Natural Perfumes Blog

Portal Perfumes and More

November 9th, 2021 by

I am getting ready to fly North for a week.  That will mean I will be gone during the 11:11 portal.

In June when I announced I was selling my perfume formulas, perfume supplies, perfume kits, and all perfumes, essential oils and absolutes in inventory that meant I was no longer creating portal perfumes, custom potions or custom perfumes.

What I would like to see is people buying my natural perfumes that are encoded, activated with royal and divine alchemy perfumes that are available on my website and my Etsy site. My Bubble of Divine love and other transformational perfumes are all lit up and ready for you to experience.  All of my perfumes have been activated and encoded to high frequencies and are in the Love and above category on the Hawkins scale.  Those include Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment.

My Goddess Collection  added in 2021 with Lakshmi, Quan Yin, Isis, Bastet and Thoth are splendid and everyone must experience these energies.

Also my latest Private Reserve Perfumes People have paid as much as $5,000 to experience a Custom Perfume with these expensive and rare natural essences. I am offering them at $50 each as an eau de parfum in a travel sprayer. These are luxury perfumes I am offering until the raw materials are gone. When the oils are gone the listings will be deleted.

With the busy holiday season coming my wish is that we support the small businesses like JoAnne Bassett perfumes.  Why do we need to worry about the cheap junk we buy from China waiting on container ships to be off loaded?  Forget about the cheap junk of the big box stores.  Support your local small businesses and online businesses who depend on your sales to make a living for their families.  Please Shop America.  Let’s grow our economy!


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