Natural Perfumes Blog

Time To Be Sovereign

September 17th, 2021 by

It is time to be Sovereign.. take  the reins of your life.  Female empowerment.. everybody empowerment. The choice is yours.  You decide.

Become empowered.. in charge of your life.. or be controlled by the powers that be.

This is not a political statement.. it is important on so many levels.

In 2017 I went on Eram Saeed’s show From Heartache to Joy for sexual empowerment.

This memory came up on Facebook today!
Don’t miss these amazing magical potions that have been encoded and Royal Alchemy performed on them for your sexual empowerment and trauma release!
JoAnne Bassett was back by popular demand on the From Heartache To Joy telesummit September 7 with Healing the Sexual Wound.
There are 3 packages available. These offers will sell out fast… just like my last one!
Important Note: I have a very limited supply of my Brand New perfumes and lots of people were disappointed last time who
missed it, so don’t let that happen to you…
My latest offer is especially for sexual healing and sexual empowerment!
If you’ve experienced sexual abuse or trauma (whether you remember it or not), then you may have difficulty being intimate with your partner.
But it’s not your fault.
I have some potions for Clearing Sexual/Emotional Blocks that will help you.  Here is the listing on my Etsy store.
I have always felt I was ahead of my time.. I was a pioneer creating Natural Perfumes in the 70’s for myself.  Then in 1993 my Bassettt Aromatherapy company included Natural Perfumes, Potions…that were healing.. a cross between Aromatherapy and Perfume.. I was working with  encoding and alchemy 30 years ago.  My power of innate wisdom that has served me well. I wrote about that in a chapter in a book Amazing Women What’s Your Story.. in Los Angeles.. I was asked to contribute a chapter, The Power of Innate Wisdom. This is not something you learn.. it is a part of you from lifetimes of knowledge and accumulating wisdom.  I am a Master.. a Master Perfumer… and other areas of Mastery.

Grab a hold of your power and be “in charge” of your destiny! The time is now… Grab the gilded cup…you deserve it.

I created the Sovereign Collection  to empower people. It is my life mission and raising your frequency to love, peace and joy.  With all of the Royal and Divine Alchemy, Divine Light, and the encoding I add to these perfumes, you will be effortlessly supported. The other added benefit is the lovely vibrations you will feel when you apply these perfumes. There are individual bottles of Bubble of Divine Love parfum, and Divine Destiny parfum sold here.  There are not that many bottles and  boxes of these precious perfumes.  I have removed the sale price off of these now.. they are also Luxury Perfumes with expensive ingredients and have a very particular purpose in these chaotic times.

I am grateful I have inventory to help people with their fear and trauma at this time… there is a reason that my Natural Perfume inventory has not all been sold. They are here to support you!  Look through my website at the Empowerment Perfumes 
Magical Perfumes… scroll the Perfume Collections and Perfumes Past Collections. There are some potions that are ready to come to your aid.  There was a reason everyone came into this incarnation this lifetime.  My mission is to raise vibrations.. helping people with ascension with my energy field and perfume potions. They have intention, encoding and Divine and Royal Alchemy performed on them.

My process of selling my 60+ perfume formulas, with or without the alchemy attached,  my perfume inventory, rare essential oils and supplies continues. I have put out a call in the Universe for the people who are meant to carry on my legacy will reach me and purchase perfume formulas, essential oils, etc.  This is a rare opportunity for someone.. or some people… it is a private label line now that is already proven to sell.

I am reminded of my last 30 years of business… Having my Le Bijou perfume boutique in La Jolla, California. Under contract with 5 star resorts, spas, and hotels like the Golden Door,  and the Grand Del Mar teaching my Create Your Own Perfume and Perfume and Aromatherapy Journeys.  Participating in Charity events in Orange County and all over Southern CA. Doing private events with celebrities, and with corporations and others hiring me for my expertise.  Creating Custom Perfumes and Custom Perfume Potions for many people all over the world. It has been a very rewarding experience indeed. Here is a list of Press articles that highlight just a few of these. Being on tv, radio, blog talks, printed magazines, newspapers, etc. and online articles on perfume blogs, and more.

Many of you were introduced to me live at various seminars, online webinars, my Royal Perfume Group on Facebook, or telesummits like From Heartache to Joy and You Wealth. You purchased my packages or had one on one Akashic Records readings, activations, chakra clearings, intuitive readings, etc.  Now my very activating and aligning perfumes remain to assist everyone. Take advantage of them while they are still available. 


Etsy Sale On Now

May 6th, 2021 by

Tuberose .. one of the most beautiful natural fragrances I have encountered.  When I was traveling in India for a month in 2000 I saw a field of these growing like corn stalks. Oh the smell was beautiful.  I will never forget it.  The cost of Tuberose absolute is becoming off the charts. My tuberose from India is very precious.  Some of my most popular fragrances contain this natural beauty.

To celebrate Mothers I am offering a 20% off sale on my Etsy store. This is a store that carries perfume supplies, precious essential oils, my popular perfume kit and beautiful perfumes that I no longer sell on my website JoAnne Bassett.

Go there now to find that perfect gift for Mom, yourself or your loved ones. Hurry sale ends May 10, 2021.


International Fragrance Day

March 21st, 2021 by
Today March 21 is International Fragrance Day. I am so happy to share my alchemy with the world. Energetic fragrances that help people on many levels.
Using Royal and Divine Alchemy I code my natural perfumes. This alchemy fulfills an intention that you will receive when you wear the fragrance.
This is quantum physics… there is no other outcome you will get. Are you aware and notice that you are receiving this outcome when you wear it?
If you have not tried any of my energetic natural perfumes I invite you to do so now. My perfumes contain all natural ingredients
that mimic the real thing…no made in the lab oils.
Sampler packs are a great way to start to experience my perfumes. Smell the difference!

Last Day To Order is Dec 20

December 18th, 2020 by

I feel like this lovely woman… I just want to float with rose petals..

Since having these sales on my website and Etsy Shop I have found myself extremely busy…funny how that works!

Monday, December 20 is my last day to order from my website and Etsy shop.  Then my Etsy shop will be on vacation mode and I will not process any orders on my website.

If you are interested in my 20% to 50% off on perfume kits, perfume supplies, rare vintage essential oils etc.. not sold on my website.. go to my Etsy site now.

I will be creating the Portal Perfume of the year 12-21  The Grand Conjunction combined with Winter Solstice will be the totally amazing energy and I am going to capture it! This new Age of Aquarius and Golden Age energy will be a huge time of new beginnings.. for manifesting!  What is on your list? Is Santa coming to your house? If you have not ordered this 12-21 Portal Perfume .. go there now.  They will be created on Tuesday, December 21 for the people who I have orders for.  They will not be available after the 20th!


My Mastery 2020 Collections of Abundance, Love and Purpose are coming to an end as the year 2020 ends.. get your orders in before Monday, December 20th.

This has been an amazing year of growth on so many levels…it has given me a large reality check on so many levels. What have you learned?

My Perfume Formulas are for sale for a win win opportunity for the right person.  Please send me an email to inquire.

I want to wish you all a very happy holiday and Merry Christmas!  I will be moving and driving to Florida… ready for some sun and beach time again.

May all your dreams come true!

Alchemically yours,



Mental Illness, Suicidal Thoughts

November 8th, 2020 by

Reaching out to friends and family members I have realized there are a lot of people who are silently hurting.  They have been just getting by emotionally…in a depressed state.. with suicidal thoughts.  These can be people of any age… teenagers who miss their friends, miss going to school and not viewing classmates in a zoom meeting. Children who cannot hug their friends.  They have to sit home alone or with their family waiting for the restrictions to ease so they can go out and play with their friends… and go back to school without a mask.

This goes on and on .. grown women who miss their meetings.. having coffee with a girlfriend.. going to the office and chatting.  Instead they are working from home on a computer by the hour.. alone.  This is hard on families.. perhaps the parents are unemployed and have to struggle to put food on the table and keep the family together.  All of these constraints that 2020 brought have taken a toll on many.

What has all of this done to your mental health? Do you have feelings of unworthiness…feeling alone and unwanted.. or feeling abandoned.  I have lived alone for many years.. and this year of quarantine has been especially hard as I have moved to a new state.. and don’t know many people. We are meant to be social creatures.. notice dogs running together.. meeting new dogs at the park. We go to a grocery store.. and cannot even smile at a human.. or receive a smile back.. the mask covers it.

My contribution to assist those who have more on their plate to deal with than they can handle at the moment is to offer a beautiful fragrance I named Kiss of Gentleness… it is not a feel better pill that is addictive. It is a wholesome essential oil, all natural  perfume with proven aromatherapy guidelines that will assist you and support you in your time of need.

I am a trained aromatherapist, alchemist and natural perfumer who looks at the whole body; the holistic vibration of a person.  What is out of alignment.. what is needed?

In these chaotic times there is a need to connect to Source… to reconnect and receive light and feel love… It is a time for sleep, self care, and for nourishment.

The qualities of gentleness and things being gentle are what is called for now. I have created a new natural perfume to support you at this time.
Like a gentle breeze it will help you to have a peaceful, gentle or calm life. It has the frequency of Grace. It helps people get into a grounded state and experience gentleness.
This natural perfume has the qualities of a sweet essence, a citrus and flowery feeling. I added vanilla to it as most people are comforted by it.

This beautiful fragrance can be sprayed in your home or worn on the body to activate and cultivate gentleness in your aura and your spaces.

These natural perfumes would make a great gift for your friends experiencing anxiety and stress.  The holidays are coming and staying in a grounded and calm space will be much appreciated.

I created this natural perfume – a gentle perfume after I had a constellation with Klara Fischerova in her private group. It said a perfume for gentleness is needed now.. to spray in the air.. on your body and in multiple locations…check it out.  Being of service to humanity.. I created it.. and Klara offered a few names. I like Kiss of Gentleness…thank you Klara! 

This perfume is part of the New Earth Collection… moving from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension.  It is available here.

Klara Fischerova : Yes, in the constellation it showed that especially people who have been restricted in their homes, elderly, people who have been dealing with chronic diseases, immuno compromised, children, people who feel lonely, would really benefit creating an aura of gentleness around themselves, so they can find some relief from the stress, sadness, and loneliness.

The essences that you put into it sound really perfect for this purpose. I know how powerful your perfumes are from my own experience, using several of them regularly over the past couple years.

Additionally to their quality as opposed to synthetic commercial perfumes, your perfumes have alchemical properties.

They can provide a gentle shield from the increased negativity and stress during these times. Just hope the mail is still delivering in time.

It is available here.

I also have an offering that will be very helpful to assist you through this “heavy time” of our awakening. Everyone on planet Earth will need some help with the incoming energies.. I kid you not.
My 11-11 Portal Perfume will be that special potion that will ease you through this black hole. A $50.00 travel sprayer of this will be a God send in the time to come. Mark my words.
They will be created on 11-11 and the cut off is November 9.  This portal perfume is available here.  Take care of yourself.. instead of that pizza, Netflix, or major comfort food invest in an encoded perfume to help you navigate this trying time. Do you think the fallout of the election is over? Take a look at an astrology chart for the coming months. It is not a pretty picture. That is why I am offering more support.. now is time for you to care for you.. and others you care for.  Disconnect from the mainstream fake news.. take long baths.. long walks if you are able.. spray on a natural perfume that can transport you to a higher realm.
All the best to all of my clients, may you all be blessed in this tine of Thanksgiving. I am grateful for my life and for my clients who remind me of how I can help others to navigate these times.
PS: The Mastery Collection at 50% off is selling out.. if you are wanting to stock up.. or offer them as gifts for the holiday the time is now! The perfume choices are Abundance, Love or Purpose.
Please share this post with those who may need to hear this message today! Please do your part to help your fellow humans. I am doing mine to the best of my ability.

Lion’s Gate Perfume

July 22nd, 2020 by

The 8-8-2020 Lions Gate Activation

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

The Lion’s Gate/Portal/Stargate/Gateway is marked by the yearly alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius.

The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation!

As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orion’s Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth.

The star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light on the inner planes. Sirius represents abundance and fertility.

The Lion’s Gate occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness.

I will be creating  8-8 Lions Gate Portal Perfume on August 8, 2020.  It will integrate the Cosmic Light codes of Awakening with this 8-8 Gateway!  It will activate and anchor the ascension codes.  Moving into higher consciousness.

When you purchase the 8-8 – Lion’s Gate Portal Perfume it will signal your intention and you will start the process to open to these new powerful energies starting on July 26.

I will channel the Portal Perfume, encode it with intentions, Quantum energy coding, download the Higher Dimensional energy and Divine Light, and  perform Divine and Royal Alchemy on it on August 8th peak.  I will mail them asap and you will be able to wear them.

You will receive a 5 ml royal blue travel sprayer of eau de parfum in a royal blue organdy bag. 

Price $50.00

You will receive a 4 ml perfume in an ivory satin bag. 

Price $100.00

This is a one time thing and will only be available to those who pre order.

The cut off time is Thursday, August 6 at 5 pm EST …no exceptions.

I will create the special perfumes for the orders I have received prior to that time.

Here is the link to my Facebook Live I did for this 8-8 Lions Gate Perfume.


Ready For Joy?

July 11th, 2020 by

Want more joy in your life? It’s not always easy to be in a happy place when it feels like the world is falling down around you. There are days I wake up and look at my Facebook wall and see the latest media story about statues being torn down.. covid deaths and stats… and child sex traffic rings … and I think what is this world coming to?

Then I make a choice.. get caught in the drama or walk away! Today I chose to take my morning coffee outside and sit on my deck.. surrounded by 60 year old trees and my new rose bushes that are blooming now. It puts a smile on my face. They smell wonderful. I sit in the sun.. getting some extra Vitamin C and take it all in.  My cucumbers are flowering.. other plants I grew from seed are getting big and soon I will have more flowers to fill my nose and my world. My doe brought her 2 twin fawns past my window to show me.. so proud.  Also a lunar moth has been visiting me. See photos on my Facebook wall or Instagram page.  Please follow me on these pages for more photos and what’s new with me.

I have noticed since I moved to NC we don’t get the daily sunshine that I had in So Cal and AZ desert.  We have a bunch of cloudy days and some rain which is great to clear the humidity.

Today I was reminded of my Liquid Sunshine eau de parfum that I love… I created that last year.  It really makes me happy in these times of quarantine and isolation.

If this doesn’t put a smile on your face.. I am not sure if anything can!  With sparkly citrus pink grapefruit, clementine and Italian lemon you will be beaming. Then the beautiful floral burst of the “flower of flowers” Ylang Ylang Extra and Damask Rose absolute from Egypt to open your heart and cheer you up.. You cannot go wrong. Add some nutmeg and black pepper for spice and all things nice.. Grounding is always important and the new thing to do is stay grounded.. not leave your body!  Vetiver from Haiti is my go to essential oil for that. Frankincense is added to give you a Spiritual edge and for protection. This is absolutely one of my favorite sprays I wear all summer long. Try it.  Put a sprayer in the refrig and zap yourself instead of reaching for that morsel you don’t really need.  Feed your soul with chakra opening encoded natural perfumes..not your stomach because you are bored.

I ordered more royal blue organdy bags to go with the travel sprayers.

5 ml Liquid Sunshine eau de perfume travel sprayer with blue organdy bag $30.00

1 oz Liquid Sunshine eau de perfume with a free 5 ml eau de perfume travel sprayer in a peacock box. $150.00

For all of you who want more FREEDOM I am offering 30% off the Sovereign Collection.  It continues to be my best seller. Go to the page and order yours today.

If you have any trouble with my shopping cart please send me an email on my Contact Form.

If you want to get on my newsletter list please go to this link.


New Beginnings

June 24th, 2020 by

In 1977 I was married, bought a house and planted my first rose garden in the yard.  Over the years I moved to new states,  bought new roses, and grew some in pots on my deck or patio.  Some of these roses moved multiple times in pots. They became my family, along with potted gardenias, jasmines, and many others. When I left Orange County, California I left my roses there.

Last year when I moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina I started over… New beginnings with my rose collection.  I ordered some David Austin roses and others.  They were own root roses and arrived in 1 gallon containers. Starting over with new rose varieties I have never grown before.  Today I am sharing my first bloom from Double Delight hybrid tea rose.  This is a rose I walked by on a regular basis when I had my perfume boutique in La Jolla, CA.  This is a very fragrant rose and I am so happy I finally have her in my new collection.

These roses are very small plants and just leafing out now in June.  Fertilizing them with stinky liquid fish fertilizer will help them grow, bloom and prosper.

What are you doing for your growth?  What new beginnings are you creating in your life?  You are the creator of your life! Just like roses we need to keep giving ourselves the nourishment, self love so we can grow, bloom and prosper.

We are now in the second half of this 2020 year of Mastery.  What steps have you taken?  We have had 3 to 4 months now of Covid quarantine to go inside and meditate… ask ourselves what we really want and more. What inspires you? It starts with a bud… then you focus on it.. feed it.. and it blooms into a beautiful rose.

I created the Mastery 2020 Collection this year to support you on this journey. It is amazing that I tuned in to this way before the Covid became a reality.  All of the changes that came about as a result of this pandemic.  My Mastery 2020 Collection is still available to support you through this time.  Which area of your life do you want to improve?  The choices for this collection are Abundance, Love or Purpose.  Some of my clients have purchased all 3 perfumes. 

This is also a time of taking back your power… living as a Sovereign being. Release all unworthiness.  This will be a catalyst in your life to have a new beginning. Start today!

I created the Sovereign Collection  to empower people. It is my life mission and raising your frequency to love, peace and joy.  With all of the Royal and Divine Alchemy, Divine Light, and the encoding I add to these perfumes, you will be effortlessly supported. The other added benefit is the lovely vibrations you will feel when you apply these perfumes. What are you waiting for?

The time is now… are you living your full potential and life purpose?  Make the last 6 months of this amazing year the best ever. 

It starts with you!


What others are saying:

The highlighted words in my postings are the descriptors from Ida Meister at It’s been a very long time since I smelled a collection of this calibre from start to finish.

Tiffanie – It is a pleasure to open a vial and smell gorgeous oakmoss or rose or frankincense . . . oh, it is just amazing how each of the beautiful notes is so real. And the notes in each fragrance are combined in amazing and delightful ways. Your fragrances have an impact and loveliness I have not experienced in perfume for many, many years. I now know that natural perfumery is right for me and my nose. Thank you!
