set, is available for order now.

All you have to do is anoint yourself with 5 drops on your heart everyday
and the results are astounding within 6 months.

For example, I received this just a few days ago:

“JoAnne, I just received the Ready For Love and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the scent!

And it has already started to work in magical ways!

I bought the perfume to help me release the grief I had from the loss of
my husband, so I can move on. It’s been 8 years.

The perfume is helping me in ways I can’t even begin to describe!

Thank you again for your services! It was my Christmas present for myself

So if you’d like to experience the deepest sense of love for you and from
a partner.
Here’s what to do next Solstice is on the 21st so orders need to be in before midnight the 20th.

Hit reply to this email and I’ll get you details on Mastery 2020 (which includes LOVE) so you can secure your order.

With Alchemy on your side,


Abundance and Prosperity is a Spray Away

December 8th, 2019 by

If you’re ready for abundance to make it’s way into your world (and your bank account).

JoAnne here…

There’s a lot of people who wake up feeling as if nothing good happens for them…

And I get it…

There’s a few things they can point to such as…

They don’t feel as if they have an abundance of “true” friends.  More like just a lot of shallow acquaintances!

Or they don’t have an abundance of love because they stay home on Friday nights and “Netflix and Chill” alone.

And the most obvious one…

Far too many people feel as if they have more month at the end of their money.

So just “how” does one invite WAY more abundance into their life?

You wake up acknowledging the little things like…

…receiving a $25 gift card for the holidays from a boss…

…or a family member who invites you to use their place with a view over looking a lake, for a weekend get away.

Or even being gifted $100 from the parents to spend as you like.

Would you like those to start “popping” in your life?

I’m taking orders for the MASTERY 2020 Collection right now but the cut off is December 24th at midnight.

This 3 Perfume Potion collection includes ABUNDANCE…

So you can invite money, miracles and meaning into your life through a higher vibration so you can claim victory of your life.

Would you like to do this?

If so just hit reply to this email with “ABUNDANCE” to start the process.

You’re so close to anointing yourself daily and inviting massive abundance into your life…

With alchemy in your corner,


P.S. the Mastery 2020 collection is made of three magical potions, LOVE, ABUNDANCE and PURPOSE. Your life will ignite with all 3 so you can claim MASTERY over your new year.
