Natural Perfumes Blog

My Inner Child Speaks! She is Ready to be Healed!

April 14th, 2017 by

Today I unwrapped some of my old guilt and shame I have been holding. I had an awakening session with Daniel Raphael and it was utterly amazing. He is truly a wizard! During his 1 hour process on the phone we uncovered some deep dirt I have been holding and keeping buried for most of my life. My root chakra was not functioning properly with all of the hate, anger, sexual abuse and more I held there. I felt I was only wanted for sex and not loved. I thought I could receive love through sex. I was disillusioned.

Some sexual abuse as a small child came up, abuse that I buried in my vagina and held it there as anger, a miscarriage at 18 years old, and years of sexual abuse, rape, and general feelings of unworthiness. My guilt and shame around my sexual abuse, and my Mother’s hate and not wanting me because I was another girl when she wanted a boy. She had 5 girls and I was supposed to be a boy. All of these contributed to my not being able to receive the love, support, and the feelings of “I deserve better”. This old energy was playing with my mind and the stories I was holding on to would not allow me to receive any new beliefs or have my physical needs met at any great level. I was always giving and giving and my energy was scattered out to all of these people and there was not any for me. I was wired to give so much more than receive and I cared so much about other people I did not allow myself to have the love and everything I needed.

I strongly suggest you contact Daniel Raphael at his email address and please tell him I sent you. I have been to healers before and have done a number of things to heal my root chakra and this guilt and shame. Today I feel I released and let go of a lifetime of garbage that was ready to go. It was quick and easy and I feel lighter.

A new product offering was revealed today as a result of this session. My new offering is my Inner Child Custom Bespoke Parfum that will heal your inner child. This is a one of a kind custom just for you.  It is not a stock perfume created for everyone! This channeled, custom parfum will also assist you in calling in your twin flame or life partner. I will be sharing more about this later.

I am interested in seeing what your inner wound is. Send me a message on my contact form or private message me if you are called to learn more.
