Goddess Collection

Lakshmi Eau de Perfume

A Goddess is a female deity. Goddesses have been linked with virtues such as beauty, love, sexuality, motherhood, and fertility.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfilment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant.

When I visited India in the summer of 2001 I went to pink lotus ponds and watched how they cut the lotus flowers.  I was given a pink lotus and I carried it in my purse for 4 days without water. I was told that is very “auspicious”.

The pink lotus flower and oil represents wealth, creativity, and more. I was able to purchase large quantities of pink lotus hydro distilled essential oil.  This is not the pink lotus absolute from India being sold.  This is a rare hydro distillation which means the essential oil is very concentrated. It was very expensive as it takes a lot of pink lotus flowers to create it. For 20 years I have mostly put the pink lotus oil in the Custom Perfumes I create. Now that I no longer create custom perfumes. I have decided to offer some of this precious oil in a new perfume. Lakshmi came to me and told me the details of the perfume and what to charge.

It is a very potent, esoteric oil.  The two main essential oils in this beautiful eau de perfume are the hydro distilled pink lotus essential oil of India and the hydro distilled Oman Frankincense essential oil. There are other essential oils also in this perfume.

When I had my Le Bijou perfume boutique in La Jolla, CA I offered a meditation class.  I would put a drop of this pink lotus oil on everyone’s  third eye.  The effects were immediate.  It was calming and altering at the same time.

My disclaimer for this potent perfume…please ONLY wear this eau de perfume at night when you are home and will not be driving or going anywhere.  Put a drop on your third eye (between your eyebrows) and on your heart and anywhere else you are called.  You can do this before meditation or before bed.

This eau de perfume will be 16% fragrance strength in organic grape alcohol and will be packaged in a 6 ml glass cube perfume bottle in an ivory satin bag.

You will receive a 6 ml Lakshmi Eau de Perfume in an ivory satin bag. 

Price $108.00

Pay for it on Venmo – @JoAnne-Bassett-5

Quan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

When I visited a good friend in Sedona we went to an art gallery. This beautiful brass Quan Yin was there. I was enthralled with her and had conversation with her. She wanted to come home with me. I asked the owner about this particular pose. She said this is the “Royal Pose” and is called “stepping into service”. Her foot rests on a lotus leaf. This was the year I opened my perfume boutique in La Jolla, California. I named it Le Bijou, the jewel. There are no accidents. I brought her to my store and she served me well as I served my new clients.

The precious natural, raw material I chose for this natural perfume is Orris Root, or Iris Root. It is very expensive and is a timely process to create the material. The roots of the Iris come from Italy and have to be dried for 3 years before they can make this.

When you add this natural substance to a perfume it lends a powdery effect. It is very lovely and rare to receive the quality I have. There are other essential oils also in this perfume. You will enjoy the alchemy I have performed on this delightful natural perfume.

This eau de perfume will be 16% fragrance strength in organic grape alcohol and will be packaged in a 6 ml glass cube perfume bottle in an ivory satin bag.

You will receive a 6 ml Quan Yin Eau de Perfume in an ivory satin bag. 

Price $108.00

Pay for it on Venmo – @JoAnne-Bassett-5

Isis – Goddess of magic and wisdom 

Isis was known for her magical power, which enabled her to revive Osiris and to protect and heal Horus, and for her cunning.

By virtue of her magical knowledge, she was said to be “more clever than a million gods”.  Notice the throne headdress. 

I remember being a High Priestess at the Isis Temple. I have so many memories there.

While in Egypt I purchased a special desert rose otto that I have used in this perfume.  Wear this perfume and feel the power of the Goddess Isis.

This eau de perfume will be 16% fragrance strength in organic grape alcohol and will be packaged in a 6 ml glass cube perfume bottle in an ivory satin bag.

You will receive a 6 ml Isis Eau de Perfume in an ivory satin bag. 

Price $108.00

Pay for it on Venmo – @JoAnne-Bassett-5
