Reawakening the Forgotten Sense
May 3rd, 2017 by JoAnne BassettDo you remember the smells of your childhood? The lily of the valley flowers with their fragile white bells that had an intensely beautiful, green floral smell. How about the smell of the purple iris growing right outside your front door? These smells can bring you right back into the innocence of that time, bypassing all traumas and recovering lost memories. It can provide you with the experience of remembering what it felt like to be free from limiting thoughts. To be an empty vessel, waiting to be filled up with new adventures and life experiences, where anything is possible. For those who have lost the sense of childhood lightness and freedom, this will remind you how to access it. When an explanation to the conscious mind wouldn’t do any good, smell can teleport you back there instantaneously.
Some people use their sense of smell daily without giving it much thought. Do you smell the coffee beans before you put them in the coffee grinder? Smell the freshness of the cream before you pour it into your cup?
Wine connoisseurs rely on the power of their sense of smell to accurately detect what type of wood the barrel was made out of, or the exact city in the exact country a particular wine originated.
Without our sense of smell, food tastes bland and dull. With our sense of smell heightened and fully activated, our entire life experience can be more bright and vivid than we ever thought possible.
People spend money on fine art to please the visual senses, and fine food to please their sense of taste. They listen to good music to please their sense of hearing, and wear fine clothes to please their sense of touch.
Some people might spend $100 on a nice perfume, but how much time do they think about why? How much time do they spend thinking about the role each ingredient plays in their overall life experience? Do they know the difference it can make in their life carrying the frequency of a $3,000 perfume over a $100 perfume?
I am reawakening the forgotten sense.
My Custom Bespoke Parfums raise your vibrations and consciousness with the high frequency essential oils and absolutes I create with. The divine energy that literally pours into my bottles is life changing and can instantly transform you. These life altering perfumes have amazing oils that smell like nothing you have ever worn before. The energy that you will receive from the perfume is an activation and are coded just for you. These magical potions are created from rare, precious, vintage and organic essential oils.
Are you ready for your new life? Are you ready to summon your life partner? Are you ready to heal and reconnect with your inner child and shift your relationships?
I invite you to order a Custom Bespoke Parfum today!