Natural Perfumes Blog

Will You Join Me April 3?

April 2nd, 2019 by

You’ll want to be a Part of This….

I am appearing on the You Wealth Revolution telesummit with Darius on Wednesday, April 3.  I am so looking forward to connecting with you all and spreading my message and energy around the world. I NEED your help! Please sign up at this link.

Please also share this link and my blog post or message with your friends and on social media if you will.

Make sure you have signed up to receive the series so you can get my free gift and receive the replay in your inbox.

Sign up here:

My topic will be Detaching From The False Light Matrix!

It will be Wednesday, April 3rd at 1 pm PT/ 4 pm ET

The Quickest Way to ‘Life Transformation.’  How 94.2% Had ‘Life Transformation’ Without Struggle…

This Could Change Everything…

I know you’re super busy, but I think you’ll LOVE this 😉

For nearly a decade more than 3.5 million in over 190 countries have attended Darius Barazandeh’s You Wealth Revolution event.

It’s the premier and largest online energy ‘soul’ healing event!

Get immediate FREE online access here>>


“I’m calmer, happier, clearer…I’m a different person than I was a year ago” – Sahari M.


Plus, you’ll get access to a DAILY wellspring of priceless LIVE help, 1-on-1 interaction, wisdom and daily energy practices to:

– Ascend to your SPECIAL and TRUE vibration WITHOUT having to dig up the past or re-experience old memories…

– Naturally FREE yourself of ‘energy’ blocks and drains – while you overflow with support and soul abundance

– Discover PERSONAL access to an infinite source energy that guides, protects and lifts you above ‘struggle’…

– Easily CONNECT to a NEW vibration of who and what you truly are…

– Finally, BE THE LIGHT and a WAYSHOWER to friends and family…

It’s FREE – and the biggest energy healing event of the year


($67 Value) Don’t Miss This Limited-Time FREE Gift for You.

P.S. With Your Encoded Audio Gift: Darius says you will double your attraction to abundance, peace and love in just 57 seconds!

>>Support Me on Darius’ Show and Get Your GIFT Audio Mp3

Here’s just a few more comments from past participants:


“I am the happiest I have ever been”


“Miracles! I am surrounded by miracles”


“FAST transformation beyond recognition”


“Absolutely I cannot count the ways I have changed…

and became so much calmer and happier”


“Gradually everything changed by listening…from finances, relationships and health”


“I have found a JOY and a peace I never thought was possible”

P.P.S. Short on Time?

>>You’ll get access to each ‘quantum field’ transmission replay (including mine)


I Will Be On A Telesummit

February 26th, 2019 by

I have been invited to appear on  the You Wealth Revolution with Darius on Wednesday, April 3. I would love for you all to join me so please sign up so you can!  Sign up here.

Recently I channeled a new magical Collection of Perfumes and it will be an exclusive offering through this telesummit. Make sure you sign up at the link to receive the special offering at amazing prices just for you!

The world’s largest online energy healing event is starting NOW!

For nearly a decade more than 3.5 million people have attended the You Wealth Revolution.

Each day you’ll be ‘energetically’ activated to open the door to breakthroughs in your vitality, energy and abundance…without struggle!

For joining today you’ll get a FREE MP3 Quantum Awakening™ – DNA Spa 852 Hz Audio Mp3.

This NEW encoded audio gift will open up your energy field and your experience a profound shift in just 7 Minutes!

Sign up here:
