Natural Perfumes Blog

Benefits of Natural Perfumes

June 21st, 2023 by

There are many Benefits of Natural Perfumes. When you wear these natural perfumes you will receive these benefits. You will attract abundance or love for example. Wearing these botanical fragrances with intention you are drawing these aspects to you and becoming the intention you have set. I have encoded the magical perfumes using Royal Alchemy and Divine Alchemy. Using my Aromatherapy education I am able to create perfumes for various conditions of the physical body, and the emotional body. Every natural perfume I offer has the intentions of raising awareness of consciousness and raising consciousness itself. These natural fragrances include higher vibrations and empowerment when worn. Many people tell me they feel so good when they wear my natural perfumes.  

Abundance –  Josephine, Petit Trianon,Vert, Intimacy

Anxiety – Sacred Frankincense 4

Aphrodisiac –  Sacred Elixir Collection, Temptress

Beautiful –  To feel more beautiful. Luscious Roses

Calming – Royal Alchemy Collection

Centered – Napoleon  Royal Alchemy Collection

Clarity of Life Purpose – Napoleon

Confidence – Contessa, Indulgence,  Napoleon

Consciousness – or awareness of consciousness – all perfumes are encoded with higher consciousness

Depression – Reveiller eau de toilette Happy, Sunshine

Empowering – Radiance,  Women’s Empowerment Collection

Grounding – Italian Smoke, Napoleon

Heart Chakra Opening – Luscious Roses,  Indulgence

High Vibrations – All perfumes are encoded with higher vibrations of love and above on the Hawkins scale. Infinity is even higher.

Hormones – Sacred Elixir Collection

Infinite Possibilities –  The Sovereign Collection

Intimacy – Take your intimacy to the next level.   Sacred Elixir Collection, Italian Leather

Joy – All perfumes are encoded with Joy energy!

Love – All perfumes are encoded with love and above on the Hawkins scale.

Meditation – Timeless,  Royal Alchemy Collection

Miracles – Exalted

Peace – Timeless

Power – Napoleon

Protection – Royal Alchemy Collection,  Luscious Roses 

Relaxation – Royal Alchemy Collection

Self Esteem – Opulence,  Indulgence

Self Love – Luscious Roses, Indulgence

Sensuality – Sensual EmbraceContessaDark Mistress

Sexual Problems or Sex related – Sacred Elixir Collection, Italian  Leather

Shielding Your Energy from Harm – Luscious Roses

Sovereignty – The Sovereign Collection, Your Queen-dom  Marie Antoinette, Your King-dom –  Petit Trianon

Stress – Sacred Frankincense 4

Success – Exalted

Uplifting – All perfumes are encoded with uplifting energy!


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