Natural Perfumes Blog


December 6th, 2019 by

If you don’t feel purposeful and deeply desire to.

Stanley woke up most days feeling as if he had a grey cloud over his head…

The reason?

What was he doing with his life that REALLY mattered?

Where was he going?

And more importantly…

…what was he going to DO about it?

Many days he felt empty as if he didn’t have any meaning…

Sure he had family and friends…

And he knew he was loved.

But he just KNEW there was something else he was meant for…

But what?

Now if you can relate with Stanley at all…

Here’s some good news.

Purpose isn’t what you DO…

…it’s who you are BEING.

But the truth is BEING isn’t always easy these days.

Breaking free from the beliefs and the barriers in life can be an overwhelming, if not, invisible problem to solve.

The good news is this can change in a matter of 7 to 14 days…

Using the new Mastery 2020 Collection of eau de perfume’s.

PURPOSE is just one of three magical perfumes that you use to anoint yourself daily…

Just apply 5 drops to your heart and any place you are called to or use the travel spray on your solar plexus and your heart.

And typically in just 7 to 14 days…

…purpose begins to be demonstrated in your life.

And you’ll awake with the sun over your head and purposefulness in your heart.

Would you like details on the Mastery 2020 Collection? (Also includes LOVE and ABUNDANCE)…

If so, just send me an email with PURPOSE and I’ll get you details…

Alchemically in your corner,


P.S. The MASTERY 2020 Collection also makes a beautiful gift to someone you would love to see supported too (like a husband, daughter or close friend).


Everyday feel like groundhog day?

December 5th, 2019 by

Ignites a deep sense of purpose within…

JoAnne here.

Aria knew she was ready for abundance, love and purpose…

But her life reflected anything but.

She thirst for it as if she was long stranded in a desert and craving water to pass her parched lips.

For instance…

She didn’t feel her life was on purpose…

…and she was certain it was affecting her abundance and love life.

What man would want a woman who was uninspired, barely getting by, and having a hard time loving herself?

Everyday she woke up and scraped herself out of bed like a safety razor scraping old paint from the side of a dilapidated house…

This morning was especially hard because, like many nights…

…she had spent the night before staying up late watching a movie she hoped would inspire her.

Instead she just woke up, walked her familiar path to the bathroom and looked into the mirror…

With her eyelids heavy, her eyes red, and her shoulders frumped forward…

She almost felt sorry for who she saw looking back at her.

Never the less…

She knew the show must go on today…

Like every other day.

Her work required her body…

…but her soul was not aligned with it.

And she was ready for a change.


I’m not sure if you can relate…

Even just a little.

But if so, life is about to drastically change.

For Aria and anyone who is ready to be gently opened up to the mastery of their purpose, to ignite the love of their life, and experience rivers of abundance…

THE MASTERY 2020 COLLECTION is the answer.

Would you like to know more?

If so just send me an email with “MASTERY”…

With Alchemy in your corner,

– JoAnne





