Natural Perfumes Blog

Buying My Perfume Formulas

August 19th, 2021 by

In June I announced I was selling my perfume formulas, natural perfumes, rare essential oils, perfume supplies, etc.  I am happy to announce I  have sold quite a few of my 60+ formulas.  One person told me what an opportunity. Yes it is. I am selling the formula; both with and without the alchemy connected to the formula,  the rare ingredients I have used to make them, the bottles, and other essential oils in bulk. This is like buying a turn key business… kind of like a franchise without the huge franchise fees.  I have offered to teach how to make my perfumes using the formulas for a price and have taught one buyer in person.  I am trying to make the transition for the new formula owners as easy as possible for them. Rare oils and perfume supplies are sold on my Etsy store.

Many inquiries have come in.  Some people want to expand their existing personal care product lines, some want to create a new business, etc.  What I know is that now is the ultimate best time to get started.  Why you ask?  The holiday time is the best time of the year for perfume sales. Have you heard the term Christmas in July?  Well many retailers are getting their ducks in a row.. what are they offering for the holidays.  From Black Friday in November to the end of December is the time some companies make their “whole year in sales” in 6 weeks or less. I am not kidding!  If you are considering this proposal there is no time to lose.  You need to get started… get perfumes made.. all of the details ironed out.  Labels, packaging and more. Photos need to be taken and your website launched.  If you are adding the natural perfumes to your line … your brand, you need to plan it.  Marketing.. and more.

If it is a question of not having the money to buy the perfume formulas, rare oils, supplies, etc.  I can tell you a secret.  Many new companies come into being on a daily basis with someone borrowing money from family or friends. Also many others have started their business with credit cards.. a line of credit, financing of some sort.  Go online and see the stories of successful people who started with a $4,000 credit card that had the limit raised. They then applied for more cards until they had enough to buy what they wanted. This is an investment… an investment in you and your future.

If you read some of the stories you will discover they may have been able to pay the credit cards off in a timely manner when they started making sales. This is what I am talking about getting started now.  The Christmas season is usually the biggest sales event of the year.

I am looking forward to see who else is called to carry on my legacy… I have made it really easy for you offering all of the parts for sale so you don’t have to research everything like I did!

The name of the first perfume I created for sale to the public was Le Voyage…. which in French means the journey.  That is how I started.. it has been a journey of which I am so grateful for.

Also I will add I am going for a 10 day trip to Italy in September and a fall color and family event in November.

The time is now.

If you are not moving forward you are standing still or worse yet.. going backward! Let’s live our best life yet! What are you waiting for?

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