Natural Perfumes Blog

Invite Love Now

November 24th, 2019 by

If you’re ready to invite “the love of your life” in…

I’ve heard it said you can’t force seeds to grow, but you can certainly ensure to enrich the soil to invite the greatest possibility of growth…

The same thing is true when it comes to attracting deep intimacy and love into your life.

Yesterday I asked…

…if anyone would be open to a Love Perfume Potion customized to your energy field and body where it’s infused with alchemy and intention that says to the universe, “I’m Ready For Love”.

And it typically delivers results in 6 months.

Now, like I said yesterday, I know it’s not a normal thing for someone to suggest…

…maybe even a little hard to believe that you will be ready for love in 6 months and “available” to meet the “love of your life.”

So I’m not sure you would be open for this (even though it’s customized)?

But because I got a lot of folks reaching out to me yesterday…

I’m just wondering if you’d like to ensure the ground is “fertile” to grow love in your life…

If so let me know, and if there’s enough interest I’m very close to putting together something special for you.

Just send me an email in the Contact Form or send me a private message.

– JoAnne



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