Natural Perfumes Blog

Happy Mother’s Day

April 26th, 2024 by


In 14 days we will have another celebration. This time it is a celebration of Mothers.

Mothers come in all shapes and sizes; young and old.  What is my definition of a Mother.  One who is a caregiver.. one who takes care of someone or something.  They can give love and attention to a human being – someone they gave birth to or not,  a pet, an animal, a house plant, a vegetable or flower garden, or any other energetic thing that you deem is worthy of your attention and affection.

On this occasion I would suggest anyone who determines they are a Mother in some shape or form… please celebrate.. Take yourself out for lunch or dinner, buy yourself some healing energetic perfumes that give back to you.  Remember that I add Divine Light and Alchemy to all of the perfumes I create to uplift you to the higher vibrations. Just apply it and smell deeply.

Replenishing your energy and filling up your cup.  What does that look like for you?

I have put my Divine Destiny and Bubble of Divine Love perfumes on a closeout sale at 50% off at Etsy.

I am having a Mother’s Day sale on my whole Etsy store at 20% off on all of the other items. This sale ends on April 30.

If you just want the Perfume Kit at 20% off you can buy it here on my website. 

Have a great day and enjoy the lovely weather and the gifts of Mother Nature.


April Fool’s Day 20% Off Sale

March 26th, 2024 by

Looking at the calendar I marvel at the thought …in a few days I am going to be 70 years old. Wow.. April 1 is my birthday and it is not an April Fool’ s Day joke!

So I decided to have a 20% off sale at Etsy to celebrate this major achievement.  There is even a name for people who are 70 years… it is a septuagenarian.

My rose bushes are leafing out and I notice I have a few buds on some in front of the house. It may be 80 degrees on my birthday… would love to have a rose bloom.

At this point I have pink azaleas, red azaleas, and red camelias blooming in my yard. I notice that I have a peony bush. have not had one for years. The daffodils are all done blooming and many wildflowers – weeds are flowering. A very beautiful time of year.

This photo was taken in 2017 when I lived in Texas… I look like this still accept I no longer color my hair. My hair is now 50% gray/silver and 50% brown.  It’s not photo worthy. Thought it would be all gray at 70 years.

Hope you can take advantage of the sale… so I can clear out some more inventory.  Never started my “retirement” nor did I sell my company. I still have formulas for sale if anyone is interested.

Happy Spring and Happy Birthday to me!

Seize the Day!


St Patty’s Day Sale on Etsy

March 16th, 2024 by

Happy St. Patty’s weekend!

Many shops have sales to clear out inventory so I am offering my few boxes of the Sovereign Collection. These are the remaining purple or gray gift boxes that I have left.

Also I have listed vintage essential oils, and my Perfume Kit which I have a lot of in stock.

The Perfume Kit is a best seller at all of the holidays. It makes a great gift for both men and women. Lately I have been seeing it used for bridal showers, birthdays, and fun parties of friends.

It is on my Etsy store these items are 25% off.  The Sale ends Monday, March 18.  I have the Perfume Kit on my website on 25% off sale on my website also.


Ready To Ship Holiday Gifts

November 23rd, 2023 by

I have been traveling for three weeks.  I have been all the way down the East Coast from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to Sarasota, Florida with the crystal Siesta beach. I  have gone North crossed the mountains to the Midwest. Sharing Thanksgiving with some relatives is a change for me this year. Seeing people I have not seen in a very long time.

There is healing and closure going on for myself and others. The end of the year…and the  beginning of new things in my life.

So I decided to open my Etsy Store and my website JoAnne Bassett so people can order for the holidays. I will be back in 5 to 7 days to begin shipping for December.

Please get your orders in early so I know what needs to be mailed. I am also in the process of moving so I will close my stores again before Christmas.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.  I am grateful for you all and my lovely perfumes that make people smile, feel good and empowered.


I Am Taking A Break – Shops on Vacation Mode

October 25th, 2023 by

Heads up!

Time to take a break, travel and move.  Many changes coming ….

Yes I have been selling perfumes, perfume kits, supplies, etc.   I am also in the process of selling my perfume formulas and my perfume brand JoAnne Bassett.

If there are any natural perfumes, oils, etc. you want…now is the time to purchase them. Some of my perfumes will be removed from my website and my Etsy store  

If you plan to gift my natural perfumes or perfume kits and more for the holidays.. purchase them now.  I doubt if my stores will open again before next year! The last day to order is Saturday, October 28. 

My Etsy shop will show a long shipping time or on vacation… My website will show it is open but I will not fill any order and I will refund all money received.

Have a great holiday season.




Labor Day Sale On Etsy

September 1st, 2023 by

As the leaves start to turn yellow, orange, red and fall from the trees.. I realize Summer is over….The red leaves on the ground remind me that all things must pass.  A new season begins with a chilly 55 degrees this morning…

I have not sold my company and have decided to have a inventory clearance sale on my Etsy store only… 20% off with a $50.00 purchase that ends September 5.  I do not believe in sales. It is poverty thinking that we are not abundant enough to purchase at full price. That being said the game seems to be played in the retail arena offering holiday sales to move inventory. So be it. If this makes someone happy to be able to buy something for themselves now at this lower price than good for you!

Some traveling happened this summer for me.  Most of my free time has been spent nuturing my rose bushes.  Love my rose bouquets I have been enjoying at my computer.  Smells so good…just like my REAL..rose otto I use in my all natural perfume….

FYI – If you read a description or review that says “the perfume lasts all day” just know that it is not natural and most likely created with toxic synthetic laboratory created fragrance oil.  Natural perfumes with strong base notes can last 8 hours or so …but never all day.  Clean perfume is just marketing.. and any fragrance that has no color is decolorized.. synthetic lab materials.. not created from live plants and flowers… people still buy into this marketing.

Real botanical… natural perfumes looks like this photo of my eau de perfumes.. natural color from the plant material.

I have been designing botanical fragrances – plant perfumes since 1993. I am a Master Perfumer. Being a Luxury Natural Perfumer, I create French Classic Perfumes. I also consider the healing aspects of the oils and utilize those with intention. I invoke the Divine and work with energy and intention. Wearing my all natural fragrances will raise your vibration, raise your consciousness, and uplift you. I am a “Master of Energy” and I have encoded these fragrances to support you.

Do you need help CHOOSING A FRAGRANCE? Go to this information page.

Have a fun Labor Day weekend.. and please do not work…


Essential Oils For Sale on Etsy

May 24th, 2023 by

After selling a large number of Perfume Kits I have decided to offer a 1 oz amber bottle of some of the essential oils.

Many people want the larger sizes to create their own natural perfumes or aromatherapy type products. They have learned how to blend the essential oils from using the perfume kit.

I have added other perfume supplies like perfume bottles, blotters, pipettes and more to my Etsy store under Perfumer’s Corner

I offer the Perfume Kit on my website. I do not offer the Perfumer’s Corner supplies on my website

Etsy continues to mess with the stores and store owners there.  They show your store more if you offer free shipping after spending $35.00, if you run ads, and if you offer sales.  They also judge you on shipping, reviews, and speedy replys to messages. I appreciate all of you who take the effort to offer a 5 star review. If you do not do these things your store may not be seen.. or you will be in the back pages of search.  On that note .. seeing your views drop to small numbers you decide to offer 10% discount… I have a 10% Memorial Day discount at my Etsy store only until May 28.

No Alcohol EDP Perfumes is a category on my Etsy store now.  I have listed the Sacred Elixir Collection to start. Let me know if there are others you would like created in the EDP strength without the alcohol.


Mother’s Day Gifts

May 8th, 2023 by

Mothers come in many different categories… Mothers, Stepmothers, Grandmothers, Plant Mothers, Pet Mothers, etc.  I am a Mother to my perfumes and perfume formulas.. I am also a Mother to houseplants, vegetable plants, and rose bushes.  That is a lot of human children… but many other children I tend to…

I choose to participate in celebrating myself as I am always busy tending to something also.

A Mother’s Day tradition is to honor a Mother with a gift. A lovely energetic gift that will put a smile on their face is a natural perfume from one of my collections.  There are many perfumes to choose from in many fragrance categories. Citrus and floral are very popular choices for Spring and Summer.  I have compiled a listing of them on my page Choosing a Scent 

Sacred Elixir Collection

Some of my favorites are:

Opulence with the elegance and delight of orange blossoms! A light scent that is so happy to wear.

Ecstasy with Alba rose otto the “flower of light”, jasmine, amber and vanilla to create a fantastic perfume that will envelop you.

Luscious Roses a most precious natural rose perfume containing vanilla, tuberose and 6 different “real” roses.  This is unheard of… most rose perfume on the market is the toxic, synthetic rose fragrance made in a lab.  How can you possibly wear that poison?  To me it is like wearing Roundup weed killer… let that sink in.

Choose your size from 1 ml eau de perfume, 4 ml parfum, 5 ml eau de perfume travel sprayer,  6 ml parfum, and 1 oz eau de perfume.  Do not forget the Divine and Royal Alchemy I add to all of my precious, complex perfumes.

There are also some perfume supplies, gift box sets of botanical perfume, essential oils, etc on my Etsy store.

Enjoy the ritual of applying a natural scent daily … uplift your vibration, feel better, feel more love for yourself and others while opening your heart chakra… it starts there…

Happy Mothers Day to all.
