Natural Perfumes Blog

Autumn Equinox Natural Perfume

September 13th, 2020 by

The first day of fall is the end to summer and the beginning of cooler temperatures and beautiful fall color. The leaves are just starting to change here in North Carolina. The overnight temperatures have started dipping into the 50’s. I have added blankets to my bed and enjoy sitting on my deck looking up at the trees in this cooler weather. Some rain cools the air and everything is a beautiful green. The Fall Equinox is Wednesday, September 22 this year.

In the northern hemisphere, the days become shorter as we prepare for winter and turn inward to focus on our spiritual and inner world.

This balance of equal day and night echoes the archetype of the Sun’s entry into Libra – the sign of partnership and balance.

The equinox is the day the sun moves into Libra. It is a cardinal sign and cardinal signs are about beginnings, thus this equinox is a way to start new.

If you would like the new energy of Libra and balance in your life you will want to order these perfumes…You can order these and use them throughout the year when you need support with balance and relationships…Who doesn’t need more of that? With all of the chaos and drama of the changes happening around us.. and the election coming.. it will only escalate more.


I am creating Autumn Equinox Natural Perfumes on Wednesday, September 22 to capture this powerful energy.

5 ml Autumn Equinox Eau de Perfume

This perfume will be encoded and I will perform Divine Alchemy on it. Order as many as you want as this will not be available again.

You will receive a 5 ml royal blue travel sprayer of eau de parfum in a royal blue organdy bag.  16% fragrance strength.


4 ml Autumn Equinox Perfume

This perfume will be encoded and will be filled with Divine Golden Light and Royal Alchemy has been performed on it. 

You will receive a 4 ml Autumn Equinox Perfume in an ivory satin bag.  32% fragrance strength.


These are a one time thing and will only be available to those who pre order. The  cut off time is Sunday, September 20 at 5 pm EST …no exceptions.

I will also be creating Custom Perfume Potions and Custom Perfumes on the New Moon on September 17.  Now is the time for new beginnings! Get your orders in now.  I will create these in the order they are received…


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