Natural Perfumes Blog

I Feel So Good

May 18th, 2020 by

This photo reminded me of how I feel when I wear my natural perfumes.  I feel like I am surrounded by beautiful flowers that smell amazing.  Every day is an occasion for me to enjoy my botanical fragrances.  They make me feel good. No need to have plans or leave the house in order to enjoy them.

When people first start wearing my perfumes I get long private messages and emails telling me how they simply adore them. They love that they are 100% natural and they can finally wear fragrances again… because of their allergies to synthetic chemical fragrances from the department stores.

Clients rave about how they feel good, happy, uplifted, in a higher vibration, feel more loving and peaceful. Some of these positive benefits are all encoded in my natural perfumes with Divine and Royal Alchemy.  Go to my Benefits of Natural Perfumes Page to read more.

While we are in quarantine why not spend money on things that really bring you some benefits on many levels… emotional, Spiritual and more. People are talking about their stress and anxiety levels, increases in domestic violence, depression, and suicide. My alchemy perfumes will be a big help if you take the leap and start wearing the ones that can empower and support you.  Now is the time for self care on a deeper level. Instead of spending money on take out or delivery food like pizza, and high carbs and Netflix or other venues.. do something healthy.. perfumes that enhance your life and make you feel good!

My samples are a great way to experiment to see what you like.  They are $6.00 each and there is free shipping in the US and a flat fee of $15.00 international shipping to everywhere else.

Support your mental health and shift your energy to a higher vibration.  Scrolling through Facebook and reading all of the doom and gloom does nothing to raise your immune system.  Become sovereign… take control of your emotions and create your own Heaven on Earth. If you need help with that I encoded a Heaven on Earth perfume to help you.  It is a magical perfume.. like many others.

The New Moon is coming Friday, May 22.  I will be creating my empowering Custom Perfumes and Custom Perfume Potions.  The energy is ripe for new beginnings.. are you ready for  yours?

